关于将加速键分配给菜单项 (VBA/ActiveX)
要通过 AutoCAD ActiveX/VBA 为菜单项指定快捷键,请使用给定菜单项的特性。Label 若要指定加速键,请在要用作加速键的字符正前方的标签中插入与号 (&) 的 ASCII 等效项。例如,标签 Chr(Asc(“&”)) + “Edit” 将显示为“Edit”,字符“E”用作快捷键。 向菜单添加加速键本示例为“TestMenu”和“Open”菜单添加快捷键。“s”用作“TestMenu”菜单的加速键,“O”用作“打开”菜单的加速键。 Sub Ch6_AddAMenuItem() Dim currMenuGroup As AcadMenuGroup Set currMenuGroup = ThisDrawing.Application.MenuGroups.Item(0) ' Create the new menu Dim newMenu As AcadPopupMenu Set newMenu = currMenuGroup.Menus.Add _ ("Te" + Chr(Asc("&")) + "stMenu") ' Add a menu item to the new menu Dim newMenuItem As AcadPopupMenuItem Dim openMacro As String ' Assign the macro the VBA equivalent of "ESC ESC _open " openMacro = Chr(3) + Chr(3) + "_open " Set newMenuItem = newMenu.AddMenuItem _ (newMenu.count + 1, Chr(Asc("&")) _ + "Open", openMacro) ' Display the menu on the menu bar newMenu.InsertInMenuBar _ (ThisDrawing.Application.menuBar.count + 1) End Sub 相关概念 |
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