dumpallproperties (AutoLISP)
检索实体支持的属性 支持的平台:Windows 和 Mac OS 签名(dumpallproperties ename [context])
返回值类型:零 nil由函数返回,而属性及其当前值将输出到命令行历史记录。 例子下面的示例演示如何列出线条对象的可用属性,并将属性 Delta、EndPoint、Normal 和 StartPoint 提升为单个值。 Command: (setq e1 (car (entsel "\nSelect a line: "))) Select a line: <Entity name: 10e2e4b20> Command: (dumpAllProperties e1 1) Begin dumping object (class: AcDbLine) Angle (type: double) (RO) (LocalName: Angle) = 5.159347 Annotative (type: bool) (LocalName: Annotative) = Failed to get value to get value Area (type: double) (RO) (LocalName: Area) = 0.000000 BlockId (type: AcDbObjectId) (RO) = Ix CastShadows (type: bool) = 0 ClassName (type: AcString) (RO) = Closed (type: bool) (RO) (LocalName: Closed) = Failed to get value CollisionType (type: AcDb::CollisionType) (RO) = 1 Color (type: AcCmColor) (LocalName: Color) = BYLAYER Delta/X (type: double) (RO) (LocalName: Delta X) = 3.028287 Delta/Y (type: double) (RO) (LocalName: Delta Y) = -6.318026 Delta/Z (type: double) (RO) (LocalName: Delta Z) = 0.000000 EndParam (type: double) (RO) = 7.006281 EndPoint/X (type: double) (LocalName: End X) = 23.249243 EndPoint/Y (type: double) (LocalName: End Y) = 11.968958 EndPoint/Z (type: double) (LocalName: End Z) = 0.000000 ExtensionDictionary (type: AcDbObjectId) (RO) = Ix Handle (type: AcDbHandle) (RO) = 1b2 HasFields (type: bool) (RO) = 0 HasSaveVersionOverride (type: bool) = 0 Hyperlinks (type: AcDbHyperlink*) IsA (type: AcRxClass*) (RO) = AcDbLine IsAProxy (type: bool) (RO) = 0 IsCancelling (type: bool) (RO) = 0 IsEraseStatusToggled (type: bool) (RO) = 0 IsErased (type: bool) (RO) = 0 IsModified (type: bool) (RO) = 0 IsModifiedGraphics (type: bool) (RO) = 0 IsModifiedXData (type: bool) (RO) = 0 IsNewObject (type: bool) (RO) = 0 IsNotifyEnabled (type: bool) (RO) = 0 IsNotifying (type: bool) (RO) = 0 IsObjectIdsInFlux (type: bool) (RO) = 0 IsPeriodic (type: bool) (RO) = 0 IsPersistent (type: bool) (RO) = 1 IsPlanar (type: bool) (RO) = 1 IsReadEnabled (type: bool) (RO) = 1 IsReallyClosing (type: bool) (RO) = 1 IsTransactionResident (type: bool) (RO) = 0 IsUndoing (type: bool) (RO) = 0 IsWriteEnabled (type: bool) (RO) = 0 LayerId (type: AcDbObjectId) (LocalName: Layer) = Ix Length (type: double) (RO) (LocalName: Length) = 7.006281 LineWeight (type: AcDb::LineWeight) (LocalName: Lineweight) = -1 LinetypeId (type: AcDbObjectId) (LocalName: Linetype) = Ix LinetypeScale (type: double) (LocalName: Linetype scale) = 1.000000 LocalizedName (type: AcString) (RO) = Line MaterialId (type: AcDbObjectId) (LocalName: Material) = Ix MergeStyle (type: AcDb::DuplicateRecordCloning) (RO) = 1 Normal/X (type: double) = 0.000000 Normal/Y (type: double) = 0.000000 Normal/Z (type: double) = 1.000000 ObjectId (type: AcDbObjectId) (RO) = Ix OwnerId (type: AcDbObjectId) (RO) = Ix PlotStyleName (type: AcString) (LocalName: Plot style) = ByLayer ReceiveShadows (type: bool) = 0 Failed to get value StartParam (type: double) (RO) = 0.000000 StartPoint/X (type: double) (LocalName: Start X) = 20.220956 StartPoint/Y (type: double) (LocalName: Start Y) = 18.286984 StartPoint/Z (type: double) (LocalName: Start Z) = 0.000000 Thickness (type: double) (LocalName: Thickness) = 0.000000 Transparency (type: AcCmTransparency) (LocalName: Transparency) = 0 Visible (type: AcDb::Visibility) = 0 End object dump 相关概念 |
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