Verify 属性 (ActiveX)
指定是否为验证设置属性。 支持的平台:仅限 Windows 属性值只读:不 类型:布尔
言论设置为验证的属性会提示用户在插入块时验证属性值是否正确。 属性只能作为四种可选模式之一存在:常量、预设、不可见或验证。AFLAGS 系统变量存储当前模式设置。可以使用 Mode 属性查询当前模式。 例子VBA: Sub Example_Verify() ' This example creates an attribute definition in model space. ' It then sets the definition to be verify, and queries the mode. Dim attributeObj As AcadAttribute Dim height As Double Dim mode As Long Dim prompt As String Dim insertionPoint(0 To 2) As Double Dim tag As String Dim value As String ' Define the attribute definition height = 1# mode = acAttributeModeVerify prompt = "New Prompt" insertionPoint(0) = 5#: insertionPoint(1) = 5#: insertionPoint(2) = 0 tag = "New_Tag" value = "New Value" ' Create the attribute definition object in model space Set attributeObj = ThisDrawing.ModelSpace.AddAttribute(height, mode, prompt, insertionPoint, tag, value) ZoomAll ' Change the mode to be verify attributeObj.mode = acAttributeModeVerify attributeObj.Update ' Check to see if the attribute is set to verify MsgBox (IIf(attributeObj.Verify, "The attribute is set to verify", "The attribute is not set to verify")) End Sub 可视化 LISP: (vl-load-com) (defun c:Example_Verify() ;; This example creates an attribute definition in model space. ;; It then sets the definition to be verify, and queries the mode. (setq acadObj (vlax-get-acad-object)) (setq doc (vla-get-ActiveDocument acadObj)) ;; Define the attribute definition (setq insertionPoint (vlax-3d-point 5 5 0) attHeight 1 attMode acAttributeModeVerify attPrompt "New Prompt" attTag "New_Tag" attValue "New Value") ;; Create the attribute definition object in model space (setq modelSpace (vla-get-ModelSpace doc)) (setq attributeObj (vla-AddAttribute modelSpace attHeight attMode attPrompt insertionPoint attTag attValue)) (vla-ZoomAll acadObj) ;; Change the mode to be verify (vla-put-Mode attributeObj acAttributeModeVerify) (vla-Update attributeObj) ;; Check to see if the attribute is set to verify (alert (if (= (vla-get-Verify attributeObj) :vlax-true) "The attribute is set to verify" "The attribute is not set to verify")) ) |
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