获得所选实体的子实体路径后,此过程最困难的部分就完成了。现在,您只需要调用函数并传入子实体路径即可。如果调用不带任何参数的函数,则默认为突出显示整个实体。highlight()highlight() 以下示例代码说明了选择实体、获取子实体路径以及突出显示与 GS 标记关联的不同类型的子实体所描述的步骤。此代码还演示了另一个有用的子实体函数: virtual AcDbEntity* AcDbEntity::subentPtr(const AcDbFullSubentPath& id) const; 此函数返回指向指定路径描述的子实体副本的指针,然后可以将其添加到数据库中(如示例中所示)。 注意:在创建 的新子类时,应分别通过覆盖相应的虚函数 和 来为它们提供自己的 和 实现(请参见派生自 AcDbEntity)。但是,该函数是在级别实现的,通常不会被覆盖。但是,如果它被重写,则必须调用此函数的任何新实现才能执行突出显示。AcDbEntitygetSubentPathsAtGsMarker()getGsMarkersAtSubentPath(),subentPtr()subGetSubentPathsAtGsMarker()subGetGsMarkersAtSubentPath(),subSubentPtr()highlight()AcDbEntityAcDbEntity::highlight()
// This function calls getObjectAndGsMarker() to get the // object ID of a solid and its gsmarker. It then calls // highlightEdge(), highlightFaces(), and highlightAll() to // highlight the selected edge, all faces surrounding that // edge, and then the whole solid. // void highlightTest() { AcDbObjectId objId; int marker; if (getObjectAndGsMarker(objId, marker) != Acad::eOk) return; highlightEdge(objId, marker); highlightFaces(objId, marker); highlightAll(objId); } // This function uses acedSSGet() to let the user select a // single entity. It then passes this selection set to // acedSSNameX() to get the gsmarker. Finally, the entity name // in the selection set is used to obtain the object ID of // the selected entity. // Acad::ErrorStatus getObjectAndGsMarker(AcDbObjectId& objId, int& marker) { ads_name sset; if (acedSSGet("_:S", NULL, NULL, NULL, sset) != RTNORM) { acutPrintf("\nacedSSGet has failed"); return Acad::eInvalidAdsName; } // Get the entity from the selection set and its // subentity ID. This code assumes that the user // selected only one item, a solid. // struct resbuf *pRb; if (acedSSNameX(&pRb, sset, 0) != RTNORM) { acedSSFree(sset); return Acad::eAmbiguousOutput; } acedSSFree(sset); // Walk the list to the third item, which is the selected // entity's entity name. // struct resbuf *pTemp; int i; for (i=1, pTemp = pRb;i<3;i++, pTemp = pTemp->rbnext) { ; } ads_name ename; ads_name_set(pTemp->resval.rlname, ename); // Move on to the fourth list element, which is the gsmarker. // pTemp = pTemp->rbnext; marker = pTemp->resval.rint; acutRelRb(pRb); acdbGetObjectId(objId, ename); return Acad::eOk; } // This function accepts an object ID and a gsmarker. // The object is opened, the gsmarker is used to get the // AcDbFullSubentIdPath, which is then used to highlight // and unhighlight the edge used to select the object. // Next, the object's subentPtr() function is used to get // a copy of the edge. This copy is then added to the // database. Finally, the object is closed. // // Since the copy of the subentity was added to the database // as a new AcDbLine entity, it remains visible in the drawing // editor after the command exits and will be reported by the // AutoCAD LIST command. // void highlightEdge(const AcDbObjectId& objId, const int marker) { char dummy[133]; // space for acedGetString pauses below AcDbEntity *pEnt; acdbOpenAcDbEntity(pEnt, objId, AcDb::kForRead); // Get the subentity ID for the edge that is picked // AcGePoint3d pickpnt; AcGeMatrix3d xform; int numIds; AcDbFullSubentPath *subentIds; pEnt->getSubentPathsAtGsMarker(AcDb::kEdgeSubentType, marker, pickpnt, xform, numIds, subentIds); // At this point the subentId's variable contains the // address of an array of AcDbFullSubentPath objects. // The array should be one element long, so the picked // edge's AcDbFullSubentPath is in subentIds[0]. // // For objects with no edges (such as a sphere), the // code to highlight an edge is meaningless and must // be skipped. // if (numIds > 0) { // Highlight the edge. // pEnt->highlight(subentIds[0]); // Pause to let user see the effect. // acedGetString(0, "\npress <RETURN> to continue...", dummy); // Unhighlight the picked edge. // pEnt->unhighlight(subentIds[0]); // Get a copy of the edge, and add it to the database. // AcDbEntity *pEntCpy = pEnt->subentPtr(subentIds[0]); AcDbObjectId objId; addToModelSpace(objId, pEntCpy); } delete []subentIds; pEnt->close(); } // This function accepts an object ID and a gsmarker. // The object is opened, the gsmarker is used to get the // AcDbFullSubentIdPath, which is then used to highlight // and unhighlight faces that share the edge used to // select the object. The object is then closed. // void highlightFaces(const AcDbObjectId& objId, const int marker) { char dummy[133]; AcDbEntity *pEnt; acdbOpenAcDbEntity(pEnt, objId, AcDb::kForRead); // Get the subentIds for the faces. // AcGePoint3d pickpnt; AcGeMatrix3d xform; int numIds; AcDbFullSubentPath *subentIds; pEnt->getSubentPathsAtGsMarker(AcDb::kFaceSubentType, marker, pickpnt, xform, numIds, subentIds); // Walk the subentIds list, highlighting each face subentity. // for (int i = 0;i < numIds; i++) { pEnt->highlight(subentIds[i]); // Highlight face. // Pause to let the user see the effect. // acedGetString(0, "\npress <RETURN> to continue...", dummy); pEnt->unhighlight(subentIds[i]); } delete []subentIds; pEnt->close(); } // This function accepts an object ID. The object is opened, // and its highlight() and unhighlight() functions are // used with no parameters, to highlight and // unhighlight the edge used to select the object. The // object is then closed. // void highlightAll(const AcDbObjectId& objId) { char dummy[133]; AcDbEntity *pEnt; acdbOpenAcDbEntity(pEnt, objId, AcDb::kForRead); // Highlight the whole solid. // pEnt->highlight(); // Pause to let user see the effect. // acedGetString(0, "\npress <RETURN> to continue...", dummy); pEnt->unhighlight(); pEnt->close(); } Acad::ErrorStatus addToModelSpace(AcDbObjectId &objId, AcDbEntity* pEntity) { AcDbBlockTable *pBlockTable; AcDbBlockTableRecord *pSpaceRecord; acdbHostApplicationServices()->workingDatabase() ->getSymbolTable(pBlockTable, AcDb::kForRead); pBlockTable->getAt(ACDB_MODEL_SPACE, pSpaceRecord, AcDb::kForWrite); pSpaceRecord->appendAcDbEntity(objId, pEntity); pBlockTable->close(); pEntity->close(); pSpaceRecord->close(); return Acad::eOk; } 父主题: |
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