SecondPoint 属性 (ActiveX)
指定射线或 x 线的第二个点。 支持的平台:仅限 Windows 属性值只读:不 类型:变体(双打的三元素阵列) 表示射线或 x 线的第二个点的 3D WCS 坐标。 言论不能将光线的第二个点设置为等于其基点。 例子VBA: Sub Example_SecondPoint() ' This example creates a ray object. It then finds the ' second point of the ray, changes the second point, and ' queries the new second point. Dim basePoint(0 To 2) As Double Dim directionVec(0 To 2) As Double Dim rayObj As AcadRay Dim currSecondPoint As Variant Dim msg As String Dim newSecondPoint(0 To 2) As Double ' Establish the base point and directional vector for the ray basePoint(0) = 3: basePoint(1) = 3: basePoint(2) = 0 directionVec(0) = 1: directionVec(1) = 1: directionVec(2) = 0 ' Create a Ray object in model space Set rayObj = ThisDrawing.ModelSpace.AddRay(basePoint, directionVec) ThisDrawing.Regen True MsgBox "A new Ray has been added.", vbInformation ' Define a new second point newSecondPoint(0) = 4: newSecondPoint(1) = 2: newSecondPoint(2) = 0 ' Update the ray using the new second point rayObj.SecondPoint = newSecondPoint ' Query the new second point for the Ray currSecondPoint = rayObj.SecondPoint msg = currSecondPoint(0) & vbCrLf & _ currSecondPoint(1) & vbCrLf & _ currSecondPoint(2) ThisDrawing.Regen True MsgBox "We've just changed the second point of the new Ray to: " & vbCrLf & msg, vbInformation End Sub 可视化 LISP: (vl-load-com) (defun c:Example_SecondPoint() ;; This example creates a ray object. It then finds the ;; second point of the ray, changes the second point, and ;; queries the new second point. (setq acadObj (vlax-get-acad-object)) (setq doc (vla-get-ActiveDocument acadObj)) ;; Establish the base point and directional vector for the ray (setq basePoint (vlax-3d-point 3 3 0) directionVec (vlax-3d-point 1 1 0)) ;; Create a Ray object in model space (setq modelSpace (vla-get-ModelSpace doc)) (setq rayObj (vla-AddRay modelSpace basePoint directionVec)) (vla-Regen doc :vlax-true) (alert "A new Ray has been added.") ;; Define a new second point (setq newSecondPoint (vlax-3d-point 4 2 0)) ;; Update the ray using the new second point (vla-put-SecondPoint rayObj newSecondPoint) ;; Query the new second point for the Ray (setq currSecondPoint (vlax-safearray->list (vlax-variant-value (vla-get-SecondPoint rayObj)))) (setq msg (strcat (rtos (nth 0 currSecondPoint) 2) ", " (rtos (nth 1 currSecondPoint) 2) ", " (rtos (nth 2 currSecondPoint) 2))) (vla-Regen doc :vlax-true) (alert (strcat "We've just changed the second point of the new Ray to: " msg)) ) |
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