关于显示和隐藏剪切边界 (VBA/ActiveX)
您可以使用剪切边界显示剪切的图像,也可以隐藏剪切边界并显示原始图像边界。 若要隐藏剪切边界并显示原始图像,请将该属性设置为 FALSE。若要显示剪裁的图像,请将该属性设置为 TRUE。ClippingEnabledClippingEnabled 裁剪光栅图像边界本示例在模型空间中添加栅格图像。然后,它根据剪辑边界裁剪图像。此示例使用在示例目录中找到的 downtown.jpg 文件。如果没有此映像,或者它位于其他目录中,请为 imageName 变量插入有效的路径和文件名。 Sub Ch10_ClippingRasterBoundary() Dim insertionPoint(0 To 2) As Double Dim scalefactor As Double Dim rotationAngle As Double Dim imageName As String Dim rasterObj As AcadRasterImage imageName = "C:\AutoCAD\sample\downtown.jpg" insertionPoint(0) = 5 insertionPoint(1) = 5 insertionPoint(2) = 0 scalefactor = 2 rotationAngle = 0 On Error GoTo ERRORHANDLER ' Creates a raster image in model space Set rasterObj = ThisDrawing.ModelSpace.AddRaster _ (imageName, insertionPoint, _ scalefactor, rotationAngle) ZoomAll ' Establish the clip boundary with an array of points Dim clipPoints(0 To 9) As Double clipPoints(0) = 6: clipPoints(1) = 6.75 clipPoints(2) = 7: clipPoints(3) = 6 clipPoints(4) = 6: clipPoints(5) = 5 clipPoints(6) = 5: clipPoints(7) = 6 clipPoints(8) = 6: clipPoints(9) = 6.75 ' Clip the image rasterObj.ClipBoundary clipPoints ' Enable the display of the clip rasterObj.ClippingEnabled = True ThisDrawing.Regen acActiveViewport Exit Sub ERRORHANDLER: MsgBox Err.Description End Sub 相关任务父主题: |
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