acedCommand 迁移
acedCommand在运行无光纤时,它本身不起作用,因为需要开发人员干预来确定所需的使用类型。有两种迁移路径可供使用。acedCommand 迁移路径基于两个新函数:和 。“S”和“C”前缀分别代表“子例程”和“协程”。选择替换哪个功能取决于 的预期用途。acedCommandSacedCommandCacedCommandacedCommand acedCmdNF.h Content
// Copyright 2023 Autodesk, Inc. All rights reserved.
// Use of this software is subject to the terms of the Autodesk license
// agreement provided at the time of installation or download, or which
// otherwise accompanies this software in either electronic or hard copy form.
#pragma once
#include "acedinpt.h"
#include "acdocman.h"
// acedCmdNF.h:
// Fiberless variants of acedCommand and acedCmd
// plus supporting functions
#ifdef __cplusplus
extern "C" {
#pragma pack (push, 8)
// acedFiberWorld:
// Returns
// true if $FIBERWORLD is 1, and
// false if $FIBERWORLD is 0
// On both Windows-based and Mac-based AutoCAD, by default returns "false"
ACAD_PORT bool acedFiberWorld();
// acedCommandS: syntax-compatible replacement of acedCommand,
// use for "full commands", not partial ones.
// This command essentially begins with its own
// private command line processor, initialized at
// the "Command:" prompt. The commands are executed
// in the same manner as with acedCommand, except that
// when the supplied input has all been executed,
// the private command line processor is deleted
// and the previous command line processor is unchanged
// from when the call is made. modality and
// transparent "builtin" commands may not be nested.
int acedCommandS(int rtype, ...);
// acedCmdS
// Does the same thing with the same restructions as acedCommandS,
// with a resbuf chain rather than a veriable arguments list.
// Two more supplied parameters are intended for future use.
class AcApDocument;
int acedCmdS(const resbuf* rb,
bool forFutureUse = false,
AcApDocument* pForFutureUse = NULL);
// acedCommandC, acedCmdC:
// "coroutine" relationship with calling command processor.
// Queues up the resbuf chain for feeding to the
// calling command processor and stores the "returning"
// callback function pointer and data pointer.
// In the text here, they will be collectively
// referred to as "acedCmdC", which in fact is
// the common implementation. "acedCmd" will represent
// the corresponding legacy command functions.
// After making call, caller must return from its
// command (or defun/regfunc) entry
// point to allow the command processor to process the
// pending command input. Once done with that input,
// AutoCAD will call pReturnFcn, with pReturnFcnParams
// passed in.
// There are some common rules for the use of both acedCmdC
// and acedCmd within a recognized application callback
// (specifically, these functions are only operative within
// specific AutoCAD contexts:
// - a command, registered in ARX via AcEdCommandStack::addCommand
// - a LISP invocation of a function registered via acedDefun
// (and/or acedRegfunc).
// - a coroutine callback passed in from acedCmdC
// - Evaluation of LISP (command) statement evaluation.
// - builtin commands (plus AcEdCommand commands with the
// - Session Fiber Commands (or Application Execution Context)
// - Transparent commands, executed at an input prompt of another
// command in progress (Regardless of builtin or ARX-registered)
// 1. acedCmdC may be invoked from non-LISP calling contexts
// regardless of the $FIBERWORLD
// setting, (the exclusion from transparent commands remains).
// From LISP contexts where acedInvoke() is active (i.e. acedDefun'ed
// functions being called from LISP),
// acedCmdC may only be invoked when $FIBERWORLD is 0.
// acedCmd, in comparison, cannot be invoked unless $FIBERWORLD
// is 1, if done, it will return an error status. It also
// cannot be invoked from builtin commands, nor transparent commands.
// Therefore, function logic running in an acedDefun/acedInvoke
// context should test acedFiberWorld to determine whether
// to run acedCmd or acedCmdC is permissible. Notice that
// acedCmdS is safe to run in this context regardless of the
// $FIBERWORLD setting.
// 2. While it is not a destination in one's migration,
// Command and defun'ed function logic (but not coroutine callbacks,
// described next) may invoke acedCmd any number of times,
// but after making a call to acedCmdC, the function must
// return without making a call to either acedCmdC nor acedCmd.
// If such a call is made, the resbuf chain previously supplied
// by acedCmdC will be replaced with the subsequent chain.
// acedCmd will return an error status and take no action.
// 3. Coroutine continuation functions may call acedCmdC,
// but use of acedCmd will return an error status
// and no action.
