



AutoCAD 2024 开发者帮助

AutoCAD 2008 API 历史记录参考 (ActiveX)

2024-5-18 19:06| 发布者: admin| 查看: 149| 评论: 0|原作者: admin|来自: AutoCAD

AutoCAD 2008 API 历史记录参考 (ActiveX)

对 AutoCAD 2008 和基于 AutoCAD 2008 的产品中的 ActiveX API 所做的添加和更改。


AcEntityName (Changed)
        acMLeader = 48 (New)
AcAttributeMode (Changed)
        acAttributeModeLockPosition = 16 (New)
        acAttributeModeMultipleLine = 32 (New)
AcMergeCellStyleOption (New)
        acMergeCellStyleNone = 0
        acMergeCellStyleCopyDuplicates = 1
        acMergeCellStyleOverwriteDuplicates = 2
        acMergeCellStyleConvertDuplicatesToOverrides = 4
        acMergeCellStyleIgnoreNewStyles = 8
AcUnderlayLayerOverrideType (New)
        acNoOverrides = 0
        acApplied = 1
AcTableFlowDirection (New)
        acTableFlowRight = 1
        acTableFlowDownOrUp = 2
        acTableFlowLeft = 4
AcCellMargin (New)
        acCellMarginTop = 1
        acCellMarginLeft = 2
        acCellMarginBottom = 4
        acCellMarginRight = 8
        acCellMarginHorzSpacing = 16
        acCellMarginVertSpacing = 32
AcCellContentLayout (New)
        acCellContentLayoutFlow = 1
        acCellContentLayoutStackedHorizontal = 2
        acCellContentLayoutStackedVertical = 4
AcCellProperty (New)
        acInvalidCellProperty = 0
        acLock = 1
        acDataType = 2
        acDataFormat = 4
        acRotation = 8
        acScale = 16
        acAlignmentProperty = 32
        acContentColor = 64
        acBackgroundColor = 128
        acTextStyle = 256
        acTextHeight = 512
        acMarginLeft = 1024
        acMarginTop = 2048
        acMarginRight = 4096
        acMarginBottom = 8192
        acEnableBackgroundColor = 16384
        acAutoScale = 32768
        acMergeAll = 0x00010000
        acFlowDirBtoT = 0x00020000
        acContentLayout = 0x00040000
        acDataTypeAndFormat = 6
        acContentProperties = 33662
        acBitProperties = 0x0003c000
        acAllCellProperties = 0x0007ffff
AcGridLineStyle (New)
        acGridLineStyleSingle = 1
        acGridLineStyleDouble = 2
AcDataLinkUpdateDirection (New)
        acUpdateDataFromSource = 1
        acUpdateSourceFromData = 2
AcDataLinkUpdateOption (New)
        acUpdateOptionNone = 0
        acUpdateOptionOverwriteContentModifiedAfterUpdate = 0x00020000
        acUpdateOptionOverwriteFormatModifiedAfterUpdate = 0x00040000
        acUpdateOptionUpdateFullSourceRange = 0x00080000
        acUpdateOptionIncludeXrefs = 0x00100000
AcCellContentType (New)
        acCellContentTypeUnknown = 0
        acCellContentTypeValue = 1
        acCellContentTypeField = 2
        acCellContentTypeBlock = 4
AcCellState (New)
        acCellStateNone = 0
        acCellStateContentLocked = 1
        acCellStateContentReadOnly = 2
        acCellStateFormatLocked = 4
        acCellStateFormatReadOnly = 8
        acCellStateLinked = 16
        acCellStateContentModified = 32
        acCellStateFormatModified = 64
AcCellOption (New)
        kCellOptionNone = 0
        kInheritCellFormat = 1
AcTextAttachmentType (New)
        acAttachmentTopOfTop = 0
        acAttachmentMiddleOfTop = 1
        acAttachmentBottomOfTop = 2
        acAttachmentBottomOfTopLine = 3
        acAttachmentMiddle = 4
        acAttachmentMiddleOfBottom = 5
        acAttachmentBottomOfBottom = 6
        acAttachmentBottomLine = 7
        acAttachmentAllLine = 8
AcMLeaderType (New)
        acStraightLeader = 1
        acSplineLeader = 2
        acInVisibleLeader = 0
AcMLeaderContentType (New)
        acNoneContent = 0
        acBlockContent = 1
        acMTextContent = 2
AcTextAlignmentType (New)
        acLeftAlignment = 0
        acCenterAlignment = 1
        acRightAlignment = 2
AcTextAngleType (New)
        acInsertAngle = 0
        acHorizontalAngle = 1
        acAlwaysRightReadingAngle = 2
AcBlockConnectionType (New)
        acConnectExtents = 0
        acConnectBase = 1
AcPredefBlockType (New)
        acBlockImperial = 0
        acBlockSlot = 1
        acBlockCircle = 2
        acBlockBox = 3
        acBlockHexagon = 4
        acBlockTriangle = 5
        acBlockUserDefined = 6
AcDrawLeaderOrderType (New)
        acDrawLeaderHeadFirst = 0
        acDrawLeaderTailFirst = 1
AcDrawMLeaderOrderType (New)
        acDrawContentFirst = 0
        acDrawLeaderFirst = 1
AcSegmentAngleType (New)
        acDegreesAny = 0
        acDegrees15 = 1
        acDegrees30 = 2
        acDegrees45 = 3
        acDegrees60 = 4
        acDegrees90 = 6
        acDegreesHorz = 12

