此示例演示如何创建对象并设置其某些属性(图层、颜色索引、闭合参数)。然后,它创建四个顶点对象 (),设置它们的位置,并将它们追加到折线对象。最后,它关闭所有打开的对象 - 顶点、折线、块表记录和块表。关闭折线对象后,AutoCAD 会自动将对象添加到其中。AcDb2dPolylineAcDb2dPolylineVertexAcDbSequenceEnd void createPolyline() { // Set four vertex locations for the pline. // AcGePoint3dArray ptArr; ptArr.setLogicalLength(4); for (int i = 0; i < 4; i++) { ptArr[i].set((double)(i/2), (double)(i%2), 0.0); } // Dynamically allocate an AcDb2dPolyline object, // given four vertex elements whose locations are supplied // in ptArr. The polyline has no elevation, and is // explicitly set as closed. The polyline is simple; // that is, not curve fit or a spline. By default, the // widths are all 0.0 and there are no bulge factors. // AcDb2dPolyline *pNewPline = new AcDb2dPolyline( AcDb::k2dSimplePoly, ptArr, 0.0, Adesk::kTrue); pNewPline->setColorIndex(3); // Get a pointer to a block table object. // AcDbBlockTable *pBlockTable; acdbHostApplicationServices()->workingDatabase() ->getSymbolTable(pBlockTable, AcDb::kForRead); // Get a pointer to the MODEL_SPACE BlockTableRecord. // AcDbBlockTableRecord *pBlockTableRecord; pBlockTable->getAt(ACDB_MODEL_SPACE, pBlockTableRecord, AcDb::kForWrite); pBlockTable->close(); // Append the pline object to the database and // obtain its object ID. // AcDbObjectId plineObjId; pBlockTableRecord->appendAcDbEntity(plineObjId, pNewPline); pBlockTableRecord->close(); // Make the pline object reside on layer "0". // pNewPline->setLayer("0"); pNewPline->close(); } 父主题: |
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