关于 Leader Associativity (VBA/ActiveX)
引线与其注释相关联,因此当注解移动时,引线的端点也会随之移动。 移动文本和要素控制框注记时,根据注记与引线倒数第二个(倒数第二个)点的关系,最终引线段在附着到注记的左侧和右侧之间交替。如果注释的中点位于倒数第二个引线点的右侧,则引线附着在右侧;否则,它会附加到左侧。 使用 、 (添加块) 或方法从图形中删除任一对象将破坏关联性。如果在单个操作中将引线及其批注复制在一起,则新副本是关联的。如果单独复制它们,则它们将不具有关联性。如果由于任何原因(例如,仅复制 Leader 对象或擦除注释)破坏了关联性,则钩子线将从引线中删除。DeleteAddWBlock 将引线关联到批注此示例创建一个对象。然后,使用对象作为其注释创建引线。MTextMText Sub Ch5_AddAnnotation() Dim leaderObj As AcadLeader Dim mtextObj As AcadMText Dim points(0 To 8) As Double Dim insertionPoint(0 To 2) As Double Dim width As Double Dim leaderType As Integer Dim annotationObject As Object Dim textString As String, msg As String ' Create the MText object in model space textString = "Hello, World." insertionPoint(0) = 5 insertionPoint(1) = 5 insertionPoint(2) = 0 width = 2 Set mtextObj = ThisDrawing.ModelSpace. _ AddMText(insertionPoint, width, textString) ' Data for Leader points(0) = 0: points(1) = 0: points(2) = 0 points(3) = 4: points(4) = 4: points(5) = 0 points(6) = 4: points(7) = 5: points(8) = 0 leaderType = acLineWithArrow ' Create the Leader object in model space and associate ' the MText object with the leader Set annotationObject = mtextObj Set leaderObj = ThisDrawing.ModelSpace. _ AddLeader(points, annotationObject, leaderType) ZoomAll End Sub |
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