SetGridVisibility 方法 (ActiveX)
设置指定网格线型和行类型的网格可见性值。 支持的平台:仅限 Windows 签名VBA: object.SetGridVisibility gridLineTypes, rowTypes, bValue
返回值 (RetVal)无返回值。 言论没有其他评论。 例子VBA: Sub Example_SetGridVisibility() ' This example creates a TableStyle object and sets values for ' the style name and other attributes. Dim dictionaries As AcadDictionaries Set dictionaries = ThisDrawing.Database.dictionaries Dim dictObj As AcadDictionary Set dictObj = dictionaries.Item("acad_tablestyle") ' Get the current TableStyle object Dim tableStyle As AcadTableStyle Set tableStyle = dictObj.Item(ThisDrawing.GetVariable("CTABLESTYLE")) Dim colGridCurrent As AcadAcCmColor, lwGridCurrent As ACAD_LWEIGHT, visGridCurrent As Boolean Set colGridCurrent = tableStyle.GetGridColor(acHorzBottom, acTitleRow) lwGridCurrent = tableStyle.GetGridLineWeight(acHorzBottom, acTitleRow) visGridCurrent = tableStyle.GetGridVisibility(acHorzTop, acTitleRow) MsgBox "Grid settings " & vbLf & _ "nColor (Bottom) = " & colGridCurrent.ColorIndex & vbLf & _ "nLineweight (Bottom) = " & lwGridCurrent & vbLf & _ "Visibility (Top) = " & visGridCurrent Dim col As AcadAcCmColor Set col = AcadApplication.GetInterfaceObject("AutoCAD.AcCmColor." & Left(AcadApplication.Version, 2)) col.SetRGB 0, 0, 255 tableStyle.SetGridColor acHorzBottom, acTitleRow, col tableStyle.SetGridLineWeight acHorzBottom, acTitleRow, acLnWt025 If visGridCurrent = False Then tableStyle.SetGridVisibility acHorzTop, acTitleRow, True Else tableStyle.SetGridVisibility acHorzTop, acTitleRow, False End If Dim colGridNew As AcadAcCmColor, lwGridNew As ACAD_LWEIGHT, visGridNew As Boolean Set colGridNew = tableStyle.GetGridColor(acHorzBottom, acTitleRow) lwGridNew = tableStyle.GetGridLineWeight(acHorzBottom, acTitleRow) visGridNew = tableStyle.GetGridVisibility(acHorzTop, acTitleRow) MsgBox "Grid settings " & vbLf & _ "nColor (Bottom) = " & colGridNew.ColorIndex & vbLf & _ "nLineweight (Bottom) = " & lwGridNew & vbLf & _ "Visibility (Top) = " & visGridNew tableStyle.SetGridColor acHorzBottom, acTitleRow, colGridCurrent tableStyle.SetGridLineWeight acHorzBottom, acTitleRow, lwGridCurrent tableStyle.SetGridVisibility acHorzTop, acTitleRow, visGridCurrent MsgBox "Reset the table style back to its original values." End Sub 可视化 LISP: (vl-load-com) (defun c:Example_SetGridVisibility() ;; This example creates a TableStyle object and sets values for ;; the style name and other attributes. (setq acadObj (vlax-get-acad-object)) (setq doc (vla-get-ActiveDocument acadObj)) (setq dictionaries (vla-get-Dictionaries doc)) (setq dictObj (vla-Item dictionaries "acad_tablestyle")) ;; Create the custom TableStyle object in the dictionary (setq keyName "NewStyle" className "AcDbTableStyle") (setq customObj (vla-AddObject dictObj keyName className)) (vla-put-Name customObj "NewStyle") (vla-put-Description customObj "New Style for My Tables") (vla-put-FlowDirection customObj acTableBottomToTop) (vla-put-HorzCellMargin customObj 0.22) (vla-put-BitFlags customObj 1) (vla-SetTextHeight customObj (+ acDataRow acTitleRow) 1.3) (vla-SetTextStyle customObj (+ acDataRow acTitleRow) "Standard") (setq col (vlax-create-object (strcat "AutoCAD.AcCmColor." (substr (getvar "ACADVER") 1 2)))) (vla-SetRGB col 12 23 45) (vla-SetBackgroundColor customObj (+ acDataRow acTitleRow) col) (vla-SetBackgroundColorNone customObj acHeaderRow :vlax-false) (vla-SetGridVisibility customObj (+ acHorzInside acHorzTop) (+ acDataRow acTitleRow) :vlax-true) (vla-SetAlignment customObj (+ acDataRow acTitleRow) acBottomRight) (vla-SetRGB col 244 0 0) (vla-SetGridColor customObj (+ acHorzTop acHorzInside) acDataRow col) (alert (strcat "Table Style Name = " (vla-get-Name customObj) "\nStyle Description = " (vla-get-Description customObj) "\nFlow Direction = " (itoa (vla-get-FlowDirection customObj)) "\nHorzontal Cell Margin = " (rtos (vla-get-HorzCellMargin customObj) 2) "\nBit Flags = " (itoa (vla-get-BitFlags customObj)) "\nTitle Row Text Height = " (rtos (vla-GetTextHeight customObj acTitleRow) 2) "\nTitle Row Text Style = " (vla-GetTextStyle customObj acTitleRow) "\nGrid Visibility for HorizontalBottom TitleRow = " (if (= (vla-GetGridVisibility customObj acHorzBottom acTitleRow) :vlax-true) "True" "False") "\nTitle Row Alignment = " (itoa (vla-GetAlignment customObj acTitleRow)) "\nHeader Suppression = " (if (= (vla-get-HeaderSuppressed customObj) :vlax-true) "True" "False") ) ) (vlax-release-object col) ) |
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