Create an AutoLISP Project
- On the Activity bar, click AutoLISP Project Manager.
- In the AutoLISP Project Manager view, on the PROJECT toolbar, click Create a New Project.
- In the Save As dialog box, File Name text box (or Save As text box on Mac OS), type a name for the new project.
- Click Create.
Open an AutoLISP Project
- On the Activity bar, click AutoLISP Project Manager.
- In the AutoLISP Project Manager view, on the PROJECT toolbar, click Open an Existing Project.
- In the Open dialog box, browse to and select the AutoLISP project (PRJ) file to open.
- Click Open Project.
Save an AutoLISP Project
Project files are saved automatically in most situations, but you might need to save a project if an error was encountered.
- Right-click over the name of the current project, and choose Save Project.
Add and Remove Source Files in an AutoLISP Project
- Add a source file
- In the AutoLISP Project Manager view, open an AutoLISP project (PRJ) file.
- Do one of the following:
- On the PROJECT toolbar, click Add File to Project.
- Right-click over the current project's name and choose Add File to Project.
- In the Open dialog box, browse to and select the AutoLISP source (LSP) file to add.
- Click Add to Project.
- Remove a source file
- In the AutoLISP Project Manager view, open an AutoLISP project (PRJ) file.
- Right-click over the AutoLISP source (LSP) file to remove and choose Remove File from Project.
Edit a Source File in an AutoLISP Project
- In the AutoLISP Project Manager view, open an AutoLISP project (PRJ) file.
- Click the LSP file to open and edit it in an editor window.