若要选择 Collection 对象的特定成员,请使用 or 方法。and 方法需要一个字符串形式的键,其中表示项的名称。对于大多数集合,Item 方法是隐含的,这意味着您实际上不需要使用方法。ItemGetAtItemGetAt 对于某些 Collection 对象,还可以使用索引号来指定要检索的集合中项的位置。您可以使用的方法因您使用的语言以及您使用的符号表或字典而异。 以下语句说明如何访问图层符号表中的“MyLayer”表记录。 VB.NETacObjId = acLyrTbl.Item("MyLayer") acObjId = acLyrTbl("MyLayer") C#acObjId = acLyrTbl["MyLayer"]; VBA/ActiveX 代码参考acLayer = ThisDrawing.Layers.Item("MyLayer") acLayer = ThisDrawing.Layers("MyLayer") 循环访问 LayerTable 对象以下示例循环访问对象并显示其所有图层表记录的名称:LayerTable VB.NETImports Autodesk.AutoCAD.Runtime Imports Autodesk.AutoCAD.ApplicationServices Imports Autodesk.AutoCAD.DatabaseServices <CommandMethod("IterateLayers")> _ Public Sub IterateLayers() '' Get the current document and database, and start a transaction Dim acDoc As Document = Application.DocumentManager.MdiActiveDocument Dim acCurDb As Database = acDoc.Database Using acTrans As Transaction = acCurDb.TransactionManager.StartTransaction() '' This example returns the layer table for the current database Dim acLyrTbl As LayerTable acLyrTbl = acTrans.GetObject(acCurDb.LayerTableId, _ OpenMode.ForRead) '' Step through the Layer table and print each layer name For Each acObjId As ObjectId In acLyrTbl Dim acLyrTblRec As LayerTableRecord acLyrTblRec = acTrans.GetObject(acObjId, OpenMode.ForRead) acDoc.Editor.WriteMessage(vbLf & acLyrTblRec.Name) Next '' Dispose of the transaction End Using End Sub C#using Autodesk.AutoCAD.Runtime; using Autodesk.AutoCAD.ApplicationServices; using Autodesk.AutoCAD.DatabaseServices; [CommandMethod("IterateLayers")] public static void IterateLayers() { // Get the current document and database, and start a transaction Document acDoc = Application.DocumentManager.MdiActiveDocument; Database acCurDb = acDoc.Database; using (Transaction acTrans = acCurDb.TransactionManager.StartTransaction()) { // This example returns the layer table for the current database LayerTable acLyrTbl; acLyrTbl = acTrans.GetObject(acCurDb.LayerTableId, OpenMode.ForRead) as LayerTable; // Step through the Layer table and print each layer name foreach (ObjectId acObjId in acLyrTbl) { LayerTableRecord acLyrTblRec; acLyrTblRec = acTrans.GetObject(acObjId, OpenMode.ForRead) as LayerTableRecord; acDoc.Editor.WriteMessage("\n" + acLyrTblRec.Name); } // Dispose of the transaction } } VBA/ActiveX 代码参考Sub IterateLayers() ' Iterate through the collection On Error Resume Next Dim lay As AcadLayer Dim msg As String msg = "" For Each lay In ThisDrawing.Layers msg = msg + lay.Name + vbCrLf Next ThisDrawing.Utility.prompt msg End Sub 在 LayerTable 对象中查找名为 MyLayer 的图层表记录以下示例检查对象以确定名为 MyLayer 的图层是否存在,并显示相应的消息:LayerTable VB.NETImports Autodesk.AutoCAD.Runtime Imports Autodesk.AutoCAD.ApplicationServices Imports Autodesk.AutoCAD.DatabaseServices <CommandMethod("FindMyLayer")> _ Public Sub FindMyLayer() '' Get the current document and database, and start a transaction Dim acDoc As Document = Application.DocumentManager.MdiActiveDocument Dim acCurDb As Database = acDoc.Database Using acTrans As Transaction = acCurDb.TransactionManager.StartTransaction() '' Returns the layer table for the current database Dim acLyrTbl As LayerTable acLyrTbl = acTrans.GetObject(acCurDb.LayerTableId, _ OpenMode.ForRead) '' Check to see if MyLayer exists in the Layer table If Not acLyrTbl.Has("MyLayer") Then acDoc.Editor.WriteMessage(vbLf & "'MyLayer' does not exist") Else acDoc.Editor.WriteMessage(vbLf & "'MyLayer' exists") End If '' Dispose of the transaction End Using End Sub C#using Autodesk.AutoCAD.Runtime; using Autodesk.AutoCAD.ApplicationServices; using Autodesk.AutoCAD.DatabaseServices; [CommandMethod("FindMyLayer")] public static void FindMyLayer() { // Get the current document and database, and start a transaction Document acDoc = Application.DocumentManager.MdiActiveDocument; Database acCurDb = acDoc.Database; using (Transaction acTrans = acCurDb.TransactionManager.StartTransaction()) { // Returns the layer table for the current database LayerTable acLyrTbl; acLyrTbl = acTrans.GetObject(acCurDb.LayerTableId, OpenMode.ForRead) as LayerTable; // Check to see if MyLayer exists in the Layer table if (acLyrTbl.Has("MyLayer") != true) { acDoc.Editor.WriteMessage("\n'MyLayer' does not exist"); } else { acDoc.Editor.WriteMessage("\n'MyLayer' exists"); } // Dispose of the transaction } } VBA/ActiveX 代码参考Sub FindMyLayer() ' Use the Item method to find a layer named MyLayer On Error Resume Next Dim ABCLayer As AcadLayer Set ABCLayer = ThisDrawing.Layers("MyLayer") If Err <> 0 Then ThisDrawing.Utility.prompt "'MyLayer' does not exist" Else ThisDrawing.Utility.prompt "'MyLayer' exists" End If End Sub 相关概念父主题: |
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