StyleName 属性 (ActiveX)
指定用于对象的样式的名称。 支持的平台:仅限 Windows 签名VBA: object.StyleName 属性值只读:不;只读对象除外MLine 类型:字符串 默认值等于当前样式。 言论使用对象更改给定文本样式的属性。使用对象更改给定维度样式的属性。TextStyleDimStyle 给定的名称必须已在图形中定义。 注意:对于尺寸,此属性的值存储在 DIMSTYLE 系统变量中。
例子VBA: Sub Example_StyleName() ' This example creates an aligned dimension and then changes the ' StyleName property for that dimension. Dim dimObj As AcadDimAligned Dim point1(0 To 2) As Double Dim point2(0 To 2) As Double Dim location(0 To 2) As Double Dim currStyleName As String ' Define the dimension point1(0) = 5#: point1(1) = 3#: point1(2) = 0# point2(0) = 10#: point2(1) = 3#: point2(2) = 0# location(0) = 7.5: location(1) = 5#: location(2) = 0# ' Create an aligned dimension object in model space Set dimObj = ThisDrawing.ModelSpace.AddDimAligned(point1, point2, location) ZoomAll currStyleName = dimObj.styleName MsgBox "The initial StyleName for the dimension is " & dimObj.styleName, vbInformation, "TextString Example" ' Create a new dimension style ThisDrawing.DimStyles.Add ("NewDimensionStyle") ' Change the text string for the dimension dimObj.styleName = "NewDimensionStyle" dimObj.Update MsgBox "The new StyleName for the dimension is " & dimObj.styleName, vbInformation, "TextString Example" ' Reset the text string for the dimension dimObj.styleName = currStyleName dimObj.Update MsgBox "The StyleName for the dimension has been reset to " & dimObj.styleName, vbInformation, "TextString Example" End Sub 可视化 LISP: (vl-load-com) (defun c:Example_StyleName() ;; This example creates an aligned dimension and then changes the ;; StyleName property for that dimension. (setq acadObj (vlax-get-acad-object)) (setq doc (vla-get-ActiveDocument acadObj)) ;; Define the dimension (setq point1 (vlax-3d-point 5 3 0) point2 (vlax-3d-point 10 3 0) location (vlax-3d-point 7.5 5 0)) ;; Create an aligned dimension object in model space (setq modelSpace (vla-get-ModelSpace doc)) (setq dimObj (vla-AddDimAligned modelSpace point1 point2 location)) (vla-ZoomAll acadObj) (setq currStyleName (vla-get-StyleName dimObj)) (alert (strcat "The initial StyleName for the dimension is " currStyleName)) ;; Create a new dimension style (vla-Add (vla-get-DimStyles doc) "NewDimensionStyle") ;; Change the text string for the dimension (vla-put-StyleName dimObj "NewDimensionStyle") (vla-Update dimObj) (alert (strcat "The new StyleName for the dimension is " (vla-get-StyleName dimObj))) ;; Reset the text string for the dimension (vla-put-StyleName dimObj currStyleName) (vla-Update dimObj) (alert (strcat "The StyleName for the dimension has been reset to " (vla-get-StyleName dimObj))) ) |
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