



ObjectARX 开发指南


2022-12-31 21:03| 发布者: admin| 查看: 669| 评论: 0|来自: AutoCAD


virtual  Acad::ErrorStatus 
    const AcDbEntity* ent,
    AcDb::Intersect intType, 
    AcGePoint3dArray& points,
    int thisGsMarker = 0, 
    int otherGsMarker = 0) const;
virtual  Acad::ErrorStatus 
    const AcDbEntity* ent,
    AcDb::Intersect intType, 
    const AcGePlane& projPlane,
    AcGePoint3dArray& points, 
    int thisGsMarker = 0,
    int otherGsMarker = 0) const;


使用 intersectWith() 函数的投影平面形式

  1. 将实体和参数实体投影到平面上。
  2. 测试投影平面上的相交图元。
  3. 将交点投影回实体并返回它们。


     const AcDbEntity* ent, 
     AcDb::Intersect intType, 
     AcGePoint3dArray& points, 
     int /*thisGsMarker*/, 
     int /*otherGsMarker*/) const 
     Acad::ErrorStatus es = Acad::eOk; 
     if (ent == NULL) 
         return Acad::eNullEntityPointer; 
     // The idea is to intersect each side of the polygon 
     // with the given entity and return all the points. 
     // For non-R12-entities, with 
     // intersection methods defined, we call that method for 
     // each of the sides of the polygon. For R12-entities, 
     // we use the locally defined intersectors, since their 
     // protocols are not implemented. 
     if (ent->isKindOf(AcDbLine::desc())) { 
         if ((es = intLine(this, AcDbLine::cast(ent), 
             intType, NULL, points)) != Acad::eOk) 
             return es; 
     } else if (ent->isKindOf(AcDbArc::desc())) { 
         if ((es = intArc(this, AcDbArc::cast(ent), intType, 
             NULL, points)) != Acad::eOk) 
             return es; 
     } else if (ent->isKindOf(AcDbCircle::desc())) { 
         if ((es = intCircle(this, AcDbCircle::cast(ent), 
             intType, NULL, points)) != Acad::eOk) 
             return es; 
     } else if (ent->isKindOf(AcDb2dPolyline::desc())) { 
         if ((es = intPline(this, AcDb2dPolyline::cast(ent), 
             intType, NULL, points)) != Acad::eOk) 
             return es; 
     } else if (ent->isKindOf(AcDb3dPolyline::desc())) { 
         if ((es = intPline(this, AcDb3dPolyline::cast(ent), 
             intType, NULL, points)) != Acad::eOk) 
             return es; 
     } else { 
         AcGePoint3dArray vertexArray; 
         if ((es = getVertices3d(vertexArray)) 
             != Acad::eOk) 
             return es; 
         if (intType == AcDb::kExtendArg 
             || intType == AcDb::kExtendBoth) 
             intType = AcDb::kExtendThis; 
         AcDbLine *pAcadLine; 
         for (int i = 0; i < vertexArray.length() - 1; i++) { 
             pAcadLine = new AcDbLine(); 
             pAcadLine->setEndPoint(vertexArray[i + 1]); 
             if ((es = ent->intersectWith(pAcadLine, intType, 
                 points)) != Acad::eOk) 
                 delete pAcadLine; 
                 return es; 
             delete pAcadLine; 
     return es; 
     const AcDbEntity* ent, 
     AcDb::Intersect intType, 
     const AcGePlane& projPlane, 
     AcGePoint3dArray& points, 
     int /*thisGsMarker*/, 
     int /*otherGsMarker*/) const 
     Acad::ErrorStatus es = Acad::eOk; 
     if (ent == NULL) 
         return Acad::eNullEntityPointer; 
     // The idea is to intersect each side of the polygon 
     // with the given entity and return all the points. 
     // For non-R12-entities, with 
     // intersection methods defined, we call that method for 
     // each of the sides of the polygon. For R12-entities, 
     // we use the locally defined intersectors, since their 
     // protocols are not implemented. 
     if (ent->isKindOf(AcDbLine::desc())) { 
         if ((es = intLine(this, AcDbLine::cast(ent), 
             intType, &projPlane, points)) != Acad::eOk) 
             return es; 
     } else if (ent->isKindOf(AcDbArc::desc())) { 
         if ((es = intArc(this, AcDbArc::cast(ent), intType, 
             &projPlane, points)) != Acad::eOk) 
             return es; 
     } else if (ent->isKindOf(AcDbCircle::desc())) { 
         if ((es = intCircle(this, AcDbCircle::cast(ent), 
             intType, &projPlane, points)) != Acad::eOk) 
             return es; 
     } else if (ent->isKindOf(AcDb2dPolyline::desc())) { 
         if ((es = intPline(this, AcDb2dPolyline::cast(ent), 
             intType, &projPlane, points)) != Acad::eOk) 
             return es; 
     } else if (ent->isKindOf(AcDb3dPolyline::desc())) { 
         if ((es = intPline(this, AcDb3dPolyline::cast(ent), 
             intType, &projPlane, points)) != Acad::eOk) 
             return es; 
     } else { 
         AcGePoint3dArray vertexArray; 
         if ((es = getVertices3d(vertexArray)) 
             != Acad::eOk) 
             return es; 
         if (intType == AcDb::kExtendArg 
             || intType == AcDb::kExtendBoth) 
             intType = AcDb::kExtendThis; 
         AcDbLine *pAcadLine; 
         int i; 
         for (i = 0; i < vertexArray.length() - 1; i++) { 
             pAcadLine = new AcDbLine(); 
             pAcadLine->setEndPoint(vertexArray[i + 1]); 
             if ((es = ent->intersectWith(pAcadLine, intType, 
                 projPlane, points)) != Acad::eOk) 
                 delete pAcadLine; 
                 return es; 
             delete pAcadLine; 
         // All the points that we selected in this process are on 
         // the other curve; we are dealing with apparent 
         // intersection. If the other curve is 3D or is not 
         // on the same plane as poly, the points are not on 
         // poly. 
         // In this case, we need to do some more work. Project the 
         // points back onto the plane. They should lie on 
         // the projected poly. Find points on real poly 
         // corresponding to the projected points. 
         AcGePoint3d projPt, planePt; 
         AcGePoint3dArray pts; 
         AcGeLine3d line; 
         AcGePlane polyPlane; 
         AcDb::Planarity plnrty; 
         for (i = 0; i < points.length(); i++) { 
             // Define a line starting from the projPt and 
             // along the normal.  Intersect the polygon with 
             // that line. Find all the points and pick the 
             // one closest to the given point. 
             projPt = points[i].orthoProject(projPlane); 
             line.set(projPt, projPlane.normal()); 
             if ((es = intLine(this, line, pts)) 
                 != Acad::eOk) 
                 return es; 
             planePt = projPt.project(polyPlane, 
             points[i] = pts[0]; 
             double length = (planePt - pts[0]).length(); 
             double length2; 
             for (int j = 1; j < pts.length(); j++) { 
                 if ((length2 = (planePt - pts[j]).length()) 
                     < length) 
                     points[i] = pts[j]; 
                     length = length2; 
     return es; 







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