下面的示例显示了突出显示嵌套块引用。如下图所示,该示例创建了六个实体:三个多边形(自定义实体)和三个框。它还创建三个块引用(插入)。插入 3 () 是包含 和 的块的插入。插入 2 () 是包含 、 和 的块的插入。插入 1 () 是包含 、 和 的块的插入。ins3poly3box3ins2poly2box2ins3ins1poly1box1ins2 创建刀片后,该示例将突出显示不同的元件。 ![]() void createInsert() { // Create a nested insert and try highlighting its // various subcomponents. // // There are six entities in total -- three polys and // three boxes (solids). We've named them: poly1, poly2, // poly3, and box1, box2, box3. We also have three // inserts: ins1, ins2, ins3. // // ins3 is an insert of a block that contains (poly3, box3) // ins2 is an insert of a block that contains (poly2, box2, // ins3). // ins1 is an insert of a block that contains (poly1, box1, // ins2). // // Let's create these entities first. // // Polys // AsdkPoly *poly1, *poly2, *poly3; AcGeVector3d norm(0, 0, 1); if ((poly1=new AsdkPoly)==NULL){ acutPrintf("\nOut of Memory."); return; } if (poly1->set(AcGePoint2d(2, 8),AcGePoint2d(4, 8), 6, norm, "POLY1",0)!=Acad::eOk){ acutPrintf("\nCannot create object with given parameters."); delete poly1; return; } if ((poly2=new AsdkPoly)==NULL){ acutPrintf("\nOut of Memory."); delete poly1; return; } if (poly2->set(AcGePoint2d(7, 8), AcGePoint2d(9, 8), 6, norm, "POLY2",0)!=Acad::eOk){ acutPrintf("\nCannot create object with given parameters."); delete poly1; delete poly2; return; } if ((poly3=new AsdkPoly)==NULL){ acutPrintf("\nOut of Memory."); delete poly1; delete poly2; return; } if (poly3->set(AcGePoint2d(12, 8),AcGePoint2d(14, 8), 6, norm, "POLY3",0)!=Acad::eOk){ acutPrintf("\nCannot create object with given parameters."); delete poly1; delete poly2; delete poly3; return; } postToDb(poly1); postToDb(poly2); postToDb(poly3); // Boxes // AcDb3dSolid *box1, *box2, *box3; box1 = new AcDb3dSolid(); box2 = new AcDb3dSolid(); box3 = new AcDb3dSolid(); box1->createBox(2, 2, 2); box2->createBox(2, 2, 2); box3->createBox(2, 2, 2); AcGeMatrix3d mat; mat(0, 3) = 2; mat(1, 3) = 2; box1->transformBy(mat); mat(0, 3) = 7; mat(1, 3) = 2; box2->transformBy(mat); mat(0, 3) = 12; mat(1, 3) = 2; box3->transformBy(mat); postToDb(box1); postToDb(box2); postToDb(box3); // Inserts // // Arguments to BLOCK are: // blockname, // insert point, // select objects, // empty string for selection complete // Arguments to INSERT are: // blockname, // insertion point, // xscale, // yscale, // rotation angle // acedCommandS_command(RTSTR, "_globcheck", RTSHORT, 0, RTNONE); acedCommandS(RTSTR, "BLOCK", RTSTR, "blk3", RTSTR, "0,0", RTSTR, "14,8", RTSTR, "11,1", RTSTR, "", RTNONE); acedCommandS(RTSTR, "INSERT", RTSTR, "blk3", RTSTR, "0,0", RTSHORT, 1, RTSHORT, 1, RTSHORT, 0, RTNONE); acedCommandS(RTSTR, "BLOCK", RTSTR, "blk2", RTSTR, "0,0", RTSTR, "9,8", RTSTR, "6,1", RTSTR, "11,1", RTSTR, "", RTNONE); acedCommandS(RTSTR, "INSERT", RTSTR, "blk2", RTSTR, "0,0", RTSHORT, 1, RTSHORT, 1, RTSHORT, 0, RTNONE); acedCommandS(RTSTR, "BLOCK", RTSTR, "blk1", RTSTR, "0,0", RTSTR, "4,8", RTSTR, "1,1", RTSTR, "6,1", RTSTR, "", RTNONE); acedCommandS(RTSTR, "INSERT", RTSTR, "blk1", RTSTR, "0,0", RTSHORT, 1, RTSHORT, 1, RTSHORT, 0, RTNONE); return; } void hilitInsert() { Adesk::Boolean interrupted = Adesk::kFalse; acutPrintf("\nSelect an insert"); Acad::ErrorStatus es = Acad::eOk; AcDbEntity *ent = NULL; AcDbEntity *ent2 = NULL; AcDbBlockReference *blRef = NULL; AcDbObjectId objectId, blRefId; ads_name ename, sset; for (;;) { switch (acedSSGet(NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, sset)) { case RTNORM: { struct resbuf *rb; if (acedSSNameX(&rb, sset, 0) != RTNORM) { acutPrintf("\n acedSSNameX failed"); acedSSFree(sset); return; } int sel_method; ads_name subname; short