GetPropertyDiffs 方法 (ActiveX/CSP)
获取指定错误的属性和修复对象的名称。 支持的平台:仅限 Windows 命名空间:AcStMgr (英语) 集会:AcStMgr.tlb Signature - AcStError 对象VB.NET: object.GetPropertyDiffs(pFix, pPropNames, pErrorValues, pFixValues, pFixableStatuses) C#: object.GetPropertyDiffs(pFix, ref pPropNames, ref pErrorValues, ref pFixValues, ref pFixableStatuses); 签名 - IAcStPlugin2 接口VB.NET: Public Sub GetPropertyDiffs(pError, pFix, pPropNames, pErrorValues, pFixValues, pFixableStatuses) _ Implements IAcStPlugin2.GetPropertyDiffs ... End Sub C#: public void GetPropertyDiffs(pError, pFix, ref pPropNames, ref pErrorValues, ref pFixValues, ref pFixableStatuses) { ...; }
返回值 (RetVal)无返回值。 言论没有其他评论。 发行信息释放:AutoCAD 2004 及更高版本
示例 - AcStError 对象VB.NET: Not available C#: Not available 示例 - IAcStPlugin2 接口VB.NET: Public Sub GetPropertyDiffs(ByVal pError As AcStError, _ ByVal pFix As AcStFix, _ ByRef pPropNames As Object, _ ByRef pErrorValues As Object, _ ByRef pFixValues As Object, _ ByRef pFixableStatuses As Object) _ Implements IAcStPlugin2.GetPropertyDiffs If IsNothing(pError) = False And IsNothing(pFix) = False Then ' Define the arrays that will hold the property values to compare Dim sPropNames(0) As String Dim sErrorValues(0) As String Dim sFixValues(0) As String Dim bFixableStatuses(0) As Boolean Dim sPropName As String = "" Dim vErrorVal As Object = Nothing Dim vFixVal As Object = Nothing Dim i As Integer, nPropCnt As Integer = 0 ' Iterate the properties of the error object For i = 0 To pError.PropertyCount - 1 ' Get a property name and value from the error pError.PropertyGetAt(i, sPropName, vErrorVal) m_sPropName = sPropName Try ' Retrieve the corresponding property value for the fix object pFix.PropertyValueGet(sPropName, vFixVal) ' Compare the value of the error and fix objects If (vErrorVal.CompareTo(vFixVal) <> 0) Then ' Resize the arrays and add the new values ReDim Preserve sPropNames(nPropCnt + 1) ReDim Preserve sErrorValues(nPropCnt + 1) ReDim Preserve sFixValues(nPropCnt + 1) ReDim Preserve bFixableStatuses(nPropCnt + 1) ' Store the property names and values in arrays sPropNames(nPropCnt) = sPropName sErrorValues(nPropCnt) = vErrorVal.ToString sFixValues(nPropCnt) = vFixVal.ToString bFixableStatuses(nPropCnt) = True ' Increment the property counter nPropCnt = nPropCnt + 1 End If Catch ' Catch and handle the error as needed End Try Next ' Return the arrays pPropNames = sPropNames pErrorValues = sErrorValues pFixValues = sFixValues pFixableStatuses = bFixableStatuses ' Clear the local arrays Erase sPropNames Erase sErrorValues Erase sFixValues Erase bFixableStatuses ' Increment the number of fixes m_FixCnt = m_FixCnt + 1 End If End Sub C#: public void GetPropertyDiffs(AcStError pError, AcStFix pFix, ref object pPropNames, ref object pErrorValues, ref object pFixValues, ref object pFixableStatuses) { if ((pError == null) == false & (pFix == null) == false) { // Define the arrays that will hold the property values to compare string[] sPropNames = new string[0]; string[] sErrorValues = new string[0]; string[] sFixValues = new string[0]; bool[] bFixableStatuses = new bool[0]; string sPropName = ""; object vErrorVal = null; object vFixVal = null; int nPropCnt = 0; // Iterate the properties of the error object for (int i = 0; i <= pError.PropertyCount - 1; i++) { // Get a property name and value from the error pError.PropertyGetAt(i, ref sPropName, ref vErrorVal); m_sPropName = sPropName; try { // Retrieve the corresponding property value for the fix object pFix.PropertyValueGet(sPropName, ref vFixVal); // Compare the value of the error and fix objects if ((vErrorVal.Equals(vFixVal) == false)) { // Resize the arrays and add the new values Array.Resize<string>(ref sPropNames, nPropCnt + 1); Array.Resize<string>(ref sErrorValues, nPropCnt + 1); Array.Resize<string>(ref sFixValues, nPropCnt + 1); Array.Resize<bool>(ref bFixableStatuses, nPropCnt + 1); // Store the property names and values in arrays sPropNames[nPropCnt] = sPropName; sErrorValues[nPropCnt] = vErrorVal.ToString(); sFixValues[nPropCnt] = vFixVal.ToString(); bFixableStatuses[nPropCnt] = true; // Increment the property counter nPropCnt = nPropCnt + 1; } } catch { // Catch and handle the error as needed } } // Return the arrays pPropNames = sPropNames; pErrorValues = sErrorValues; pFixValues = sFixValues; pFixableStatuses = bFixableStatuses; // Clear the local arrays sPropNames = null; sErrorValues = null; sFixValues = null; bFixableStatuses = null; // Increment the number of fixes m_FixCnt = m_FixCnt + 1; } } |
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