



ActiveX 开发指南

AutoLISP 和 ActiveX/VBA 比较参考 (VBA/ActiveX)

2023-1-4 18:13| 发布者: admin| 查看: 806| 评论: 0|来自: AutoCAD

摘要: AutoLISP 函数与类似的 ActiveX®以及 VBA 函数和运算符。

AutoLISP 函数与类似的 ActiveX®和 VBA 函数和运算符之间的比较。

ActiveX 自动化等效项由“AutoCAD.Application”指示,VBA 等效项作为函数或运算符列出。

Visual LISP 和 ActiveX/VBA 比较
AutoLISP 函数 ActiveX 或 VBA 等效项
+ (添加) +(加法运算符)
- (减法) - (减法运算符)
* (乘法) *(乘法运算符)
/(部门) /(除法运算符)
=(等于) =(等于比较运算符)
/=(不等于) <>(不等于比较运算符)
<(小于) <(小于比较运算符)
<=(小于或等于) <=(小于或等于比较运算符)
>(大于) >(大于比较运算符)
>=(大于或等于) >=(大于或等于比较运算符)
~(按位不) 不是运算符
1+(增量) 使用 +(加法运算符)
1-(递减) 使用 -(减法运算符)
腹肌 腹肌功能
acad_colordlg 未提供
acad_helpdlg 在联机帮助索引中搜索帮助
acad_strlsort 在联机帮助索引中搜索 SORT
action_tile 使用对话框编辑器
add_list 使用对话框编辑器
广告 AutoCAD.Application.ListADS 方法
警报 消息框函数
角度 AutoCAD.Application.ActiveDocument.Utility.AngleFromXAxis 方法
安格托夫 AutoCAD.Application.ActiveDocument.Utility.AngleToReal 方法
安托斯 AutoCAD.Application.ActiveDocument.Utility.AngleToString 方法
附加 使用数组操作函数
应用 未提供
ARX AutoCAD.Application.ListARX 方法
arxload AutoCAD.Application.LoadARX 方法
arxunload AutoCAD.Application.UnloadARX method
ascii Asc function
assoc Not provided
atan Atn function
atof CDbl Function
atoi CInt Function
atom Search for IS in the online Help index
atoms-family Not provided
autoarxload Not provided
autoload Not provided
boole Use logical operators
boundp Search for IS in the online Help index
car/cdr Use array manipulation functions
chr Chr function
client_data_tile Use the Dialog Editor
close AutoCAD.Application.Documents.Close method
command AutoCAD.ActiveDocument.SendCommand method
cond Select Case statement
cons Use array manipulation functions or AutoCAD.Application.collection.Add<entityname> method
cos Cos function
cvunit Use the conversion functions
defun The keywords Function and End Function
dictadd AutoCAD.Application.ActiveDocument.Dictionaries.Add method
dictnext AutoCAD.Application.ActiveDocument.Dictionaries.Item method
dictremove AutoCAD.Application.ActiveDocument.Dictionaries.Dictionary.Delete method
dictrename AutoCAD.Application.ActiveDocument.Dictionaries.Dictionary.Rename method
dictsearch AutoCAD.Application.ActiveDocument.Dictionaries.Dictionary.GetName and GetObject methods
dimx_tile and dimy_tile Use the Dialog Editor
distance AutoCAD.Application.Utility.GetDistance for interactive method
distof Not provided
done_dialog Use the Dialog Editor
end_image Use the Dialog Editor
end_list Use the Dialog Editor
entdel AutoCAD.Application.ActiveDocument.collection_object.Delete method
entget properties
entlast AutoCAD.Application.ActiveDocument.Modelspace.Item(count-1)
entmake AutoCAD.Application.ActiveDocument.Modelspace.Add<entityname> method
entmakex AutoCAD.Application.ActiveDocument.Modelspace.Add<entityname> method
entmod Use any of the read-write properties for the object
entnext AutoCAD.Application.ActiveDocument.collection.Item method
entsel AutoCAD.Application.ActiveDocument.SelectionSets object/methods/properties
entupd AutoCAD.Application.ActiveDocument.Modelspace.object.Update method
eq Not provided
equal Eqv operator
*error* Error object/method/properties
eval Not provided
exit AutoCAD.Application.Quit method
exp Exp function
expand Not provided
expt ^ (exponentiation operator)
fill_image Use the Dialog Editor
findfile Dir function
fix Fix, Int, CInt functions
float CDbl Function
foreach For Each...Next statement
gc AutoCAD.Application.ActiveDocument.PurgeAll method
gcd Not provided
get_attr Use the Dialog Editor
get_tile Use the Dialog Editor
getangle AutoCAD.Application.ActiveDocument.Utility.GetAngle method
getcfg property
getcname Not provided
getcorner AutoCAD.Application.ActiveDocument.Utility.GetCorner method
getdist AutoCAD.Application.ActiveDocument.Utility.GetDistance method
getenv property
getfiled Use the file dialog
getint AutoCAD.Application.ActiveDocument.Utility.GetInteger method
getkword AutoCAD.Application.ActiveDocument.Utility.GetKeyword method
getorient AutoCAD.Application.ActiveDocument.Utility.GetOrientation method
getpoint AutoCAD.Application.ActiveDocument.Utility.GetPoint method
getreal AutoCAD.Application.ActiveDocument.Utility.GetReal method
getstring AutoCAD.Application.ActiveDocument.Utility.GetString method
getvar AutoCAD.Application.GetVariable method
