



ObjectARX 开发指南

使用着色视口 (.NET)

2023-1-1 09:30| 发布者: admin| 查看: 349| 评论: 0|来自: AutoCAD

如果图形包含 3D 面、网格、曲面或实体,则可以控制输出布局时 3D 对象的显示方式。视口可以设置为使用视觉样式,渲染预设,这是enum定义的其他值之一。预览、打印着色和渲染视口,并使用完全着色和渲染将着色和渲染打印到文件。使用对象的方法和属性来查询和设置用于绘制着色视口的选项。ShadePlotStypeSetShadePlotShadePlotViewport






' Standard .NET namespaces
Imports System.Runtime.InteropServices

' Main AutoCAD namespaces
Imports Autodesk.AutoCAD
Imports Autodesk.AutoCAD.Runtime
Imports Autodesk.AutoCAD.ApplicationServices
Imports Autodesk.AutoCAD.DatabaseServices
Imports Autodesk.AutoCAD.Geometry
Imports Autodesk.AutoCAD.PlottingServices
Imports Autodesk.AutoCAD.GraphicsInterface

' Used to create a rectangular and nonrectangular viewports - RapidRT example
<CommandMethod("RRTCreatViewportsAndSetShadePlot")> _
Public Sub RRTCreatViewportsAndSetShadePlot()
    ' Get the current document and database, and start a transaction
    Dim acDoc As Document = Application.DocumentManager.MdiActiveDocument
    Dim acCurDb As Database = acDoc.Database

    Using acTrans As Transaction = acCurDb.TransactionManager.StartTransaction()
        ' Open the Block table for read
        Dim acBlkTbl As BlockTable = acTrans.GetObject(acCurDb.BlockTableId,

        ' Open the Block table record Paper space for write
        Dim acBlkTblRec As BlockTableRecord =

        ' Create a Viewport
        Using acVport1 As Autodesk.AutoCAD.DatabaseServices.Viewport =
                       New Autodesk.AutoCAD.DatabaseServices.Viewport()
            ' Set the center point and size of the viewport
            acVport1.CenterPoint = New Point3d(3.75, 4, 0)
            acVport1.Width = 7.5
            acVport1.Height = 7.5

            ' Lock the viewport
            acVport1.Locked = True

            ' Set the scale to 1" = 4'
            acVport1.CustomScale = 48

            ' Set visual style
            Dim vStyles As DBDictionary =


            ' Add the new object to the block table record and the transaction
            acTrans.AddNewlyCreatedDBObject(acVport1, True)

            ' Change the view direction
            acVport1.ViewDirection = New Vector3d(-1, -1, 1)

            ' Create a rectangular viewport to change to a non-rectangular viewport
            Using acVport2 As Autodesk.AutoCAD.DatabaseServices.Viewport =
                       New Autodesk.AutoCAD.DatabaseServices.Viewport()

                acVport2.CenterPoint = New Point3d(9, 6.5, 0)
                acVport2.Width = 2.5
                acVport2.Height = 2.5

                ' Set the scale to 1" = 8'
                acVport2.CustomScale = 96

                ' Set render preset
                Dim namedObjs As DBDictionary =

                ' Check to see if the Render Settings dictionary already exists
                Dim renderSettings As DBDictionary
                If (namedObjs.Contains("ACAD_RENDER_RAPIDRT_SETTINGS") = True) Then
                    renderSettings = acTrans.GetObject(
                    ' If it does not exist, create it and add it to the drawing
                    acTrans.GetObject(acCurDb.NamedObjectsDictionaryId, OpenMode.ForWrite)
                    renderSettings = New DBDictionary()
                    namedObjs.SetAt("ACAD_RENDER_RAPIDRT_SETTINGS", renderSettings)
                    acTrans.AddNewlyCreatedDBObject(renderSettings, True)
                End If

                ' Create a new render preset and assign it to the new viewport
                Dim renderSetting As RapidRTRenderSettings

                If (renderSettings.Contains("MyPreset") = False) Then
                    renderSetting = New RapidRTRenderSettings()
                    renderSetting.Name = "MyPreset"
                    renderSetting.Description = "Custom new render preset"

                    renderSettings.SetAt("MyPreset", renderSetting)
                    acTrans.AddNewlyCreatedDBObject(renderSetting, True)
                    renderSetting = acTrans.GetObject(
                            renderSettings.GetAt("MyPreset"), OpenMode.ForRead)
                End If


                ' Create a circle
                Using acCirc As Circle = New Circle()
                    acCirc.Center = acVport2.CenterPoint
                    acCirc.Radius = 1.25

                    ' Add the new object to the block table record and the transaction
                    acTrans.AddNewlyCreatedDBObject(acCirc, True)

                    ' Add the new object to the block table record and the transaction
                    acTrans.AddNewlyCreatedDBObject(acVport2, True)

