查看代码 (AutoLISP)
现在看一下该函数的代码:gp:calculate-Draw-TileRow (defun gp:calculate-Draw-TileRow (startPoint TileRadius TileSpace pathWidth pathAngle offsetFromCenter ObjectCreationStyle / HalfWidth TileDiameter ObjectCreationFunction angp90 angm90 firstCenterPt TileCenterPt TileList) (setq HalfWidth (- (/ pathWidth 2.00) TileRadius) Tilespacing (+ (* TileRadius 2.0) TileSpace) TileDiameter (* TileRadius 2.0) angp90 (+ PathAngle (Degrees->Radians 90)) angm90 (- PathAngle (Degrees->Radians 90)) firstCenterPt (polar startPoint angp90 offsetFromCenter) tileCenterPt firstCenterPt ObjectCreationStyle(strcase ObjectCreationStyle) ObjectCreationFunction (cond ((equal ObjectCreationStyle "ACTIVEX") gp:Create_activeX_Circle ) ((equal ObjectCreationStyle "ENTMAKE") gp:Create_entmake_Circle ) ((equal ObjectCreationStyle "COMMAND") gp:Create_command_Circle ) (T (alert (strcat "ObjectCreationStyle in function gp:calculate-Draw-TileRow" "\nis invalid. Contact developer for assistance." "\n ObjectCreationStyle set to ACTIVEX" ) ) (setq ObjectCreationStyle "ACTIVEX") ) ) ) ;; Draw the circles to the left of the center. (while (< (distance startPoint tileCenterPt) HalfWidth) ;; Add each tile to the list to return. (setq tileList (cons (ObjectCreationFunction tileCenterPt TileRadius) tileList ) ) ;; Calculate the center point for the next tile. (setq tileCenterPt (polar tileCenterPt angp90 TileSpacing) ) );_ end of while ;; Draw the circles to the right of the center. (setq tileCenterPt (polar firstCenterPt angm90 TileSpacing) ) (while (< (distance startPoint tileCenterPt) HalfWidth) ;; Add each tile to the list to return. (setq tileList (cons (ObjectCreationFunction tileCenterPt TileRadius) tileList ) ) ;; Calculate the center point for the next tile. (setq tileCenterPt (polar tileCenterPt angm90 TileSpacing) ) );_ end of while ;; Return the list of tiles. tileList ) ;_ end of defun AutoLISP 代码逻辑遵循伪代码,并添加了以下内容: (setq ObjectCreationFunction (cond ((equal ObjectCreationStyle "ACTIVEX") gp:Create_activeX_Circle ) ((equal ObjectCreationStyle "ENTMAKE") gp:Create_entmake_Circle ) ((equal ObjectCreationStyle "COMMAND") gp:Create_command_Circle ) (T (alert (strcat "ObjectCreationStyle in function gp:calculate-Draw-TileRow" "\nis invalid. Contact the developer for assistance." "\n ObjectCreationStyle set to ACTIVEX" ) ;_ end of strcat ) ;_ end of alert (setq ObjectCreationStyle "ACTIVEX") ) ) ;_ end of cond ) ;_ end of setq 还记得允许用户使用 ActiveX、函数或函数绘制图块(圆圈)的规范吗?变量被分配三个函数之一,具体取决于参数(从和通过传递)。下面是将在 gpdraw.lsp 中定义的三个函数:entmakecommandObjectCreationFunctionObjectCreationStyle C:GPath gp:Calculate-and-Draw-Tiles (defun gp:Create_activeX_Circle (center radius) (vla-addCircle *ModelSpace* (vlax-3d-point center) ; convert to ActiveX-compatible 3D point radius ) ) ;_ end of defun (defun gp:Create_entmake_Circle (center radius) (entmake (list (cons 0 "CIRCLE") (cons 10 center) (cons 40 radius)) ) (vlax-ename->vla-object (entlast)) ) (defun gp:Create_command_Circle (center radius) (command "._circle" center radius) (vlax-ename->vla-object (entlast)) ) 第一个函数使用 ActiveX 函数绘制一个圆,并返回一个 ActiveX 对象。 第二个函数使用 绘制一个圆。它返回转换为 ActiveX 对象的实体名称。entmake 第三个函数使用 绘制一个圆。它还返回转换为 ActiveX 对象的实体名称。command |
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