IAcadObject (Changed)
        ObjectID - Property (Changed to support 64-bit)
        OwnerID - Property (Changed to support 64-bit)
        ObjectID32 - Property (New)
        OwnerID32 - Property (New)
IAcadDatabase (Changed)
        ObjectIdToObject - Method (Changed to support 64-bit)
        ObjectIdToObject32 - Method (Changed)
IAcadTable (Changed)
        GetBlockTableRecordId - Method (Changed to support 64-bit)
        SetBlockTableRecordId - Method (Changed to support 64-bit)
        GetBlockAttributeValue - Method (Changed to support 64-bit)
        SetBlockAttributeValue - Method (Changed to support 64-bit)
        GetFieldId - Method (Changed to support 64-bit)
        SetFieldId - Method (Changed to support 64-bit)
        GetBlockTableRecordId32 - Method (New)
        SetBlockTableRecordId32 - Method (New)
        GetBlockAttributeValue32 - Method (New)
        SetBlockAttributeValue32 - Method (New)
        GetFieldId32 - Method (New)
        SetFieldId32 - Method (New)
IAcadPViewport (Changed)
        LabelBlockId - Property (Changed to support 64-bit)
        LabelBlockId32 - Property (New)
IAcadView (Changed)
        LayoutId - Property (Changed to support 64-bit)
        LayoutId32 - Property (New)
IAcadSectionTypeSettings2 (New)
        IntersectionBoundaryVisible - Property (New)
IAcadIdPair (Changed)
        key - Property (Changed to support 64-bit)
        Value - Property (Changed to support 64-bit)
        Key32 - Property (New)
        Value32 - Property (New)
IAcadTableStyle2 (New)
        CreateCellStyle - Method
        CreateCellStyleFromStyle - Method
        RenameCellStyle - Method
        DeleteCellStyle - Method
        GetUniqueCellStyleName - Method
        GetIsCellStyleInUse - Method
        NumCellStyles - Property
        GetCellStyles - Method
        GetTextStyleId - Method
        SetTextStyleId - Method
        GetTextHeight2 - Method
        SetTextHeight2 - Method
        GetAlignment2 - Method
        SetAlignment2 - Method
        GetColor2 - Method
        SetColor2 - Method
        GetBackgroundColor2 - Method
        SetBackgroundColor2 - Method
        GetDataType2 - Method
        SetDataType2 - Method
        GetFormat2 - Method
        SetFormat2 - Method
        GetCellClass - Method
        SetCellClass - Method
        GetRotation - Method
        SetRotation - Method
        GetIsMergeAllEnabled - Method
        EnableMergeAll - Method
        GetGridLineWeight2 - Method
        SetGridLineWeight2 - Method
        GetGridColor2 - Method
        SetGridColor2 - Method
        GetGridVisibility2 - Method
        SetGridVisibility2 - Method
        TemplateId - Property
        SetTemplateId - Method
        GetTextStyleId32 - Method
        SetTextStyleId32 - Method
        TemplateId32 - Property
        SetTemplateId32 - Method
IAcadMLeaderStyle (New)
        Name - Property
        Description - Property
        BitFlags - Property
        ContentType - Property
        DrawMLeaderOrderType - Property
        DrawLeaderOrderType - Property
        MaxLeaderSegmentsPoints - Property
        FirstSegmentAngleConstraint - Property
        SecondSegmentAngleConstraint - Property
        LeaderLineType - Property
        LeaderLineColor - Property
        LeaderLineTypeId - Property
        LeaderLineWeight - Property
        EnableLanding - Property
        LandingGap - Property
        EnableDogleg - Property
        DoglegLength - Property
        ArrowSymbol - Property
        ArrowSize - Property
        TextStyle - Property
        TextLeftAttachmentType - Property
        TextRightAttachmentType - Property
        TextColor - Property
        TextHeight - Property
        EnableFrameText - Property
        AlignSpace - Property
        Block - Property
        BlockColor - Property
        EnableBlockScale - Property
        BlockScale - Property
        EnableBlockRotation - Property
        BlockRotation - Property
        BlockConnectionType - Property
        ScaleFactor - Property
        OverwritePropChanged - Property
        Annotative - Property
        BreakSize - Property
        TextString - Property
        TextAngleType - Property
        TextAlignmentType - Property
IAcadAttribute2 (New)
        MTextAttribute - Property
        MTextAttributeContent - Property
        UpdateMTextAttribute - Method
        MTextBoundaryWidth - Property
        MTextDrawingDirection - Property
IAcadAttributeReference2 (New)
        MTextAttribute - Property
        MTextAttributeContent - Property
        UpdateMTextAttribute - Method
        MTextBoundaryWidth - Property
        MTextDrawingDirection - Property
IAcadMLeader (New)
        ScaleFactor - Property
        LeaderType - Property
        LeaderLineColor - Property
        LeaderLineType - Property
        LeaderLineWeight - Property
        ArrowheadType - Property
        ArrowheadSize - Property
