AttachToolbarToFlyout 方法 (ActiveX)
将工具栏附加到定义为浮出控件的工具栏按钮。 支持的平台:仅限 Windows 签名VBA: object.AttachToolbarToFlyout MenuGroupName, ToolbarName
返回值 (RetVal)无返回值。 言论若要将新按钮创建为浮出控件,请使用该方法并将 FlyoutButton 参数设置为 。将按钮创建为浮出控件按钮后,可以使用该方法将浮出控件工具栏附加到该按钮。AddToolBarButtonTrueAttachToolbarToFlyout 若要查询工具栏按钮以查看它是否为浮出控件按钮,请使用该属性。若要查找附加到浮出控件工具栏按钮的工具栏,请使用该属性。TypeFlyout 例子VBA: Sub Example_AttachToolbarToFlyout() ' This example uses MenuGroups to obtain a reference to the AutoCAD main menu. ' It then creates a new Toolbar(TestMenu) with a Toolbar button that will act ' as a flyout. It then sets the Flyout menu to an existing Toolbar menu. ' The Toolbar will automatically be displayed and will display the UCS menu ' as a flyout. Dim currMenuGroup As acadMenuGroup Dim newToolBar As AcadToolbar, newToolBarFlyoutButton As AcadToolbarItem On Error GoTo ERRORTRAP ' Use MenuGroups property to obtain reference to main AutoCAD menu Set currMenuGroup = ThisDrawing.Application.MenuGroups.Item("ACAD") ' Create a new Toolbar in this group Set newToolBar = currMenuGroup.Toolbars.Add("TestMenu") ' Add new button to TestMenu that will link to the Flyout menu ' ' * NOTE: Set the macro name to the name of the flyout toolbar because ' setting it to an empty string causes an error. The paremeter ' is actually ignored when the style is flyout, but must have any value other than "". Set newToolBarFlyoutButton = newToolBar.AddToolbarButton(newToolBar.count + 1, "Flyout", "Flyout", "UCS", True) ' Link the existing toolbar "UCS" as the flyout for the new toolbar button ' ' * NOTE: To change the flyout, simply change the MenuGroup and Toolbar name below newToolBarFlyoutButton.AttachToolbarToFlyout "ACAD", "UCS" MsgBox "A new Toolbar with a flyout has been added to the AutoCAD menu system!" Exit Sub ERRORTRAP: MsgBox "The following error has occurred: " & Err.Description End Sub 可视化 LISP: (vl-load-com) (defun c:Example_AttachToolbarToFlyout() ;; This example uses MenuGroups to obtain a reference to the AutoCAD main menu. ;; It then creates a new Toolbar(TestMenu) with a Toolbar button that will act ;; as a flyout. It then sets the Flyout menu to an existing Toolbar menu. ;; The Toolbar will automatically be displayed and will display the UCS menu ;; as a flyout. (setq acadObj (vlax-get-acad-object)) (setq currMenuGroup (vla-Item (vla-get-MenuGroups acadObj) 0)) ;; Create a new Toolbar in this group (setq newToolBar (vla-Add (vla-get-Toolbars currMenuGroup) "TestMenu")) ;; Add new button to TestMenu that will link to the Flyout menu ;; ;; * NOTE: Set the macro name to the name of the flyout toolbar because ;; setting it to an empty string causes an error. The paremeter ;; is actually ignored when the style is flyout, but must have any value other than "". (setq newToolBarFlyoutButton (vla-AddToolbarButton newToolBar (1+ (vla-get-Count newToolBar)) "Flyout" "Flyout" "UCS" :vlax-true)) ;; Link the existing toolbar "UCS" as the flyout for the new toolbar button ;; ;; * NOTE: To change the flyout, simply change the MenuGroup and Toolbar name below (vla-AttachToolbarToFlyout newToolBarFlyoutButton "ACAD" "UCS") (alert "A new Toolbar with a flyout has been added to the AutoCAD menu system!") ) |
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