块引用是引用块表记录的实体。它包含插入点、ECS 信息、X、Y、Z 比例因子、旋转和法向量(用于在新位置查看块的参数)。将块插入到图形中时,AutoCAD 会通过创建块参照而不是将块本身复制到图形中来节省内存。 如果插入具有属性定义的块,则属性值可以由用户在运行时填充,也可以由应用程序在插入块时填充。 将具有属性的块插入到图形中
下面的示例创建一个块引用,填充属性,并将该引用追加到数据库。它使用全局函数来获取用户输入。上一节中显示的函数用于创建块引用。此示例使用块表记录迭代器单步执行属性定义,并为每个属性定义创建相应的属性。属性值是使用函数从原始属性定义设置的。defineBlockWithAttributes()setPropertiesFrom() void addBlockWithAttributes() { // Get an insertion point for the block reference, // definition, and attribute definition. // AcGePoint3d basePoint; if (acedGetPoint(NULL, "\nEnter insertion point: ", asDblArray(basePoint)) != RTNORM) return; // Get the rotation angle for the attribute definition. // double textAngle; if (acedGetAngle(asDblArray(basePoint), "\nEnter rotation angle: ", &textAngle) != RTNORM) return; // Define the height used for the attribute definition text. // double textHeight; if (acedGetDist(asDblArray(basePoint), "\nEnter text height: ", &textHeight) != RTNORM) return; // Build the block definition to be inserted. // AcDbObjectId blockId; defineBlockWithAttributes(blockId, basePoint, textHeight, textAngle); // Step 1: Allocate a block reference object. // AcDbBlockReference *pBlkRef = new AcDbBlockReference; // Step 2: Set up the block reference to the newly // created block definition. // pBlkRef->setBlockTableRecord(blockId); // Give it the current UCS normal. // struct resbuf to, from; from.restype = RTSHORT; from.resval.rint = 1; // UCS to.restype = RTSHORT; to.resval.rint = 0; // WCS AcGeVector3d normal(0.0, 0.0, 1.0); acedTrans(&(normal.x), &from, &to, Adesk::kTrue, &(normal.x)); // Set the insertion point for the block reference. // pBlkRef->setPosition(basePoint); // Indicate the LCS 0.0 angle, not necessarily the UCS 0.0 angle. // pBlkRef->setRotation(0.0); pBlkRef->setNormal(normal); // Step 3: Open the current database's model space // block table record. // AcDbBlockTable *pBlockTable; acdbHostApplicationServices()->workingDatabase() ->getSymbolTable(pBlockTable, AcDb::kForRead); AcDbBlockTableRecord *pBlockTableRecord; pBlockTable->getAt(ACDB_MODEL_SPACE, pBlockTableRecord, AcDb::kForWrite); pBlockTable->close(); // Append the block reference to the model space // block table record. // AcDbObjectId newEntId; pBlockTableRecord->appendAcDbEntity(newEntId, pBlkRef); pBlockTableRecord->close(); // Step 4: Open the block definition for read. // AcDbBlockTableRecord *pBlockDef; acdbOpenObject(pBlockDef, blockId, AcDb::kForRead); // Set up a block table record iterator to iterate // over the attribute definitions. // AcDbBlockTableRecordIterator *pIterator; pBlockDef->newIterator(pIterator); AcDbEntity *pEnt; AcDbAttributeDefinition *pAttdef; for (pIterator->start(); !pIterator->done(); pIterator->step()) { // Get the next entity. // pIterator->getEntity(pEnt, AcDb::kForRead); // Make sure the entity is an attribute definition // and not a constant. // pAttdef = AcDbAttributeDefinition::cast(pEnt); if (pAttdef != NULL && !pAttdef->isConstant()) { // We have a non-constant attribute definition, // so build an attribute entity. // AcDbAttribute *pAtt = new AcDbAttribute(); pAtt->setPropertiesFrom(pAttdef); pAtt->setInvisible(pAttdef->isInvisible()); // Translate the attribute by block reference. // To be really correct, the entire block // reference transform should be applied here. // basePoint = pAttdef->position(); basePoint += pBlkRef->position().asVector(); pAtt->setPosition(basePoint); pAtt->setHeight(pAttdef->height()); pAtt->setRotation(pAttdef->rotation()); pAtt->setTag("Tag"); pAtt->setFieldLength(25); char *pStr = pAttdef->tag(); pAtt->setTag(pStr); free(pStr); pAtt->setFieldLength(pAttdef->fieldLength()); // The database column value should be displayed. // INSERT prompts for this. // pAtt->setTextString("Assigned Attribute Value"); AcDbObjectId attId; pBlkRef->appendAttribute(attId, pAtt); pAtt->close(); } pEnt->close(); // use pEnt... pAttdef might be NULL } delete pIterator; pBlockDef->close(); pBlkRef->close(); } 父主题: |
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