AutoCAD 2013 API 历史记录参考 (ActiveX)
对 AutoCAD 2013 和基于 AutoCAD 2013 的产品中的 ActiveX API 所做的添加和更改。 枚举AcSaveAsType (Changed) ac2013_dwg = 60 (New) ac2013_dxf = 61 (New) ac2013_Template = 62 (New) acNative = 60 (Changed) AcPointCloudColorType (Changed) acTrueColor = 0 (New) acByColor = 1 (New) AcPointCloudIntensityStyle (New) acIntensityGrayscale = 0 acIntensityRainbow = 1 acIntensityRed = 2 acIntensityGreen = 3 acIntensityBlue = 4 acIntensityEditableFlag = 5 类IAcadEntity (Changed) EntityTransparency - Property (Moved from IAcadEntity2) IAcad3DSolid (Changed) CheckInterference - Method (Added solid interfere parameter) IAcadSpline (Changed) KnotParameterization - Property (Moved from IAcadSpline2) SplineFrame - Property (Moved from IAcadSpline2) SplineMethod - Property (Moved from IAcadSpline2) Degree2 - Property (Moved from IAcadSpline2) Closed2 - Property (Moved from IAcadSpline2) IAcadHatch (Changed) BackgroundColor - Property (Moved from IAcadHatch2) IAcadRasterImage (Changed) transparency - Property (Renamed, previously Transparency) IAcadDynamicBlockReferenceProperty (Changed) show - Property (Renamed, previously Show) IAcadSurface (Changed) WireframeType - Property (Moved from IAcadSurface2) MaintainAssociativity - Property (Moved from IAcadSurface2) ShowAssociativity - Property (Moved from IAcadSurface2) EdgeExtensionDistances - Property (Moved from IAcadSurface2) SurfTrimAssociativity - Property (Moved from IAcadSurface3) IAcadLoftedSurface (Changed) StartSmoothMagnitude - Property (Moved from IAcadLoftedSurface2) EndSmoothMagnitude - Property (Moved from IAcadLoftedSurface2) StartSmoothContinuity - Property (Moved from IAcadLoftedSurface2) EndSmoothContinuity - Property (Moved from IAcadLoftedSurface2) Periodic - Property (Moved from IAcadLoftedSurface2) IAcadPointCloud (Changed) ShowIntensity - Property (New) IntensityColorScheme - Property (New) Width - Property (New) Length - Property (New) Height - Property (New) Name - Property (New) Path - Property (New) ShowClipped - Property (New) IAcadPreferencesFiles (Changed) ActiveInvProject - Property (New) 以下类已删除/与其父类合并: IAcadEntity2 - Removed (Moved to IAcadEntity) IAcadRasterImage2 - Removed (Moved to IAcadRasterImage) IAcad3DFace2 - Removed (Moved to IAcad3DFace) IAcad3DPolyline2 - Removed (Moved to IAcad3DPolyline) IAcadRegion2 - Removed (Moved to IAcadRegion) IAcad3DSolid2 - Removed (Moved to IAcad3DSolid) IAcadArc2 - Removed (Moved to IAcadArc) IAcadAttribute2 - Removed (Moved to IAcadAttribute) IAcadBlockReference2 - Removed (Moved to IAcadBlockReference) IAcadCircle2 - Removed (Moved to IAcadCircle) IAcadEllipse2 - Removed (Moved to IAcadEllipse) IAcadHatch2 - Removed (Moved to IAcadHatch) IAcadLeader2 - Removed (Moved to IAcadLeader) IAcadMLeader2 - Removed (Moved to IAcadMLeader) IAcadLWPolyline2 - Removed (Moved to IAcadLWPolyline) IAcadLine2 - Removed (Moved to IAcadLine) IAcadMText2 - Removed (Moved to IAcadMText) IAcadPoint2 - Removed (Moved to IAcadPoint) IAcadPolyline2 - Removed (Moved to IAcadPolyline) IAcadPolygonMesh2 - Removed (Moved to IAcadPolygonMesh) IAcadRay2 - Removed (Moved to IAcadRay) IAcadShape2 - Removed (Moved to IAcadShape) IAcadSolid2 - Removed (Moved to IAcadSolid) IAcadSpline2 - Removed (Moved to IAcadSpline) IAcadText2 - Removed (Moved to IAcadText) IAcadTolerance2 - Removed (Moved to IAcadTolerance) IAcadTrace2 - Removed (Moved to IAcadTrace) IAcadXline2 - Removed (Moved to IAcadXline) IAcadPViewport2 - Removed (Moved to IAcadPViewport) IAcadPolyfaceMesh2 - Removed (Moved to IAcadPolyfaceMesh) IAcadMLine2 - Removed (Moved to IAcadMLine) IAcadExternalReference2 - Removed (Moved to IAcadExternalReference) IAcadTable2 - Removed (Moved to IAcadTable) IAcadOle2 - Removed (Moved to IAcadOle) IAcadHelix2 - Removed (Moved to IAcadHelix) IAcadSurface2 - Removed (Moved to IAcadSurface) IAcadSurface3 - Removed (Moved to IAcadSurface) IAcadPlaneSurface2 - Removed (Moved to IAcadPlaneSurface) IAcadPlaneSurface3 - Removed (Moved to IAcadPlaneSurface) IAcadExtrudedSurface2 - Removed (Moved to IAcadExtrudedSurface) IAcadExtrudedSurface3 - Removed (Moved to IAcadExtrudedSurface) IAcadRevolvedSurface2 - Removed (Moved to IAcadRevolvedSurface) IAcadRevolvedSurface3 - Removed (Moved to IAcadRevolvedSurface) IAcadSweptSurface2 - Removed (Moved to IAcadSweptSurface) IAcadSweptSurface3 - Removed (Moved to IAcadSweptSurface) IAcadLoftedSurface2 - Removed (Moved to IAcadLoftedSurface) IAcadLoftedSurface3 - Removed (Moved to IAcadLoftedSurface) IAcadWipeout2 - Removed (Moved to IAcadWipeout) IAcadSubDMesh2 - Removed (Moved to IAcadSubDMesh) IAcadNurbSurface2 - Removed (Moved to IAcadNurbSurface) IAcadDimAligned2 - Removed (Moved to IAcadDimAligned) IAcadDimAngular2 - Removed (Moved to IAcadDimAngular) IAcadDimDiametric2 - Removed (Moved to IAcadDimDiametric) IAcadDimOrdinate2 - Removed (Moved to IAcadDimOrdinate) IAcadDimRadial2 - Removed (Moved to IAcadDimRadial) IAcadDimRotated2 - Removed (Moved to IAcadDimRotated) IAcadDim3PointAngular2 - Removed (Moved to IAcadDim3PointAngular) IAcadDimArcLength2 - Removed (Moved to IAcadDimArcLength) IAcadDimRadialLarge2 - Removed (Moved to IAcadDimRadialLarge) 相关概念 |
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