下面的示例使用派生自 的 reactor 来跟踪数据库中当前对象的数量。它为 reactor 类实现了三个通知函数:、 和 。该函数将反应器添加到当前数据库。该函数从数据库中删除反应器并删除数据库反应器。AcDbDatabase-ReactorobjectAppended()objectModified()objectErased()watch_db()clear_reactors() class AsdkDbReactor; long gEntAcc = 0; // Global entity count AsdkDbReactor *gpDbr = NULL; // Pointer to database reactor // Custom AcDbDatabaseReactor class for database // event notification. // class AsdkDbReactor : public AcDbDatabaseReactor { public: virtual void objectAppended(const AcDbDatabase* dwg, const AcDbObject* dbObj); virtual void objectModified(const AcDbDatabase* dwg, const AcDbObject* dbObj); virtual void objectErased(const AcDbDatabase* dwg, const AcDbObject* dbObj, Adesk::Boolean pErased); }; // Called whenever an object is added to the database. // void AsdkDbReactor::objectAppended(const AcDbDatabase* db, const AcDbObject* pObj) { printDbEvent(pObj, "objectAppended"); acutPrintf(" Db==%lx\n", (long) db); gEntAcc++; acutPrintf("Entity Count = %d\n", gEntAcc); } // Called whenever an object in the database is modified. // void AsdkDbReactor::objectModified(const AcDbDatabase* db, const AcDbObject* pObj) { printDbEvent(pObj, "objectModified"); acutPrintf(" Db==%lx\n", (long) db); } // Called whenever an object is erased from the database. // void AsdkDbReactor::objectErased(const AcDbDatabase* db, const AcDbObject* pObj, Adesk::Boolean pErased) { if (pErased) { printDbEvent(pObj, "objectErased"); gEntAcc--; } else { printDbEvent(pObj, "object(Un)erased"); gEntAcc++; } acutPrintf(" Db==%lx\n", (long) db); acutPrintf("Entity Count = %d\n", gEntAcc); } // Prints the message passed in by pEvent; then // calls printObj() to print the information about // the object that triggered the notification. // void printDbEvent(const AcDbObject* pObj, const char* pEvent) { acutPrintf(" Event: AcDbDatabaseReactor::%s ", pEvent); printObj(pObj); } // Prints out the basic information about the object pointed // to by pObj. // void printObj(const AcDbObject* pObj) { if (pObj == NULL) { acutPrintf("(NULL)"); return; } AcDbHandle objHand; char handbuf[17]; // Gets the handle as a string. // pObj->getAcDbHandle(objHand); objHand.getIntoAsciiBuffer(handbuf); acutPrintf( "\n (class==%s, handle==%s, id==%lx, db==%lx)", pObj->isA()->name(), handbuf, pObj->objectId().asOldId(), pObj->database()); } // Adds a reactor to the database to monitor changes. // This can be called multiple times without any ill // effect because subsequent calls are ignored. // void watchDb() { if (gpDbr == NULL) { gpDbr = new AsdkDbReactor(); } acdbHostApplicationServices()->workingDatabase()->addReactor( gpDbr); acutPrintf( " Added Database Reactor to " "acdbHostApplicationServices()->workingDatabase().\n"); } // Removes the database reactor. // void clearReactors() { if (acdbHostApplicationServices()->workingDatabase() != NULL) { acdbHostApplicationServices()->workingDatabase( )->removeReactor(gpDbr); delete gpDbr; gpDbr = NULL; } } // ObjectARX entry point function // extern "C" AcRx::AppRetCode acrxEntryPoint(AcRx::AppMsgCode msg, void* appId) { switch (msg) { case AcRx::kInitAppMsg: acrxDynamicLinker->unlockApplication(appId); acrxDynamicLinker->registerAppNotMDIAware(appId); acedRegCmds->addCommand("ASDK_NOTIFY_TEST", "ASDK_WATCH", "WATCH", ACRX_CMD_TRANSPARENT, watchDb); acedRegCmds->addCommand("ASDK_NOTIFY_TEST", "ASDK_CLEAR", "CLEAR", ACRX_CMD_TRANSPARENT, clearReactors); break; case AcRx::kUnloadAppMsg: clearReactors(); acedRegCmds->removeGroup("ASDK_NOTIFY_TEST"); break; } return AcRx::kRetOK; } 父主题: |
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