即使AutoCAD在没有光纤的情况下运行,“应用程序上下文”和“文档上下文”之间的区别仍然存在,如返回值所示,但应用程序上下文现在通过“返回”文档上下文逻辑来“切换”。AcApDocManager::isApplicationContext 对于AutoCAD用户和您的应用程序来说,这意味着无法再使用活动命令和/或LISP表达式切换活动文档,并切换回并恢复这些命令。 只有在上一个文档中的所有命令和 LISP 表达式都结束之后,才会完成无光纤文档切换。调用旨在导致文档切换的函数后,应用程序必须返回,AutoCAD 将完成文档切换。文档切换请求包括关闭活动文档或打开/创建新文档。发出此类请求后,输入喉咙将被禁用,直到 AutoCAD 完成文档切换。这可能会导致与文档删除相关的某些反应堆回调的时间存在差异。 定义命令时,设置标志仍表示该命令应在应用程序上下文中运行,这仍会影响某些 API 函数的行为方式。如果 LISP 或其他命令处于活动状态,则与光纤化操作相比,此类命令的执行在内部会延迟,因此某些反应堆回调可能不正常。当没有其他命令或 LISP 处于活动状态时,执行时间的差异应该可以忽略不计。ACRX_CMD_SESSION 鉴于此 MDI API 更改摘要,以下是对以下特定 MDI API 函数的影响,这些函数都在类中定义。为简洁起见,每个函数前面的注释中列出了行为差异,并描述了运行无光纤 AutoCAD 时将看到的不同行为。AcApDocManager class ADESK_NO_VTABLE AcApDocManager : public AcRxObject { public: // Still has meaning in fiberless operations, but the timing of when // the system is in application context differs in two significant ways: // 1. when running fiberless, CLI prompts issued in active commands never // leave document context. In fiberized operations, all prompts // enter and leave application context on every event. // 2. See executeInApplicationContext function, it literally forces // this function to return true, even with active document-related // logic on the stack. This usually works to everyone’s advangate, // but active document switch requests are deferred until all command // and LISP expressions, and it allows one to use appContextCloseDocument, // but in this context, active command logic will likely crash // AutoCAD if the closed document is active. virtual bool isApplicationContext() const = 0; // If activate is true, the actual activation will not occur until after // all commands and LISP are ended, and keyboard/mouse/script input is disabled. virtual Acad::ErrorStatus setCurDocument(AcApDocument* pDoc, AcAp::DocLockMode = AcAp::kNone, bool activate = false) = 0; // Actual activation will not occur until after all commands and LISP are ended // After calling activateDocument, all keyboard and mouse input is disabled // until after the document switch finally occurs. virtual Acad::ErrorStatus activateDocument(AcApDocument* pAcTargetDocument, bool bPassScript = false) = 0; // If activate is true, the actual activation will not occur until after // all commands and LISP are ended, and keyboard/mouse/script input is disabled. virtual Acad::ErrorStatus sendStringToExecute(AcApDocument* pAcTargetDocument, const ACHAR * pszExecute, bool bActivate = true, bool bWrapUpInactiveDoc = false, bool bEchoString = true) = 0; // During document creation, the new document is no longer activated until // its initialization is complete. In fiberized operations, the new // document is activated very early in initialization. virtual Acad::ErrorStatus appContextNewDocument(const ACHAR *pszTemplateName) = 0; virtual Acad::ErrorStatus appContextOpenDocument(const ACHAR *pszDrawingName) = 0; ACCORE_PORT Acad::ErrorStatus appContextPromptNewDocument(); ACCORE_PORT Acad::ErrorStatus appContextPromptOpenDocument(); virtual Acad::ErrorStatus newDocument() = 0; virtual Acad::ErrorStatus openDocument() = 0; // // Caution: This function immediately destroys the active document and // a lot of related data when called from application context, even if it // is artificially set by using executeInApplicationContext. // Use closeDocument whenever it will work for you, it queues up a request // to appContextCloseDocument to be performed at a safer point of execution. ACCORE_PORT Acad::ErrorStatus appContextCloseDocument(AcApDocument* pDoc); virtual Acad::ErrorStatus closeDocument(AcApDocument* pAcTargetDocument) = 0; // Essentially forces the system to behave as if in the application context, even // if a document has active commands. See the note on appContextCloseDocument, // which is especially dangerous when invoked from logic invoked through this // function. virtual void executeInApplicationContext(void (*procAddr)(void *), void *pData ) const = 0; }; 父主题: |
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