// 2. acedCmdS may be used in any of these contexts (and many more)
// and at any time within these contexts.
// It is unobvious to invoke acedCmdS
// after calling acedCmdC and before returning to have its
// input procssed, since the acedCmdS will be executed
// synchronously, but it would work.
// 3. Repeated calls to acedCmdC without returning for processing
// in between will simply erase the earlier acedCmdC contents.
// In other words, only one call will count before returning,
// so don't bother making multiple calls.
// 4. Commands and LISP expressions which use different mixes of
// acedCmd, acedCmdC and acedCmdS may invoke each other
// without regard to the makeup of the other command/expression.
// Command processor modality restrictions will still apply
// such as no nesting of nontransparent commands nor transparent
// commands.
// WARNING: support of these functions in logic operated through
// invocation of functions registered via acedDefun
// is incomplete in ACAD 2011.
typedef int (*AcEdCoroutineCallback)(void* pData);
ACAD_PORT int acedCommandC(AcEdCoroutineCallback pCallback,
void* pReturnFcnParms,
int rtype, ...);
ACAD_PORT int acedCmdC(AcEdCoroutineCallback pCallback,
void* pReturnFcnParms,
const struct resbuf *rb);
// acedPendingCmdCTokens
// This predicate should be checked immediately after calling
// acedInvoke from a function registered via acedDefun that
// has itself been invoked from LISP. If it returns true, then
// the calling
// function should itself also immediately return RSRSLT, without
// necessarily establishing a return value. The tokens will be
// processed, and either the calling function will be called back
// (see acedResumeInvocation below for determining if this is the
// case), or cancel will terminate the rest of the operation.
// Note that acedFiberWorld() must return true for acedCmdC
// to succeed in an acedInvoke context, and for this function to
// return true.
// Returns
// true after a function has invoked acedCmdC
// from a LISP context, and LISP has yet to return.
// See preceding for how to proceed when true is returned.
// false when there are no pending comand tokens, in which
// case the caller should proceed normally.
ACAD_PORT bool acedPendingCmdCTokens();
// acedResumingInvocation
// Returns
// true when in a function registered via acedDefun and/or acedRegFunc
// and invoked from LISP that is being called back after a
// previous invocation called acedCommandC or acedCmdC, (see
// acedPendingCmdCTokens()), either directly or via a nested
// invocation.
// In this case, the function is responsible for
// determining how to resume. If, during its resumption,
// acedCommandC or acedCmdC is invoked again, then after
// returning to process those tokens, the function will be
// "resumed" again, until no call to acedCommandC or acedCmdC
// is made. Because acedCommandC/acedCmdC can be invoked
// regardless of the $FIBERWORLD state, this function can
// also return true, in any case.
// false in all other conditions, including whenever acedFiberWorld()
// is true.
ACAD_PORT bool acedResumingInvocation();
// acedCallBackOnCancel
// If you have made a call to acedCommandC or acedCmdC and wish to
// have your registered callback called when a CANCEL or other error occurs,
// call this function before returning. If you don't call this function
// and a CANCEL or other error occurs, your callback will not be
// called, instead AutoCAD will directly cancel the command state.
ACAD_PORT void acedCallBackOnCancel();
// acedCmdCWasCancelled
// When your registered callback is called in response to a CANCEL or error,
// this function will return true, else it will return false.
ACAD_PORT bool acedCmdCWasCancelled();
#pragma pack (pop)
#ifdef __cplusplus
#endif /* __cplusplus */
// acedPendingFiberlessDocSwitch:
// pNextActiveDocument: Optional parameter to receive the next active document
// if the function returns true. Pass in NULL if the value is not needed.
// Returns
// True if:
// - $FIBERWORLD is 0 and
// - a cancel is in progress and
// - a document switch has been requested but
// hasn't occurred yet,
// else false is returned.
// If a cancel happens at an input prompt and you
// want your command to continue in the new document,
// use something like AcApDocumentManager::sendStringToExecute
// to the new document to perpetuate control.
