使用 Try 语句 (.NET)
在 VB.NET 和 C# 中,可以使用语句捕获运行时错误。这句话从字面上为系统设置了一个陷阱。当语句中发生错误时,将绕过系统的默认错误处理,并将执行重定向到其子句。TryTryCatch 该语句有三种形式:Try
Try-Catch 语句当您要响应错误时,将使用该语句。此语句捕获错误,而不是显示默认错误消息并终止应用程序,而是将执行移至语句的子句。Try-CatchCatchTry 该子句可以选择包含接受 Exception 对象的单个参数。Exception 对象包含有关所遇到错误的信息。如果遇到的错误无法解决,则应显示自定义错误消息并正常退出应用程序。Catch Try-Finally 语句当您不想提供特定的错误处理时,将使用该语句。此语句捕获错误,并显示默认错误消息而不终止应用程序。遇到错误时,在默认消息框中单击 Continue 后,执行将从语句移动到其子句。当应用程序仍在开发和调试时,最好使用该语句。Try-FinallyTryFinallyTry-Finally Try-Catch-Finally 语句该语句是 和 语句的组合。此语句捕获错误,而不是显示默认错误消息并终止应用程序,而是将执行移至语句的子句。在子句中执行代码后,执行将移动到该子句,这为应用程序提供了继续执行或正常退出的最后一次机会。Try-Catch-FinallyTry-CatchTry-FinallyCatchTryCatchFinally 在不使用 Try-Catch-Finally 语句的情况下测试错误处理以下示例尝试在 C: 驱动器上打开名为“Drawing123”的文件。如果找不到该文件,则会引发 eFileNotFound 错误。第一个命令不会捕获该方法引发的错误,因此在AutoCAD中启动该命令时会显示默认消息框。第二个命令捕获使用语句引发的错误。ReadDwgFileTry-Catch-Finally VB.NETImports Autodesk.AutoCAD.Runtime Imports Autodesk.AutoCAD.ApplicationServices Imports Autodesk.AutoCAD.DatabaseServices <CommandMethod("NoErrorHandler")> _ Public Sub NoErrorHandler() '' Create a new database with no document window Using acDb As Database = New Database(False, True) '' Read the drawing file named "Drawing123.dwg" on the C: drive. '' If the "Drawing123.dwg" file does not exist, an eFileNotFound '' exception is tossed and the program halts. acDb.ReadDwgFile("c:\Drawing123.dwg", _ System.IO.FileShare.None, False, "") End Using '' Message will not be displayed since the exception caused by '' ReadDwgFile is not handled. Application.ShowAlertDialog("End of command reached") End Sub <CommandMethod("ErrorTryCatchFinally")> _ Public Sub ErrorTryCatchFinally() '' Create a new database with no document window Using acDb As Database = New Database(False, True) Try '' Read the drawing file named "Drawing123.dwg" on the C: drive. '' If the "Drawing123.dwg" file does not exist, an eFileNotFound '' exception is tossed and the catch statement handles the error. acDb.ReadDwgFile("c:\Drawing123.dwg", _ System.IO.FileShare.None, False, "") Catch Ex As Autodesk.AutoCAD.Runtime.Exception Application.ShowAlertDialog("The following exception was caught:" & _ vbLf & Ex.Message) Finally '' Message is displayed since the exception caused '' by ReadDwgFile is handled. Application.ShowAlertDialog("End of command reached") End Try End Using End Sub C#using Autodesk.AutoCAD.Runtime; using Autodesk.AutoCAD.ApplicationServices; using Autodesk.AutoCAD.DatabaseServices; [CommandMethod("NoErrorHandler")] public void NoErrorHandler() { // Create a new database with no document window using (Database acDb = new Database(false, true)) { // Read the drawing file named "Drawing123.dwg" on the C: drive. // If the "Drawing123.dwg" file does not exist, an eFileNotFound // exception is tossed and the program halts. acDb.ReadDwgFile("c:\\Drawing123.dwg", System.IO.FileShare.None, false, ""); } // Message will not be displayed since the exception caused by // ReadDwgFile is not handled. Application.ShowAlertDialog("End of command reached"); } [CommandMethod("ErrorTryCatchFinally")] public void ErrorTryCatchFinally() { // Create a new database with no document window using (Database acDb = new Database(false, true)) { try { // Read the drawing file named "Drawing123.dwg" on the C: drive. // If the "Drawing123.dwg" file does not exist, an eFileNotFound // exception is tossed and the catch statement handles the error. acDb.ReadDwgFile("c:\\Drawing123.dwg", System.IO.FileShare.None, false, ""); } catch (Autodesk.AutoCAD.Runtime.Exception Ex) { Application.ShowAlertDialog("The following exception was caught:\n" + Ex.Message); } finally { // Message is displayed since the exception caused // by ReadDwgFile is handled. Application.ShowAlertDialog("End of command reached"); } } } 父主题: |
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