marker; AcGePoint3d pickpnt; AcGeVector3d pickvec; if (!extractEntityInfo(rb, sel_method, ename, subname, marker, pickpnt, pickvec)) { acutPrintf("\nextractEntityInfo failed"); acedSSFree(sset); return; } acedSSFree(sset); assert(marker != 0); if (marker == 0) { acutPrintf("\nmarker == 0"); return; } // Get the insert first. // AOK(acdbGetObjectId(blRefId, ename)); AOK(acdbOpenAcDbEntity(ent, blRefId, AcDb::kForRead)); assert(ent != NULL); blRef = AcDbBlockReference::cast(ent); if (blRef == NULL) { acutPrintf("\nNot an insert."); AOK(ent->close()); continue; } struct resbuf *insStack; ads_point pickpoint; ads_matrix adsmat; pickpoint[0] = pickpnt[0]; pickpoint[1] = pickpnt[1]; pickpoint[2] = pickpnt[2]; // Now get details on the entity that was // selected. // if (acedNEntSelP(NULL, ename, pickpoint, TRUE, adsmat, &insStack) != RTNORM) { acutPrintf("\nFailure in acedNEntSelP"); return; } assert(insStack != NULL); AOK(acdbGetObjectId(objectId, ename)); AOK(acdbOpenAcDbEntity(ent2, objectId, AcDb::kForRead)); assert(ent2 != NULL); // Make an array of AcDbObjectIds from the // insertStack. Don't use the "smart array" // AcDbObjectIdArray class, because the // getSubentPathsAtGsMarker() function expects argument // eight to be of type AcDbObjectId*. Just // make room for approximately 100 IDs in the array. // AcDbObjectId *idArray = new AcDbObjectId[100]; int count = 0; struct resbuf *rbIter = insStack; AcDbObjectId objId; acdbGetObjectId(objId, ename); idArray[count++] = objId; while (rbIter != NULL) { ename[0] = rbIter->resval.rlname[0]; ename[1] = rbIter->resval.rlname[1]; acdbGetObjectId(objId, ename); idArray[count++] = objId; rbIter = rbIter->rbnext; } count--; acutRelRb(insStack); // First, we'll highlight an edge. // int numPaths; AcDbFullSubentPath *subentPaths; AcGeMatrix3d xform; es = blRef->getSubentPathsAtGsMarker( AcDb::kEdgeSubentType, marker, pickpnt, xform, numPaths, subentPaths, count, idArray); assert(numPaths == 1); // Highlight and unhighlight the selected edge. // acutPrintf("\nHighlighting the first edge."); es = blRef->highlight(subentPaths[0]); pressEnterToContinue(); es = blRef->unhighlight(subentPaths[0]); // If this is a solid, it will have faces. // In this case, let's highlight them. // if(ent2->isKindOf(AcDb3dSolid::desc())) { es = blRef->getSubentPathsAtGsMarker( AcDb::kFaceSubentType, marker, pickpnt, xform, numPaths, subentPaths, count, idArray); assert(numPaths == 2); // Highlight and unhighlight the selected // faces. // acutPrintf("\nHighlighting the first" " face."); es = blRef->highlight(subentPaths[0]); pressEnterToContinue(); es = blRef->unhighlight(subentPaths[0]); acutPrintf("\nHighlighting the next face."); es = blRef->highlight(subentPaths[1]); pressEnterToContinue(); es = blRef->unhighlight(subentPaths[1]); } delete []subentPaths; // Now, let's highlight the whole entity. // acutPrintf("\nHighlighting the entire entity"); AcDbFullSubentPath subPath; for (int i = count; i >= 0; i--) { subPath.objectIds().append(idArray[i]); } es = blRef->highlight(subPath); pressEnterToContinue(); es = blRef->unhighlight(subPath); // Finally, let's highlight each enclosing // insert. // for (i = count -1; i >= 0; i --) { subPath.objectIds().removeAt( subPath.objectIds().length() - 1); acutPrintf("\nHighlighting insert layer %d", i + 1); blRef->highlight(subPath); pressEnterToContinue(); es = blRef->unhighlight(subPath); } } // case RTNORM break; case RTNONE: case RTCAN: return; default: continue; } // switch break; } //for (;;) AOK(ent->close()); AOK(ent2->close()); return; } 父主题: |
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