        DogLegged - Property
        DoglegLength - Property
        ContentBlockName - Property
        BlockConnectionType - Property
        TextString - Property
        TextStyleName - Property
        TextJustify - Property
        TextDirection - Property
        TextWidth - Property
        TextHeight - Property
        TextRotation - Property
        TextLineSpacingFactor - Property
        TextLineSpacingDistance - Property
        TextLineSpacingStyle - Property
        TextBackgroundFill - Property
        TextLeftAttachmentType - Property
        TextRightAttachmentType - Property
        LandingGap - Property
        ArrowheadBlock - Property
        ContentBlockType - Property
        LeaderCount - Property
        AddLeader - Method
        RemoveLeader - Method
        AddLeaderLine - Method
        AddLeaderLineEx - Method
        RemoveLeaderLine - Method
        SetLeaderLineVertices - Method
        GetLeaderLineVertices - Method
        ContentType - Property
        GetLeaderIndex - Method
        GetLeaderLineIndexes - Method
        GetVertexCount - Method
        TextFrameDisplay - Property
        StyleName - Property
        GetDoglegDirection - Method
        SetDoglegDirection - Method
        GetBlockAttributeValue - Method
        SetBlockAttributeValue - Method
        GetBlockAttributeValue32 - Method
        SetBlockAttributeValue32 - Method
IAcadPViewport2 (New)
        LayerPropertyOverrides - Property
IAcadTable2 (New)
        IsEmpty - Method
        CreateContent - Method
        MoveContent - Method
        DeleteContent - Method
        GetValue - Method
        SetValue - Method
        SetValueFromText - Method
        GetDataFormat - Method
        SetDataFormat - Method
        GetTextString - Method
        SetTextString - Method
        GetFieldId2 - Method
        SetFieldId2 - Method
        GetBlockTableRecordId2 - Method
        SetBlockTableRecordId2 - Method
        GetBlockAttributeValue2 - Method
        SetBlockAttributeValue2 - Method
        GetCustomData - Method
        SetCustomData - Method
        GetCellStyle - Method
        SetCellStyle - Method
        GetContentColor2 - Method
        SetContentColor2 - Method
        GetDataType2 - Method
        SetDataType2 - Method
        GetTextStyle2 - Method
        SetTextStyle2 - Method
        GetTextHeight2 - Method
        SetTextHeight2 - Method
        GetRotation - Method
        SetRotation - Method
        GetAutoScale2 - Method
        SetAutoScale2 - Method
        GetScale - Method
        SetScale - Method
        RemoveAllOverrides - Method
        GetGridLineWeight2 - Method
        SetGridLineWeight2 - Method
        GetGridLinetype - Method
        SetGridLinetype - Method
        GetGridColor2 - Method
        SetGridColor2 - Method
        GetGridVisibility2 - Method
        SetGridVisibility2 - Method
        GetGridDoubleLineSpacing - Method
        SetGridDoubleLineSpacing - Method
        EnableBreak - Property
        GetBreakHeight - Method
        SetBreakHeight - Method
        GetContentType - Method
        GetMargin - Method
        SetMargin - Method
        GetContentLayout - Method
        SetContentLayout - Method
        GetOverride - Method
        SetOverride - Method
        GetGridLineStyle - Method
        SetGridLineStyle - Method
        InsertRowsAndInherit - Method
        InsertColumnsAndInherit - Method
        GetHasFormula - Method
        GetFormula - Method
        SetFormula - Method
        IsContentEditable - Method
        IsFormatEditable - Method
        GetCellState - Method
        SetCellState - Method
        EnableMergeAll - Method
        IsMergeAllEnabled - Method
        BreaksEnabled - Property
        RepeatTopLabels - Property
        RepeatBottomLabels - Property
        TableBreakFlowDirection - Property
        AllowManualPositions - Property
        AllowManualHeights - Property
        TableBreakHeight - Property
        BreakSpacing - Property
        GetColumnName - Method
        SetColumnName - Method
        SetToolTip - Method
        GetFieldId232 - Method
        SetFieldId232 - Method
        GetBlockTableRecordId232 - Method
        SetBlockTableRecordId232 - Method
        GetBlockAttributeValue232 - Method
        SetBlockAttributeValue232 - Method
        GetGridLinetype32 - Method
        SetGridLinetype32 - Method
IAcadUnderlay2 (New)
        UnderlayLayerOverrideApplied - Property
IAcadBlock2 (New)
        AddMLeader - Method
IAcadModelSpace2 (New)
        AddMLeader - Method
IAcadPaperSpace2 (New)
        AddMLeader - Method
IAcadDocument (Changed)
        HWND - Property (Changed to support 64-bit)
        HWND32 - Property (New)
IAcadApplication (Changed)
        HWND - Property (Changed to support 64-bit)
        HWND32 - Property (New)







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