AutoCAD 2005 API 历史记录参考 (ActiveX)
对 AutoCAD 2005 和基于 AutoCAD 2005 的产品中的 ActiveX API 所做的添加和更改。 枚举AcEntityName (Changed) acTable = 43 (New) AcTableDirection (New) acTableTopToBottom = 0 acTableBottomToTop = 1 AcCellAlignment (New) acTopLeft = 1 acTopCenter = 2 acTopRight = 3 acMiddleLeft = 4 acMiddleCenter = 5 acMiddleRight = 6 acBottomLeft = 7 acBottomCenter = 8 acBottomRight = 9 AcRowType (New) acUnknownRow = 0 acDataRow = 1 acTitleRow = 2 acHeaderRow = 4 AcGridLineType (New) acInvalidGridLine = 0 acHorzTop = 1 acHorzInside = 2 acHorzBottom = 4 acVertLeft = 8 acVertInside = 16 acVertRight = 32 AcCellType (New) acUnknownCell = 0 acTextCell = 1 acBlockCell = 2 AcCellEdgeMask (New) acTopMask = 1 acRightMask = 2 acBottomMask = 4 acLeftMask = 8 AcRotationAngle (New) acDegreesUnknown = 0xffffffff acDegrees000 = 0 acDegrees090 = 1 acDegrees180 = 2 acDegrees270 = 3 AcSelectType (New) acTableSelectWindow = 1 acTableSelectCrossing = 2 AcOleType (New) acOTLink = 1 acOTEmbedded = 2 acOTStatic = 3 AcOlePlotQuality (New) acOPQMonochrome = 0 acOPQLowGraphics = 1 acOPQHighGraphics = 2 AcTableStyleOverrides (New) acTitleSuppressed = 1 acHeaderSuppressed = 2 acFlowDirection = 3 acHorzCellMargin = 4 acVertCellMargin = 5 acTitleRowColor = 6 acHeaderRowColor = 7 acDataRowColor = 8 acTitleRowFillNone = 9 acHeaderRowFillNone = 10 acDataRowFillNone = 11 acTitleRowFillColor = 12 acHeaderRowFillColor = 13 acDataRowFillColor = 14 acTitleRowAlignment = 15 acHeaderRowAlignment = 16 acDataRowAlignment = 17 acTitleRowTextStyle = 18 acHeaderRowTextStyle = 19 acDataRowTextStyle = 20 acTitleRowTextHeight = 21 acHeaderRowTextHeight = 22 acDataRowTextHeight = 23 acTitleHorzTopColor = 40 acTitleHorzInsideColor = 41 acTitleHorzBottomColor = 42 acTitleVertLeftColor = 43 acTitleVertInsideColor = 44 acTitleVertRightColor = 45 acHeaderHorzTopColor = 46 acHeaderHorzInsideColor = 47 acHeaderHorzBottomColor = 48 acHeaderVertLeftColor = 49 acHeaderVertInsideColor = 50 acHeaderVertRightColor = 51 acDataHorzTopColor = 52 acDataHorzInsideColor = 53 acDataHorzBottomColor = 54 acDataVertLeftColor = 55 acDataVertInsideColor = 56 acDataVertRightColor = 57 acTitleHorzTopLineWeight = 70 acTitleHorzInsideLineWeight = 71 acTitleHorzBottomLineWeight = 72 acTitleVertLeftLineWeight = 73 acTitleVertInsideLineWeight = 74 acTitleVertRightLineWeight = 75 acHeaderHorzTopLineWeight = 76 acHeaderHorzInsideLineWeight = 77 acHeaderHorzBottomLineWeight = 78 acHeaderVertLeftLineWeight = 79 acHeaderVertInsideLineWeight = 80 acHeaderVertRightLineWeight = 81 acDataHorzTopLineWeight = 82 acDataHorzInsideLineWeight = 83 acDataHorzBottomLineWeight = 84 acDataVertLeftLineWeight = 85 acDataVertInsideLineWeight = 86 acDataVertRightLineWeight = 87 acTitleHorzTopVisibility = 100 acTitleHorzInsideVisibility = 101 acTitleHorzBottomVisibility = 102 acTitleVertLeftVisibility = 103 acTitleVertInsideVisibility = 104 acTitleVertRightVisibility = 105 acHeaderHorzTopVisibility = 106 acHeaderHorzInsideVisibility = 107 acHeaderHorzBottomVisibility = 108 acHeaderVertLeftVisibility = 109 acHeaderVertInsideVisibility = 110 acHeaderVertRightVisibility = 111 acDataHorzTopVisibility = 112 acDataHorzInsideVisibility = 113 acDataHorzBottomVisibility = 114 acDataVertLeftVisibility = 115 acDataVertInsideVisibility = 116 acDataVertRightVisibility = 117 acCellAlign = 130 acCellBackgroundFillNone = 131 acCellBackgroundColor = 132 acCellContentColor = 133 acCellTextStyle = 134 acCellTextHeight = 135 acCellTopGridColor = 136 acCellRightGridColor = 137 acCellBottomGridColor = 138 acCellLeftGridColor = 139 acCellTopGridLineWeight = 140 acCellRightGridLineWeight = 141 acCellBottomGridLineWeight = 142 acCellLeftGridLineWeight = 143 acCellTopVisibility = 144 acCellRightVisibility = 145 acCellBottomVisibility = 146 acCellLeftVisibility = 147 类IAcadSortentsTable (New) MoveToBottom - Method MoveToTop - Method MoveBelow - Method MoveAbove - Method SwapOrder - Method Block - Method GetFullDrawOrder - Method GetRelativeDrawOrder - Method SetRelativeDrawOrder - Method IAcadLayer2 (New) Description - Property Used - Property IAcadView2 (New) CategoryName - Property LayoutId - Property LayerState - Property HasVpAssociation - Property IAcadTableStyle (New) Name - Property Description - Property BitFlags - Property