



AutoLISP 开发指南

Put It All Together(AutoLISP)

2023-1-5 08:10| 发布者: admin| 查看: 408| 评论: 0|来自: AutoCAD



  1. 将函数的旧代码替换为以下内容:gp:drawOutline
    ;;;     Function: gp:drawOutline                                  
    ;;;  Description: This function will draw the outline of the garden
    ;;;               path.                                            
    ;;;  Note: No error checking or validation is performed on the     
    ;;;  BoundaryData parameter.  The sequence of items within this
    ;;;  parameter does not matter, but it is assumed that all sublists
    ;;;  are present and contain valid data.                           
    ;;; --------------------------------------------------------------
    (defun gp:drawOutline (BoundaryData / VLADataPts PathAngle
                                          Width HalfWidth StartPt PathLength
                                          angm90 angp90 p1 p2
                                          p3 p4 polypoints pline
      ;; extract the values from the list BoundaryData
      (setq PathAngle (cdr (assoc 50 BoundaryData))
            Width (cdr (assoc 40 BoundaryData))
            HalfWidth (/ Width 2.00)
            StartPt (cdr (assoc 10 BoundaryData))
            PathLength (cdr (assoc 41 BoundaryData))
            angp90 (+ PathAngle (Degrees->Radians 90))
            angm90 (- PathAngle (Degrees->Radians 90))
            p1 (polar StartPt angm90 HalfWidth)
            p2 (polar p1 PathAngle PathLength)
            p3 (polar p2 angp90 Width)
            p4 (polar p3 (+ PathAngle (Degrees->Radians 180)) PathLength)
            polypoints (apply 'append
                         (mapcar '3dPoint->2dPoint (list p1 p2 p3 p4))
      ;; ***** data conversion *****
      ;; Notice, polypoints is in AutoLISP format, consisting of a list
      ;; of the 4 corner points for the garden path.
      ;; The variable needs to be converted to a form of input parameter
      ;; acceptable to ActiveX calls.
      (setq VLADataPts (gp:list->variantArray polypoints))
      ;; Add polyline to the model space using ActiveX automation.
      (setq	pline (vla-addLightweightPolyline
                     *ModelSpace*; Global Definition for Model Space
                  ) ;_ end of vla-addLightweightPolyline
      ) ;_ end of setq
      (vla-put-closed pline T)
      ;; Return the ActiveX object name for the outline polyline
      ;; The return value should look something like this:
      ;; #<VLA-OBJECT IAcadLWPolyline 02351a34> 
    ) ;_ end of defun

    请注意,now 返回变量,而不是函数的存根版本中使用的带引号的符号。gp:drawOutlinepline'SomeEname

  2. 通过选择刚刚输入的代码并选择 Visual LISP 工具栏上的“设置所选内容的格式”按钮来设置代码的格式。
  3. 启用 ActiveX 并为指向模型空间的指针添加全局变量赋值,如前所述。滚动到文本编辑器窗口的顶部,并在第一个代码之前添加以下代码:defun
    ;;; First step is to load ActiveX functionality. If ActiveX support 
    ;;; already exists in document (can occur when Bonus tools have been 
    ;;; loaded into AutoCAD), nothing happens. Otherwise, ActiveX 
    ;;; support is loaded.                                
    ;;; In Lesson 4, the following comment and code is moved to utils.lsp
    ;;; For ActiveX functions, we need to define a global variable that 
    ;;; "points" to the Model Space portion of the active drawing. This 
    ;;; variable, named *ModelSpace* will be created at load time.      
    (setq *ModelSpace*
            (vla-get-ActiveDocument (vlax-get-acad-object))
          ) ;_ end of vla-get-ModelSpace
    ) ;_ end of setq

    请注意上面的代码是如何存在于任何代码之外的。因此,Visual LISP 会在您加载文件时自动执行代码。defun

  4. 在函数中查找以下行:C:GPath
    (setq PolylineName (gp:drawOutline))


    (setq PolylineName (gp:drawOutline gp_PathData))


  5. 将从点列表构造变体中所示的函数添加到 sp 的末尾。gp:list->variantArray

    尝试加载并运行修订后的程序。Visual LISP 在您看到最终结果之前就从 AutoCAD 中夺走控制权,因此在控件返回到 Visual LISP 之后,请切换回 AutoCAD 窗口。如果程序运行正确,您应该会看到花园路径的边框。如果发现错误,请调试代码,然后重试。







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