graphscr AppActivate AutoCAD.Application.Caption
grclear (obsolete) Not provided
grdraw Not provided
grread Not provided
grtext AutoCAD.Application.ActiveDocument.Utility.Prompt method
grvecs Not provided
handent AutoCAD.Application.ActiveDocument.ModelSpace.object.Handle property
help Search for HELP in the online Help index
if If… Then… Else statement
initget AutoCAD.Application.ActiveDocument.Utility.InitializeUserInput method
inters AutoCAD.Application.ActiveDocument.Modelspace.object.IntersectWith method
itoa Str function
lambda Not provided
last arrayname(UBound(arrayname))
length UBound function
list ReDim statement
listp IsArray function
load_dialog Use the Dialog Editor
load AutoLISP is not supported through Automation
log Log function
logand And function
logior Or function
lsh Imp function
mapcar Not provided
max Max function
mem Not provided
member Use collection
menucmd AutoCAD.Application.MenuBar object
menugroup AutoCAD.Application.MenuGroup object
min Min function
minusp Use < 0 syntax
mode_tile Use the Dialog Editor
namedobjdict AutoCAD.Application.ActiveDocument.Dictionaries collection
nentsel AutoCAD.Application.ActiveDocument.SelectionSets.SelectionSet.SelectAtPoint method
nentselp AutoCAD.Application.ActiveDocument.SelectionSets.SelectionSet.SelectAtPoint method
new_dialog Use the Dialog Editor
not Use the logical operators
nth Use object(n) syntax
null IsNull function
numberp TypeName function
open Open function
or Use the logical operators
osnap Not provided (You can use the AutoCAD.Application.SetVariable method to control the OSMODE system variable.)
polar AutoCAD.Application.ActiveDocument.Utility.PolarPoint method
prin1 AutoCAD.Application.ActiveDocument.Utility.Prompt method
princ AutoCAD.Application.ActiveDocument.Utility.Prompt method
print AutoCAD.Application.ActiveDocument.Utility.Prompt method
progn Not provided
prompt AutoCAD.Application.ActiveDocument.Utility.Prompt method
quit AutoCAD.Application.Quit method
quote Not provided
read Not provided
read-char Input function
read-line Line Input function
redraw AutoCAD.Application.ActiveDocument.Modelspace.object.Update method
regapp AutoCAD.Application.ActiveDocument.RegisteredApplications.Add method
rem Mod function
repeat For… Each, While,
reverse Not provided
rtos AutoCAD.Application.ActiveDocument.Utility.RealToString method
set Set function
set_tile Use the Dialog Editor
setcfg property
setfunhelp Not provided
setq Set function
setvar AutoCAD.Application.SetVariable method
sin Sin function
setview AutoCAD.Application.ActiveDocument.Viewports.Viewport.SetView method
slide_image Use the Dialog Editor
snvalid Not provided
sqrt Sqr function
ssadd AutoCAD.Application.ActiveDocument.SelectionSets.Add method
ssdel AutoCAD.Application.ActiveDocument.SelectionSets.SelectionSet.Delete method
ssget AutoCAD.Application.ActiveDocument.SelectionSets.SelectionSet.SelectOnScreen method
ssgetfirst Not provided
sslength AutoCAD.Application.ActiveDocument.SelectionSets.SelectionSet.Count method
ssmemb Compare ID of object with the SelectionSet members
ssname AutoCAD.Application.ActiveDocument.SelectionSets.SelectionSet.Name property
ssnamex Not provided
sssetfirst AutoCAD.Application.ActiveDocument.PickfirstSelectionSet property
startapp Shell function
start_dialog Use the Dialog Editor
start_image Use the Dialog Editor
start_list Use the Dialog Editor
strcase StrConv function
strcat & operator
strlen Len function
subst Not provided
substr Mid function
tablet Not provided
tblnext AutoCAD.Application.ActiveDocument.collection_object.Item method
tblobjname AutoCAD.Application.ActiveDocument.collection_object.Name method
tblsearch AutoCAD.Application.ActiveDocument.collection_object.Name method
term_dialog Use the Dialog Editor
terpri Not provided
textbox method
textpage Not provided
textscr Not provided
trace Not provided
反式 AutoCAD.Application.ActiveDocument.Utility.TranslateCoordinates 方法
类型 类型名称函数
unload_dialog 使用对话框编辑器
取消跟踪 未提供
vector_image 使用对话框编辑器
版本。 AutoCAD.Application.Version 属性
vports AutoCAD.Application.ActiveDocument.Viewports 集合
世界比赛 喜欢运算符
写字符 打印功能
写行 打印功能
xdroom 未提供
xdsize 未提供
零点 使用 = 0 语法







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