Layer 属性 (ActiveX)
指定对象的图层。 支持的平台:仅限 Windows 签名VBA: object.Layer 属性值只读:否(对象除外)Group 类型:字符串 图层的名称。 言论所有对象都有一个关联的层。文档始终包含至少一个图层(图层 0)。与线型一样,您可以为对象指定图层。如果未指定图层,则当前活动图层将用于新对象。如果为对象指定了图层,则忽略当前活动图层。使用该属性可设置或查询当前活动图层。ActiveLayer 每个图层都有关联的属性,可以通过对象进行设置和查询。Layer 例子VBA: Sub Example_Layer() ' This example creates a new layer named "ABC" (colored blue). ' It then creates a circle and assigns it to layer "ABC" ' Create new layer Dim layerObj As AcadLayer Set layerObj = ThisDrawing.Layers.Add("ABC") Dim color As AcadAcCmColor Set color = layerObj.TrueColor Call color.SetRGB(80, 100, 244) layerObj.TrueColor = color ' Create Circle Dim circleObj As AcadCircle Dim center(0 To 2) As Double Dim radius As Double center(0) = 3: center(1) = 3: center(2) = 0 radius = 1.5 Set circleObj = ThisDrawing.ModelSpace.AddCircle(center, radius) ZoomAll MsgBox "The circle has been created on layer " & circleObj.Layer, , "Layer Example" ' Set the layer of new circle to "ABC" circleObj.Layer = "ABC" ' Refresh view ThisDrawing.Regen (True) MsgBox "The circle is now on layer " & circleObj.Layer, , "Layer Example" End Sub 可视化 LISP: (vl-load-com) (defun c:Example_Layer() ;; This example creates a new layer named "ABC" (colored blue). ;; It then creates a circle and assigns it to layer "ABC" (setq acadObj (vlax-get-acad-object) doc (vla-get-ActiveDocument acadObj)) ;; Create new layer (setq layerObj (vla-Add (vla-get-Layers doc) "ABC") color (vla-get-TrueColor layerObj)) (vla-SetRGB color 80 100 244) (vla-put-TrueColor layerObj color) ;; Create Circle (setq center (vlax-3d-point 3 3 0) radius 1.5) (setq modelSpace (vla-get-ModelSpace doc) circleObj (vla-AddCircle modelSpace center radius)) (vla-ZoomAll acadObj) (alert (strcat "The circle has been created on layer " (vla-get-Layer circleObj))) ;; Set the layer of new circle to "ABC" (vla-put-Layer circleObj "ABC") ;; Refresh view (vla-Regen doc :vlax-true) (alert (strcat "The circle is now on layer " (vla-get-Layer circleObj))) ) |
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