现在你已经有了绘制路径的逻辑,下一步就是弄清楚如何在每一行中绘制图块。在下图中,显示了两种情况:一行与路径中心的偏移量等于 0.0,另一行的偏移量不等于零。请看一下图表,然后阅读下面的伪代码。 ![]() Set up variables for StartPoint, angp90, angm90, and so on. Set the variable FirstCenterPoint to the StartPoint + offset amount (which may be 0.0). Set the initial value of TileCenterPt to FirstCenterPoint. (Comment: Begin by drawing the circles in the angp90 direction.) While the distance from the StartPoint to the TileCenterPt is less than the HalfWidth: Draw a circle (adding to the accumulating list of circles). Set TileCenterPt to the next tile space increment in the angp90 direction. End While Reset the TileCenterPoint to the FirstCenterPoint + the tile space increment at angm90. While the distance from the StartPoint to the TileCenterPt is less than the HalfWidth: Draw a circle (adding to the accumulating list of circles). Set TileCenterPt to the next tile space increment in the angm90 direction. End While Return the list of circles. |
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