AutoCAD 2004 API 历史记录参考 (ActiveX)
对 AutoCAD 2004 和基于 AutoCAD 2004 的产品中的 ActiveX API 所做的添加和更改。 枚举AcViewportScale (Change) acVp1and1_2in_1ft = 30 (Changed) acVp3in_1ft = 31 (Changed) acVp6in_1ft = 32 (Changed) acVp1ft_1ft = 33 (New) AcSaveAsType (Changed) ac2000_dwg = 12 (New) ac2000_dxf = 13 (New) ac2000_Template = 14 (New) ac2004_dwg = 24 (New) ac2004_dxf = 25 (New) ac2004_Template = 26 (New) acNative = 24 (Changed) acR18_dwg = 24 (New) acR18_dxf = 25 (New) acR18_Template = 26 (New) AcShadePlot (New) acShadePlotAsDisplayed = 0 acShadePlotWireframe = 1 acShadePlotHidden = 2 acShadePlotRendered = 3 AcHatchObjectType (New) acHatchObject = 0 acGradientObject = 1 AcGradientPatternType (New) acPreDefinedGradient = 0 acUserDefinedGradient = 1 AcColorMethod (New) acColorMethodByLayer = 192 acColorMethodByBlock = 193 acColorMethodByRGB = 194 acColorMethodByACI = 195 acColorMethodForeground = 197 AcadSecurityParamsType (New) ACADSECURITYPARAMS_ENCRYPT_DATA = 1 ACADSECURITYPARAMS_ENCRYPT_PROPS = 2 ACADSECURITYPARAMS_SIGN_DATA = 16 ACADSECURITYPARAMS_ADD_TIMESTAMP = 32 AcadSecurityParamsConstants (New) ACADSECURITYPARAMS_ALGID_RC4 = 26625 类IAcadDatabase (Changed) FileDependencies - Property (New) SummaryInfo - Property (New) IAcadBlock (Changed) InsertBlock - Method (Changed - Password parameter) AddHatch - Method (Changed - Hatch object type parameter) AddMInsertBlock - Method (Changed - Password parameter) AttachExternalReference - Method (Changed - Password parameter) IAcadEntity (Changed) TrueColor - Property (New) IAcadAcCmColor (New) EntityColor - Property ColorName - Property BookName - Property SetNames - Method Delete - Method Red - Property Blue - Property Green - Property SetRGB - Method ColorMethod - Property ColorIndex - Property SetColorBookColor - Method IAcad3DPolyline (Changed) Length - Property (New) IAcadDimension (Changed) TextColor - Property (New) IAcadMText (Changed) LineSpacingDistance - Property (New) IAcadLWPolyline (Changed) Length - Property (New) IAcadPolyline (Changed) Length - Property (New) IAcadTolerance (Changed) TextColor - Property (New) IAcadHatch (Changed) GradientColor1 - Property (New) GradientColor2 - Property (New) GradientAngle - Property (New) GradientCentered - Property (New) GradientName - Property (New) HatchObjectType - Property (New) IAcadPViewport (Changed) RemoveHiddenLines - Property (Hidden) ShadePlot - Property (New) IAcadGroup (Changed) TrueColor - Property (New) color - Property (Hidden) IAcadLayer color - Property (Hidden) TrueColor - Property (New) IAcadFileDependencies (New) Item - Method Application - Property Count - Property CreateEntry - Method IndexOf - Method RemoveEntry - Method UpdateEntry - Method IAcadFileDependency (New) FullFileName - Property FileName - Property FoundPath - Property FingerprintGuid - Property VersionGuid - Property Feature - Property IsModified - Property AffectsGraphics - Property Index - Property TimeStamp - Property FileSize - Property ReferenceCount - Property IAcadSummaryInfo (New) Author - Property Comments - Property HyperlinkBase - Property Keywords - Property LastSavedBy - Property RevisionNumber - Property Subject - Property Title - Property NumCustomInfo - Method GetCustomByIndex - Method GetCustomByKey - Method SetCustomByIndex - Method SetCustomByKey - Method AddCustomInfo - Method RemoveCustomByIndex - Method RemoveCustomByKey - Method IAcadSecurityParams (New) Action - Property Password - Property ProviderType - Property ProviderName - Property Algorithm - Property KeyLength - Property Subject - Property Issuer - Property SerialNumber - Property Comment - Property TimeServer - Property IAcadDocument (Changed) Open - Method (Changed - Password parameter) SaveAs - Method (Changed - Password parameter) IAcadApplication (Changed) HWND - Property (New) IAcadPreferencesFiles (Changed) LicenseServer - Property (Changed to hidden) ObjectARXPath - Property (Changed to hidden) ColorBookPath - Property (New) ToolPalettePath - Property (New) IAcadPreferencesUser (Changed) SCMTimeMode - Property (New) SCMTimeValue - Property (New) IAcadDocuments (Changed) Open - Method (Changed - Password parameter) 相关概念 |
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