看看你是否能理解以下功能。将其与伪代码进行比较,并尝试捕获刚刚描述的几何计算。您可能有一些 AutoLISP 函数对您来说是不熟悉的,如果您需要有关这些功能的帮助,请参阅 AutoLISP 文档。现在,只需阅读代码;不要写任何东西。 (defun gp:Calculate-and-Draw-Tiles (BoundaryData / PathLength TileSpace TileRadius SpaceFilled SpaceToFill RowSpacing offsetFromCenter rowStartPoint pathWidth pathAngle ObjectCreationStyle TileList) (setq PathLength (cdr (assoc 41 BoundaryData)) TileSpace (cdr (assoc 43 BoundaryData)) TileRadius (cdr (assoc 42 BoundaryData)) SpaceToFill (- PathLength TileRadius) RowSpacing (* (+ TileSpace (* TileRadius 2.0)) (sin (Degrees->Radians 60)) ) ;_ end of * SpaceFilled RowSpacing offsetFromCenter 0.0 offsetDistance (/ (+ (* TileRadius 2.0) TileSpace) 2.0) rowStartPoint (cdr (assoc 10 BoundaryData)) pathWidth (cdr (assoc 40 BoundaryData)) pathAngle (cdr (assoc 50 BoundaryData)) ObjectCreationStyle (strcase (cdr (assoc 3 BoundaryData))) ) ;_ end of setq ;; Compensate for the first call to gp:calculate-Draw-tile Row ;; in the loop below. (setq rowStartPoint (polar rowStartPoint (+ pathAngle pi) (/ TileRadius 2.0) ) ;_ end of polar ) ;_ end of setq ;; Draw each row of tiles. (while (<= SpaceFilled SpaceToFill) ;; Get the list of tiles created, adding them to our list. (setq tileList (append tileList (gp:calculate-Draw-TileRow (setq rowStartPoint (polar rowStartPoint pathAngle RowSpacing ) ;_ end of polar ) ;_ end of setq TileRadius TileSpace pathWidth pathAngle offsetFromCenter ObjectCreationStyle ) ;_ end of gp:calculate-Draw-TileRow ) ;_ end of append ;; Calculate the distance along the path for the next row. SpaceFilled (+ SpaceFilled RowSpacing) ;; Alternate between a zero and a positive offset ;; (causes alternate rows to be indented). offsetFromCenter (if (= offsetFromCenter 0.0) offsetDistance 0.0 ) ;_ end of if ) ;_ end of setq ) ;_ end of while ;; Return the list of tiles created. tileList ) ;_ end of defun 代码中的几个部分可能需要一些额外的解释。 以下代码片段发生在循环开始之前:while ;; Compensate for the very first start point!! (setq rowStartPoint(polar rowStartPoint (+ pathAngle pi)(/ TileRadius 2.0))) 找出该算法背后的逻辑的难题分为三部分:
为了补偿在绘制第一行期间(即通过循环的第一个循环)期间的初始前移,您需要向相反方向略微移动。目的是避免在路径边界和第一行之间出现较大的空白空间。一半的量足以移动点。这可以通过使用沿面向180度的矢量投影来实现。如果您考虑一下,这会将点暂时置于路径边界之外。rowStartPointwhilerowStartPointTileRadiuspolarrowStartPointPathAngle 下一个片段(为可读性而修改)可能有点令人费解: (setq tileList (append tileList (gp:calculate-Draw-TileRow (setq rowStartPoint (polar rowStartPoint pathAngle RowSpacing) ) ;_ end of setq TileRadius TileSpace pathWidth pathAngle offsetFromCenter ObjectCreationStyle ) ) ) 从本质上讲,有包裹的,环绕着的调用。setqappendgp:calculate-Draw-TileRow 该函数将返回绘制的每个图块的对象 ID。(对象 ID 指向图形中的平铺对象。您正在逐行绘制磁贴,因此该函数一次返回一行的对象 ID。该函数将新的对象 ID 添加到存储在其中的任何现有对象 ID。gp:calculate-Draw-TileRowappendtileList ; Near the end of the function, you can find the following code fragment: (setq offsetFromCenter (if (= offsetFromCenter 0.0) offsetDistance 0.0 ) ) 这是偏移切换开关,它确定要绘制的行是以路径为中心的圆还是从路径偏移开始。此算法的伪代码如下: ; Set the offset amount to the following: ; If the offset is currently zero, set it to the offset distance; ; Otherwise, set it back to zero. |
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