示例 2:确定标准显示对象的隐藏线
本示例显示一个金字塔,前边缘为黄色,后边缘为蓝色,让您了解金字塔的可见边缘和隐藏边缘。该示例演示如何应用模型到眼睛的变换,然后应用透视变换。它使用眼坐标来绘制实体,并显示 、 、 、 、 和 的用法。isPerspective()doPerspective()getFrontandBackClipValues()polylineDc()polylineEye()polyline() 将眼坐标线段转换为显示空间
如果使用 的 、 、 或函数 ,则应调用 来建立实体的边界框。这将使 AutoCAD 知道图元需要多少空间,并在 ZOOM 范围中使用了多少空间。当实体位于世界坐标中时,通常会调用该函数,以确定在世界坐标中适合实体的最小框。polygonEye()polygonDc()polylineEye()polylineDc()AcGiViewportGeometryAcGiWorldGeometry::setExtents()setExtents() AsdkViewGeomSamp::AsdkViewGeomSamp() : mNumVerts(4) { mVerts[0] = AcGePoint3d(0.0, 0.0, 0.0); mVerts[1] = AcGePoint3d(1.0, 0.0, 0.0); mVerts[2] = AcGePoint3d(0.0, 1.0, 0.0); mVerts[3] = AcGePoint3d(0.0, 0.0, 1.0); } Acad::ErrorStatus AsdkViewGeomSamp::subTransformBy(const AcGeMatrix3d &xfm) { assertWriteEnabled(); for (Adesk::UInt32 i = 0; i < mNumVerts; i++) { mVerts[i].transformBy(xfm); } return Acad::eOk; } Adesk::Boolean AsdkViewGeomSamp::subWorldDraw(AcGiWorldDraw* pW) { // Draw a pyramid. // If this is the REGULAR ACAD DISPLAY mode, // if (pW->regenType() == kAcGiStandardDisplay) { // from each viewport's vantage point, figure out // which sides of the pyramid are visible, // then draw the visible ones yellow and the hidden // ones blue. // Set the extents of the pyramid here because // AcGiViewportGeometrys polylineEye() doesnt // set extents. // for (Adesk::UInt32 i = 0; i < mNumVerts; i++) { AcGePoint3d pt[2]; pt[0] = mVerts[i]; pt[1] = mVerts[(i + 1) % mNumVerts]; pW->geometry().setExtents(pt); } return Adesk::kFalse; // Call viewport draws. } // Otherwise give HIDE, SHADE, RENDER, or Proxy Graphics // a pyramid with filled faces. // const Adesk::UInt32 faceListSize = 16; static Adesk::Int32 faceList[faceListSize] = { 3, 0, 1, 2, 3, 0, 2, 3, 3, 0, 3, 1, 3, 1, 2, 3 }; pW->geometry().shell(mNumVerts, mVerts, faceListSize, faceList); return Adesk::kTrue; // Do NOT CALL viewportDraw. } void AsdkViewGeomSamp::subViewportDraw(AcGiViewportDraw* pV) { // For this viewport, draw a pyramid with yellow // visible lines and blue hidden lines. // Get this viewport's net transform. This transform // includes this entity's block transforms and this // viewport's view transform; it does not include the // perspective transform if we're in perspective // mode -- that currently has to be applied separately // when in perspective mode. // AcGeMatrix3d modelToEyeMat; pV->viewport().getModelToEyeTransform(modelToEyeMat); // Get the pyramid's vertices. // AcGePoint3d A = mVerts[0]; AcGePoint3d B = mVerts[1]; AcGePoint3d C = mVerts[2]; AcGePoint3d D = mVerts[3]; // Convert them to the viewport's eye coordinates. // A.transformBy(modelToEyeMat); B.transformBy(modelToEyeMat); C.transformBy(modelToEyeMat); D.transformBy(modelToEyeMat); // Save the eye coordinates. // AcGePoint3d AEye = A; AcGePoint3d BEye = B; AcGePoint3d CEye = C; AcGePoint3d DEye = D; // Perform the perspective transform if necessary. // if (pV->viewport().isPerspective()) { pV->viewport().doPerspective(A); pV->viewport().doPerspective(B); pV->viewport().doPerspective(C); pV->viewport().doPerspective(D); } // From that view, figure out which faces are // facing the the viewport and which are not. // int which_faces; which_faces = ((C - A).crossProduct(B - A)).z > 0.0 ? 1 : 0; which_faces |= ((D - A).crossProduct(C - A)).z > 0.0 ? 2 : 0; which_faces |= ((B - A).crossProduct(D - A)).z > 0.0 ? 4 : 0; which_faces |= ((B - D).crossProduct(C - D)).z > 0.0 ? 8 : 0; // Those edges that meet between two faces that are // facing away from the viewport will be hidden edges // so draw them blue; otherwise, they are visible // edges. (This example is incomplete as the test is // indeterminate when the face is edge-on to the // screen -- neither facing away or toward the screen.) // Draw the 6 edges connecting the vertices using eye // coordinate geometry that can be back and front // clipped. AcGePoint3d verts[2]; Adesk::UInt16 color; // AB color = which_faces & 0x5 ? kYellow : kBlue; pV->subEntityTraits().setColor(color); verts[0] = AEye; verts[1] = BEye; pV->geometry().polylineEye(2, verts); // AC color = which_faces & 0x3 ? kYellow : kBlue; pV->subEntityTraits().setColor(color); verts[0] = AEye; verts[1] = CEye; pV->geometry().polylineEye(2, verts); // AD color = which_faces & 0x6 ? kYellow : kBlue; pV->subEntityTraits().setColor(color); verts[0] = AEye; verts[1] = DEye; pV->geometry().polylineEye(2, verts); // CD color = which_faces & 0xa ? kYellow : kBlue; pV->subEntityTraits().setColor(color); verts[0] = CEye; verts[1] = DEye; pV->geometry().polylineEye(2, verts); // DB color = which_faces & 0xc ? kYellow : kBlue; pV->subEntityTraits().setColor(color); verts[0] = DEye; verts[1] = BEye; pV->geometry().polylineEye(2, verts); // BC color = which_faces & 0x9 ? kYellow : kBlue; pV->subEntityTraits().setColor(color); verts[0] = BEye; verts[1] = CEye; pV->geometry().polylineEye(2, verts); 父主题: |
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