FlowDirection - Property HorzCellMargin - Property VertCellMargin - Property TitleSuppressed - Property HeaderSuppressed - Property GetTextStyle - Method SetTextStyle - Method GetTextHeight - Method SetTextHeight - Method GetAlignment - Method SetAlignment - Method GetColor - Method SetColor - Method GetBackgroundColor - Method SetBackgroundColor - Method GetBackgroundColorNone - Method SetBackgroundColorNone - Method GetGridLineWeight - Method SetGridLineWeight - Method GetGridColor - Method SetGridColor - Method GetGridVisibility - Method SetGridVisibility - Method IAcadLayers2 (New) GenerateUsageData - Method IAcadMText2 (New) BackgroundFill - Property FieldCode - Method IAcadText2 (New) FieldCode - Method IAcadPViewport2 (New) ModelView - Property SheetView - Property LabelBlockId - Property HasSheetView - Property SyncModelView - Method IAcadTable (New) StyleName - Property Rows - Property Columns - Property FlowDirection - Property Width - Property Height - Property VertCellMargin - Property HorzCellMargin - Property InsertionPoint - Property GetColumnWidth - Method SetColumnWidth - Method ColumnWidth - Method GetRowHeight - Method SetRowHeight - Method RowHeight - Method GetMinimumColumnWidth - Method GetMinimumRowHeight - Method MinimumTableWidth - Property MinimumTableHeight - Property Direction - Property TitleSuppressed - Property HeaderSuppressed - Property GetAlignment - Method SetAlignment - Method GetBackgroundColorNone - Method SetBackgroundColorNone - Method GetBackgroundColor - Method SetBackgroundColor - Method GetContentColor - Method SetContentColor - Method GetTextStyle - Method SetTextStyle - Method GetTextHeight - Method SetTextHeight - Method GetGridLineWeight - Method SetGridLineWeight - Method GetGridColor - Method SetGridColor - Method GetGridVisibility - Method SetGridVisibility - Method TableStyleOverrides - Property ClearTableStyleOverrides - Method GetCellType - Method SetCellType - Method GetCellExtents - Method GetAttachmentPoint - Method GetCellAlignment - Method SetCellAlignment - Method GetCellBackgroundColorNone - Method SetCellBackgroundColorNone - Method GetCellBackgroundColor - Method SetCellBackgroundColor - Method GetCellContentColor - Method SetCellContentColor - Method GetCellStyleOverrides - Method DeleteCellContent - Method GetRowType - Method GetText - Method SetText - Method GetCellTextStyle - Method SetCellTextStyle - Method GetCellTextHeight - Method SetCellTextHeight - Method GetTextRotation - Method SetTextRotation - Method GetAutoScale - Method SetAutoScale - Method GetBlockTableRecordId - Method SetBlockTableRecordId - Method GetBlockScale - Method SetBlockScale - Method GetBlockRotation - Method SetBlockRotation - Method GetBlockAttributeValue - Method SetBlockAttributeValue - Method GetCellGridLineWeight - Method SetCellGridLineWeight - Method GetCellGridColor - Method SetCellGridColor - Method GetCellGridVisibility - Method SetCellGridVisibility - Method InsertColumns - Method DeleteColumns - Method InsertRows - Method DeleteRows - Method MergeCells - Method UnmergeCells - Method IsMergedCell - Method GetFieldId - Method SetFieldId - Method GenerateLayout - Method RecomputeTableBlock - Method HitTest - Method Select - Method SelectSubRegion - Method ReselectSubRegion - Method GetSubSelection - Method SetSubSelection - Method ClearSubSelection - Method HasSubSelection - Property IAcadOle (New) InsertionPoint - Property Rotation - Property Width - Property Height - Property ScaleWidth - Property ScaleHeight - Property LockAspectRatio - Property OleItemType - Property OlePlotQuality - Property OleSourceApp - Property IAcadBlock2 (New) AddTable - Method Path - Property IAcadModelSpace2 (New) AddTable - Method IAcadPaperSpace2 (New) AddTable - Method _DAcadApplicationEvents (Changed) BeginFileDrop - Event (Changed the last parameter to accept and return a value) IAcadPreferencesFiles2 (New) QNewTemplateFile - Property (New) PlotLogFilePath - Property (New) PageSetupOverridesTemplateFile - Property (New) IAcadPreferencesOutput2 (New) ContinuousPlotLog - Property (New) AutomaticPlotLog - Property (New) DefaultPlotToFilePath - Property (New) _DAcadDocumentEvents (Changed) BeginDocClose - Event (New) 相关概念 |
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