



AutoCAD 2024 开发者帮助

计算点数和值 (.NET)

2024-5-18 19:13| 发布者: admin| 查看: 173| 评论: 0|原作者: admin|来自: AutoCAD

计算点数和值 (.NET)

通过使用 Editor 对象以及 Geometry 和 Runtime 命名空间提供的方法,可以快速求解数学问题或定位图形中的点。一些可用的方法包括:

  • 使用 和 方法获取两个 2D 或 3D 点之间的距离GetDistanceToDistanceTo
  • 使用具有返回值属性的方法,使用两个 2D 点从 X 轴获取角度GetVectorToAngle
  • 使用以下方法将角度转换为字符串实数(双精度)值StringToAngle
  • 使用以下方法将角度从实数(双精度)值转换为字符串AngleToString
  • 使用以下方法将字符串的距离转换为实数(双精度)值StringToDistance
  • 查找用户使用该方法输入的两点之间的距离GetDistance
注意:AutoCAD .NET API 不包含用于根据距离和角度(极点)计算点以及转换不同坐标系之间的坐标的方法。如果需要这些实用程序,则需要使用 ActiveX 自动化库中的 and 方法。PolarPointTranslateCoordinates

从 X 轴获取角度

本示例计算两点之间的向量,并确定与 X 轴成平交的角。


Imports Autodesk.AutoCAD.ApplicationServices
Imports Autodesk.AutoCAD.Runtime
Imports Autodesk.AutoCAD.Geometry
<CommandMethod("AngleFromXAxis")> _
Public Sub AngleFromXAxis()
  Dim pt1 As Point2d = New Point2d(2, 5)
  Dim pt2 As Point2d = New Point2d(5, 2)
  Application.ShowAlertDialog("Angle from XAxis: " & _
End Sub


using Autodesk.AutoCAD.ApplicationServices;
using Autodesk.AutoCAD.Runtime;
using Autodesk.AutoCAD.Geometry;
public static void AngleFromXAxis()
  Point2d pt1 = new Point2d(2, 5);
  Point2d pt2 = new Point2d(5, 2);
  Application.ShowAlertDialog("Angle from XAxis: " +

VBA/ActiveX 代码参考

Sub AngleFromXAxis()
    ' This example finds the angle, in radians, between the X axis
    ' and a line defined by two points.
    Dim pt1(0 To 2) As Double
    Dim pt2(0 To 2) As Double
    Dim retAngle As Double
    pt1(0) = 2: pt1(1) = 5: pt1(2) = 0
    pt2(0) = 5: pt2(1) = 2: pt2(2) = 0
    ' Return the angle
    retAngle = ThisDrawing.Utility.AngleFromXAxis(pt1, pt2)
    ' Display the angle found
    MsgBox "The angle in radians between the X axis is " & retAngle
End Sub




Imports Autodesk.AutoCAD.ApplicationServices
Imports Autodesk.AutoCAD.Runtime
Imports Autodesk.AutoCAD.Geometry
Public Shared Function PolarPoints(ByVal pPt As Point2d, _
                                   ByVal dAng As Double, _
                                   ByVal dDist As Double)
  Return New Point2d(pPt.X + dDist * Math.Cos(dAng), _
                     pPt.Y + dDist * Math.Sin(dAng))
End Function
Public Shared Function PolarPoints(ByVal pPt As Point3d, _
                                   ByVal dAng As Double, _
                                   ByVal dDist As Double)
  Return New Point3d(pPt.X + dDist * Math.Cos(dAng), _
                     pPt.Y + dDist * Math.Sin(dAng), _
End Function
<CommandMethod("PolarPoints")> _
Public Sub PolarPoints()
  Dim pt1 As Point2d
  pt1 = PolarPoints(New Point2d(5, 2), 0.785398, 12)
  Application.ShowAlertDialog(vbLf & "PolarPoint: " & _
                              vbLf & "X = " & pt1.X & _
                              vbLf & "Y = " & pt1.Y)
  Dim pt2 As Point3d
  pt2 = PolarPoints(New Point3d(5, 2, 0), 0.785398, 12)
  Application.ShowAlertDialog(vbLf & "PolarPoint: " & _
                              vbLf & "X = " & pt2.X & _
                              vbLf & "Y = " & pt2.Y & _
                              vbLf & "Z = " & pt2.Z)
End Sub


