AddRaster 方法 (ActiveX)
基于现有影像文件创建新的光栅影像。 支持的平台:仅限 Windows 签名VBA: RetVal = object.AddRaster(ImageFileName, InsertionPoint, ScaleFactor, RotationAngle) 言论通过该方法置入的图像实际上不是图形文件的一部分。光栅图像通过路径名或文档 ID 链接到图形文件,可以使用该属性随时更改或删除链接的图像路径。通过使用链接的图像路径附着图像,可以在不增加图形文件大小的情况下将图像置入图形中。AddRasterSupportPath 可以多次将同一光栅图像文件添加到图形文件中。每个实例都有自己的剪辑边界以及自己的亮度、对比度、淡入淡出和透明度设置。单个图像可以剪切成多个部分,这些部分可以在图形中独立重新排列。 例子VBA: Sub Example_AddRaster() ' This example adds a raster image in model space. ' This example uses a file named "2d Projected Polylines.jpg." ' You should change this example to use ' a raster file on your computer. Dim insertionPoint(0 To 2) As Double Dim scalefactor As Double Dim rotationAngle As Double Dim imageName As String Dim rasterObj As AcadRasterImage imageName = "C:\AutoCAD\2d Projected Polylines.jpg" insertionPoint(0) = 5#: insertionPoint(1) = 5#: insertionPoint(2) = 0# scalefactor = 1# rotationAngle = 0 On Error Resume Next ' Creates a raster image in model space Set rasterObj = ThisDrawing.ModelSpace.AddRaster(imageName, insertionPoint, scalefactor, rotationAngle) If Err.Description = "File error" Then MsgBox imageName & " could not be found." Exit Sub End If ZoomExtents End Sub 可视化 LISP: (vl-load-com) (defun c:Example_AddRaster() ;; This example adds a raster image in model space. (setq acadObj (vlax-get-acad-object)) (setq doc (vla-get-ActiveDocument acadObj)) ;; This example uses a file named "2d Projected Polylines.jpg." ;; You should change this example to use ;; a raster file on your computer. (setq insertionPoint (vlax-3d-point 5 5 0) imageName ".\\Sample\\VBA\\2d Projected Polylines.jpg" scalefactor 1 rotationAngle 0) ;; Creates a raster image in model space (if (/= (findfile imageName) nil) (progn (setq modelSpace (vla-get-ModelSpace doc)) (setq rasterObj (vla-AddRaster modelSpace (findfile imageName) insertionPoint scalefactor rotationAngle)) (vla-ZoomExtents acadObj) ) (alert (strcat imageName " could not be found.")) ) ) |
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