编写 DXF 文件 (DXF)
编写创建 DXF 文件的程序可能比创建读取 DXF 文件的程序更困难,因为必须保持图形中的一致性,才能使基于 AutoCAD 的程序能够找到可接受的文件。基于 AutoCAD 的程序使您可以省略 DXF 文件中的很多内容,而仍然能够获得可用的图形。
以下 Visual Basic 子例程构造了一个表示多边形的 DXF 文件。 ' WriteDXFPolygon creates a minimal DXF file that only contains ' the ENTITIES section. This subroutine requires five parameters, ' the DXF file name, the number of sides for the polygon, the X ' and Y coordinates for the bottom end of the right-most side ' (it starts in a vertical direction), and the length for each ' side. Note that because this only requests 2D points, it does ' not include the Z coordinates (codes 30 and 31). The lines are ' placed on the layer "Polygon." ' Sub WriteDXFPolygon( _ dxfFile As String, iSides As Integer, _ dblX As Double, dblY As Double, dblLen As Double) Dim i As Integer Dim dblA1, dblA, dblPI, dblNX, dblNY As Double Open dxfFile For Output As #1 Print #1, 0 Print #1, "SECTION" Print #1, 2 Print #1, "ENTITIES" dblPI = Atn(1) * 4 dblA1 = (2 * dblPI) / iSides dblA = dblPI / 2 For i = 1 To iSides Print #1, 0 Print #1, "LINE" Print #1, 8 Print #1, "Polygon" Print #1, 10 Print #1, dblX Print #1, 20 Print #1, dblY dblNX = dblLen * Cos(dblA) + dblX dblNY = dblLen * Sin(dblA) + dblY Print #1, 11 Print #1, dblNX Print #1, 21 Print #1, dblNY dblX = dblNX dblY = dblNY dblA = dblA + dblA1 Next i Print #1, 0 Print #1, "ENDSEC" Print #1, 0 Print #1, "EOF" Close #1 End Sub 只要在需要数据的行上写入格式正确的项目,DXFIN 就会接受该项目。(当然,字符串项目不应该包含前导空格,除非这些空格是字符串的一部分。) 此 BASIC 程序利用了输入格式的灵活性,它生成的文件与基于 AutoCAD 的程序生成的文件并不完全相同。 如果使用 DXFIN 加载 DXF 文件时出现错误,则基于 AutoCAD 的程序将通过一条信息报告该错误,指明错误的性质以及检测到错误之前在 DXF 文件中处理的最后一行数据。错误可能并不出现在这一行,尤其是当出现省略所需组这样的错误时更是如此。 相关参考父主题: |
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