Acad.CommandFlag 函数
Acad.CommandFlag 函数文件Autodesk.AutoCAD.js
function Acad.CommandFlag();
"MODAL": 0x00000000, // Modal command
"TRANSPARENT": 0x00000001, // Transparent command
"USEPICKSET": 0x00000002, // Use pre-selected objects
"REDRAW": 0x00000004, // Objects are redrawn upon completion of the command
"NOPERSPECTIVE": 0x00000008, // Restricted from perspective views
"NOMULTIPLE": 0x00000010, // Restricted from participating with the MULTIPLE command
"NOTILEMODE": 0x00000020, // Restricted from being used when TILEMODE = 1
"NOPAPERSPACE": 0x00000040, // Restricted from being used in Paper space
"NOOEM": 0x00000100, // Command not supported on AutoCAD OEM
"UNDEFINED": 0x00000200, // Declare command as undefined, can only be invoked via cmdGroupName.cmdGlobalName
"INPROGRESS": 0x00000400, // Indicated as being in progress; Internal use only
"DEFUN": 0x00000800, // Command was defined with the DEFUN function
"LISPASCMD": 0x00001000, // Internal use only
"NONEWSTACK": 0x00010000, // Command does not create a new item on the stack; Internal use only
"NOINTERNALLOCK": 0x00020000, // Document cannot be internally locked
"DOCREADLOCK": 0x00080000, // Not set = DOCWRITELOCK
"SESSION": 0x00200000, // Run command at session level rather than document
"INTERRUPTIBLE": 0x00400000, // Supports OPM display of command properties
"NOHISTORY": 0x00800000, // Command does not become default
"NO_UNDO_MARKER": 0x01000000, // No undo or repeat presence
"NOBEDIT": 0x02000000, // Restricted during Block Editor session
"NOACTIONRECORDING": 0x04000000, // Restricted from Action Recording
"ACTIONMACRO": 0x08000000, // Supports Action Macro command
"RELAXASSOC": 0x10000000, // Allow relaxed network evaluation during drag operation
"CORE": 0x20000000, // Internal use only
"NOINFERCONSTRAINT": 0x40000000, // Disallow Inferring Constraints
"TEMPSHOWDYNDIM": 0x80000000 // Temporaily show dynamic dimensions for selected entities
群ACAD 命名空间
描述使用此枚举指定与 AutoCAD 命令关联的标志。
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