using Autodesk.AutoCAD.ApplicationServices;
using Autodesk.AutoCAD.Runtime;
using Autodesk.AutoCAD.Geometry;
static Point2d PolarPoints(Point2d pPt, double dAng, double dDist)
  return new Point2d(pPt.X + dDist * Math.Cos(dAng),
                     pPt.Y + dDist * Math.Sin(dAng));
static Point3d PolarPoints(Point3d pPt, double dAng, double dDist)
  return new Point3d(pPt.X + dDist * Math.Cos(dAng),
                     pPt.Y + dDist * Math.Sin(dAng),
public static void PolarPoints()
  Point2d pt1 = PolarPoints(new Point2d(5, 2), 0.785398, 12);
  Application.ShowAlertDialog("\nPolarPoint: " +
                              "\nX = " + pt1.X +
                              "\nY = " + pt1.Y);
  Point3d pt2 = PolarPoints(new Point3d(5, 2, 0), 0.785398, 12);
  Application.ShowAlertDialog("\nPolarPoint: " +
                              "\nX = " + pt2.X +
                              "\nY = " + pt2.Y +
                              "\nZ = " + pt2.Z);

VBA/ActiveX 代码参考

Sub PolarPoints()
    ' This example finds the coordinate of a point that is a given
    ' distance and angle from a base point.
    Dim polarPnt As Variant
    Dim basePnt(0 To 2) As Double
    Dim angle As Double
    Dim distance As Double
    basePnt(0) = 2#: basePnt(1) = 2#: basePnt(2) = 0#
    angle = 0.785398
    distance = 6
    polarPnt = ThisDrawing.Utility.PolarPoint(basePnt, angle, distance)
    MsgBox vbLf + "PolarPoint: " + _
           vbLf + "X = " + CStr(polarPnt(0)) + _
           vbLf + "Y = " + CStr(polarPnt(1)) + _
           vbLf + "Z = " + CStr(polarPnt(2))
End Sub

使用 GetDistance 方法查找两点之间的距离



Imports Autodesk.AutoCAD.ApplicationServices
Imports Autodesk.AutoCAD.EditorInput
Imports Autodesk.AutoCAD.Runtime
<CommandMethod("GetDistanceBetweenTwoPoints")> _
Public Sub GetDistanceBetweenTwoPoints()
  Dim acDoc As Document = Application.DocumentManager.MdiActiveDocument
  Dim pDblRes As PromptDoubleResult
  pDblRes = acDoc.Editor.GetDistance(vbLf & "Pick two points: ")
  Application.ShowAlertDialog(vbLf & "Distance between points: " & _
End Sub


using Autodesk.AutoCAD.ApplicationServices;
using Autodesk.AutoCAD.EditorInput;
using Autodesk.AutoCAD.Runtime;
public static void GetDistanceBetweenTwoPoints()
  Document acDoc = Application.DocumentManager.MdiActiveDocument;
  PromptDoubleResult pDblRes;
  pDblRes = acDoc.Editor.GetDistance("\nPick two points: ");
  Application.ShowAlertDialog("\nDistance between points: " +

VBA/ActiveX 代码参考

Sub GetDistanceBetweenTwoPoints()
    Dim returnDist As Double
    ' Return the value entered by user. A prompt is provided.
    returnDist = ThisDrawing.Utility.GetDistance(, "Pick two points.")
    MsgBox "The distance between the two points is: " & returnDist
End Sub







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