下面的代码显示了新类的实现:AsdkMyClass ACRX_DXF_DEFINE_MEMBERS(AsdkMyClass, AcDbObject, AcDb::kDHL_CURRENT, AcDb::kMReleaseCurrent, 0, ASDKMYCLASS, SAMP2); // Gets the value of the integer data member. // Acad::ErrorStatus AsdkMyClass::getData(Adesk::Int16& val) { // Tells AutoCAD a read operation is taking place. // assertReadEnabled(); val = mIntval; return Acad::eOk; } // Sets the value of the integer data member. // Acad::ErrorStatus AsdkMyClass::setData(Adesk::Int16 val) { // Triggers openedForModify notification. // assertWriteEnabled(); mIntval = val; return Acad::eOk; } // Files data in from a DWG file. // Acad::ErrorStatus AsdkMyClass::dwgInFields(AcDbDwgFiler* pFiler) { assertWriteEnabled(); AcDbObject::dwgInFields(pFiler); // For wblock filing we wrote out our owner as a hard // pointer ID so now we need to read it in to keep things // in sync. // if (pFiler->filerType() == AcDb::kWblockCloneFiler) { AcDbHardPointerId id; pFiler->readItem(&id); } pFiler->readItem(&mIntval); return pFiler->filerStatus(); } // Files data out to a DWG file. // Acad::ErrorStatus AsdkMyClass::dwgOutFields(AcDbDwgFiler* pFiler) const { assertReadEnabled(); AcDbObject::dwgOutFields(pFiler); // Since objects of this class will be in the Named // Objects Dictionary tree and may be hard referenced // by some other object, to support wblock we need to // file out our owner as a hard pointer ID so that it // will be added to the list of objects to be wblocked. // if (pFiler->filerType() == AcDb::kWblockCloneFiler) pFiler->writeHardPointerId((AcDbHardPointerId)ownerId()); pFiler->writeItem(mIntval); return pFiler->filerStatus(); } // Files data in from a DXF file. // Acad::ErrorStatus AsdkMyClass::dxfInFields(AcDbDxfFiler* pFiler) { assertWriteEnabled(); Acad::ErrorStatus es; if ((es = AcDbObject::dxfInFields(pFiler)) != Acad::eOk) { return es; } // Check if we're at the right subclass getData marker. // if (!pFiler->atSubclassData("AsdkMyClass")) { return Acad::eBadDxfSequence; } struct resbuf inbuf; while (es == Acad::eOk) { if ((es = pFiler->readItem(&inbuf)) == Acad::eOk) { if (inbuf.restype == AcDb::kDxfInt16) { mIntval = inbuf.resval.rint; } } } return pFiler->filerStatus(); } // Files data out to a DXF file. // Acad::ErrorStatus AsdkMyClass::dxfOutFields(AcDbDxfFiler* pFiler) const { assertReadEnabled(); AcDbObject::dxfOutFields(pFiler); pFiler->writeItem(AcDb::kDxfSubclass, "AsdkMyClass"); pFiler->writeItem(AcDb::kDxfInt16, mIntval); return pFiler->filerStatus(); } // This function creates two objects of class AsdkMyClass. // It fills them in with the integers 1 and 2, and then adds // them to the dictionary associated with the key ASDK_DICT. // If this dictionary doesn't exist, it is created and added // to the named object dictionary. // void createDictionary() { AcDbDictionary *pNamedobj; acdbHostApplicationServices()->workingDatabase()-> getNamedObjectsDictionary(pNamedobj, AcDb::kForWrite); // Check to see if the dictionary we want to create is // already present. If not, create it and add // it to the named object dictionary. // AcDbDictionary *pDict; if (pNamedobj->getAt("ASDK_DICT", (AcDbObject*&) pDict, AcDb::kForWrite) == Acad::eKeyNotFound) { pDict = new AcDbDictionary; AcDbObjectId DictId; pNamedobj->setAt("ASDK_DICT", pDict, DictId); } pNamedobj->close(); if (pDict) { // Create new objects to add to the new dictionary, // add them, then close them. // AsdkMyClass *pObj1 = new AsdkMyClass(1); AsdkMyClass *pObj2 = new AsdkMyClass(2); AcDbObjectId rId1, rId2; pDict->setAt("OBJ1", pObj1, rId1); pDict->setAt("OBJ2", pObj2, rId2); pObj1->close(); pObj2->close(); pDict->close(); } } // Opens the dictionary associated with the key ASDK_DICT // and iterates through all its entries, printing out the // integer data value in each entry. // void iterateDictionary() { AcDbDictionary *pNamedobj; acdbHostApplicationServices()->workingDatabase() ->getNamedObjectsDictionary(pNamedobj, AcDb::kForRead); // Get a pointer to the ASDK_DICT dictionary. // AcDbDictionary *pDict; pNamedobj->getAt("ASDK_DICT", (AcDbObject*&)pDict, AcDb::kForRead); pNamedobj->close(); // Get an iterator for the ASDK_DICT dictionary. // AcDbDictionaryIterator* pDictIter= pDict->newIterator(); AsdkMyClass *pMyCl; Adesk::Int16 val; for (; !pDictIter->done(); pDictIter->next()) { // Get the current record, open it for read, and // print its data. // pDictIter->getObject((AcDbObject*&)pMyCl, AcDb::kForRead); pMyCl->getData(val); pMyCl->close(); acutPrintf("\nintval is: %d", val); } delete pDictIter; pDict->close(); } // The initialization function called from the acrxEntryPoint() // function during the kInitAppMsg case is used to add commands // to the command stack and to add classes to the ACRX class // hierarchy. // void initApp() { acedRegCmds->addCommand("ASDK_DICTIONARY_COMMANDS", "ASDK_CREATE", "CREATE", ACRX_CMD_MODAL, createDictionary); acedRegCmds->addCommand("ASDK_DICTIONARY_COMMANDS", "ASDK_ITERATE", "ITERATE", ACRX_CMD_MODAL, iterateDictionary); AsdkMyClass::rxInit(); acrxBuildClassHierarchy(); } // The cleanup function called from the acrxEntryPoint() function // during the kUnloadAppMsg case removes this application's // command set from the command stack and removes this application's // custom classes from the ACRX runtime class hierarchy. // void unloadApp() { acedRegCmds->removeGroup("ASDK_DICTIONARY_COMMANDS"); // Remove the AsdkMyClass class from the ACRX runtime // class hierarchy. If this is done while the database is // still active, it should cause all objects of class // AsdkMyClass to be turned into proxies. // deleteAcRxClass(AsdkMyClass::desc()); } 父主题: |
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