ACAD_PORT bool acedPendingFiberlessDocSwitch(AcApDocument** pNextActiveDocument = NULL);
acedCommandS在“子例程”中,第一个输入标记被馈送到 Command: 提示符,因此应该启动命令,最后一个输入标记完成命令。“令牌”是命令的一段。在这样的通话中:acedCommandS acedCommand(RTSTR, _T("_Line"), RTSTR, _T("0,0"), RTSTR, _T("111,111"), , RTSTR, _T("") , RTNONE); RTSTR, _T("_Line")是第一个命令令牌,也是最后一个,用于完成 LINE 命令。RTSTR, _T(””) 如果您的调用遵循此协定,则使用 .将上述代码迁移到就像键入额外的“S”一样简单,如下所示:acedCommandacedCommandSacedCommandS acedCommandS(RTSTR, _T("Line"), RTSTR, _T("0,0"), RTSTR, _T("111,111"), RTSTR, _T(""), RTNONE); 但是,如果 acedCommandS 不适合传入足够的令牌来开始命令但不能完成命令。当令牌用完时,任何正在进行的命令都将被取消。部分完成的命令副作用不会回滚。例如,以下语句无法提示用户输入另一个终结点,并且不会向数据库添加新行: acedCommandS(RTSTR, _T("Line"), RTSTR, _T("0,0"), RTNONE); 鉴于此,使用起来比您将看到的要简单得多,您可以通过迁移代码以尽可能使用来节省时间。acedCommandSacedCommandCacedCommandS acedCommandC“协程”可以概括为:在呼叫中,您停下来进行用户交互的任何地方都需要您使用 。acedCommandacedCommandacedCommandC 启用光纤后,在逻辑中负责将控制权返回给AutoCAD进行处理,该逻辑会根据需要切换光纤。禁用光纤后,ARX 命令和 LISP 必须实际返回给调用方。AutoCAD 将调用提供的“回调”函数,以允许 ARX 命令和 LISP 逻辑继续执行。acedCommand 需要协程方法的简单用法示例是 NAMEXXX 中 TYPE2 命令实现的函数:acedCommand static void adskacedCommandTeststype2(void) { acedCommand(RTSTR, _T("Line"), RTSTR, _T("0,0"), RTSTR, _T("111,111"),RTNONE); while(isLineActive()) acedCommand(RTSTR,PAUSE,RTNONE); acutPrintf(_T("\nFinished LINE command - control returned to addin\n")); } 注意:是一个简单的帮助程序功能,用于检查命令是否仍处于活动状态。isLineActive
转换为用法,此代码将如下所示。(为简洁起见,此处删除了注释,但包含的 NAMEYYY 项目已完全注释):acedCommandC static void myCallbackFn1(void * pData) { if (isLineActive()) acedCommandC(&myCallbackFn1, NULL, RTSTR,PAUSE,RTNONE); else acutPrintf(_T("\nFinished LINE command - control returned to addin\n")); } static void adskacedCommandTeststype2(void) { acedCommandC(&myCallbackFn1, NULL, RTSTR, _T("Line"), RTSTR, _T("0,0"), RTSTR, _T("111,111"), RTNONE); } 迁移的 TYPE2 命令的行为存在差异。在示例版本中,即使用户按 ESCAPE 结束 LINE 命令,控制也会返回到函数。在此示例中,按 ESCAPE 键也会取消您自己的命令 – 因此,仅当 LINE 命令通过按 ENTER 或(例如)CLOSE 关键字结束时,才会执行表达式。acedCommandacedCommandCacutPrintf TYPE3 命令实现显示了另一种(不太常见的)协程用法: static void adskacedCommandTeststype3(void) { acedCommand(RTSTR, _T("Line"), RTSTR, _T("0,0"), RTSTR, _T("111,111"),RTNONE); for (int i=0; i<3; ++i) acedCommand(RTSTR, PAUSE, RTNONE); acedCommand(RTSTR, _T(""), RTNONE); acutPrintf(_T("\nFinished LINE command - control returned to addin\n")); } 在这里,我们只是画一条线,并允许用户最多画三条额外的线。 迁移到使用情况后,这将如下所示:acedCommandC static void myCallbackFn2(void * pData) { struct MyData *pCountData = reinterpret_cast<struct MyData *>(pData); if (pCountData->mCount < 3) { acedCommandC(&myCallbackFn2, reinterpret_cast<void *>(pCountData), RTSTR, PAUSE, RTNONE); } else if (pCountData->mCount == 3) { acedCommandC(&myCallbackFn2, reinterpret_cast<void *>(pCountData), RTSTR, _T(""), RTNONE); } pCountData->mCount++; } static void adskacedCommandTeststype3(void) { static struct MyData countData; countData.mCount = 0; acedCommandC(&myCallbackFn2, reinterpret_cast<void *>(&countData), RTSTR, _T("Line"), RTSTR, _T("0,0"), RTSTR, _T("111,111"), RTNONE); } 父主题: |
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