                    ' Clip the viewport using the circle  
                    acVport2.NonRectClipEntityId = acCirc.ObjectId
                    acVport2.NonRectClipOn = True
                End Using

                ' Change the view direction
                acVport2.ViewDirection = New Vector3d(0, 0, 1)

                ' Enable the viewports
                acVport1.On = True
                acVport2.On = True
            End Using
        End Using

        ' Save the new objects to the database
    End Using

    ' Switch to the last named layout
    acDoc.Database.TileMode = False
End Sub


// Standard .NET namespaces
using System;
using System.Runtime.InteropServices;

// Main AutoCAD namespaces
using Autodesk.AutoCAD;
using Autodesk.AutoCAD.Runtime;
using Autodesk.AutoCAD.ApplicationServices;
using Autodesk.AutoCAD.DatabaseServices;
using Autodesk.AutoCAD.Geometry;
using Autodesk.AutoCAD.PlottingServices;
using Autodesk.AutoCAD.GraphicsInterface;
using Autodesk.AutoCAD.EditorInput;

// Used to create a rectangular and nonrectangular viewports - RapidRT example
public void RRTCreatViewportsAndSetShadePlot()
    // Get the current document and database, and start a transaction
    Document acDoc = Application.DocumentManager.MdiActiveDocument;
    Database acCurDb = acDoc.Database;

    using (Transaction acTrans = acCurDb.TransactionManager.StartTransaction())
        // Open the Block table for read
        BlockTable acBlkTbl= acTrans.GetObject(acCurDb.BlockTableId,
                                               OpenMode.ForRead) as BlockTable;

        // Open the Block table record Paper space for write
        BlockTableRecord acBlkTblRec =
                              OpenMode.ForWrite) as BlockTableRecord;

        // Create a Viewport
        using (Autodesk.AutoCAD.DatabaseServices.Viewport acVport1 =
                   new Autodesk.AutoCAD.DatabaseServices.Viewport())
            // Set the center point and size of the viewport
            acVport1.CenterPoint = new Point3d(3.75, 4, 0);
            acVport1.Width = 7.5;
            acVport1.Height = 7.5;

            // Lock the viewport
            acVport1.Locked = true;

            // Set the scale to 1" = 4'
            acVport1.CustomScale = 48;

            // Set visual style
            DBDictionary vStyles =
                                  OpenMode.ForRead) as DBDictionary;


            // Add the new object to the block table record and the transaction
            acTrans.AddNewlyCreatedDBObject(acVport1, true);

            // Change the view direction
            acVport1.ViewDirection = new Vector3d(-1, -1, 1);

            // Create a rectangular viewport to change to a non-rectangular viewport
            using (Autodesk.AutoCAD.DatabaseServices.Viewport acVport2 =
                       new Autodesk.AutoCAD.DatabaseServices.Viewport())
                acVport2.CenterPoint = new Point3d(9, 6.5, 0);
                acVport2.Width = 2.5;
                acVport2.Height = 2.5;

                // Set the scale to 1" = 8'
                acVport2.CustomScale = 96;

                // Set render preset
                DBDictionary namedObjs =
                                      OpenMode.ForRead) as DBDictionary;

                // Check to see if the Render Settings dictionary already exists
                DBDictionary renderSettings;
                if (namedObjs.Contains("ACAD_RENDER_RAPIDRT_SETTINGS") == true)
                    renderSettings = acTrans.GetObject(
                        OpenMode.ForWrite) as DBDictionary;
                    // If it does not exist, create it and add it to the drawing
                    acTrans.GetObject(acCurDb.NamedObjectsDictionaryId, OpenMode.ForWrite);
                    renderSettings = new DBDictionary();
                    namedObjs.SetAt("ACAD_RENDER_RAPIDRT_SETTINGS", renderSettings);
                    acTrans.AddNewlyCreatedDBObject(renderSettings, true);

                // Create a new render preset and assign it to the new viewport
                RapidRTRenderSettings renderSetting;

                if (renderSettings.Contains("MyPreset") == false)
                    renderSetting = new RapidRTRenderSettings();
                    renderSetting.Name = "MyPreset";
                    renderSetting.Description = "Custom new render preset";

                    renderSettings.SetAt("MyPreset", renderSetting);
                    acTrans.AddNewlyCreatedDBObject(renderSetting, true);
                    renderSetting = (RapidRTRenderSettings)acTrans.GetObject(
                        renderSettings.GetAt("MyPreset"), OpenMode.ForRead);


                // Create a circle
                using (Circle acCirc = new Circle())
                    acCirc.Center = acVport2.CenterPoint;
                    acCirc.Radius = 1.25;

                    // Add the new object to the block table record and the transaction
                    acTrans.AddNewlyCreatedDBObject(acCirc, true);

                    // Add the new object to the block table record and the transaction
                    acTrans.AddNewlyCreatedDBObject(acVport2, true);

                    // Clip the viewport using the circle  
                    acVport2.NonRectClipEntityId = acCirc.ObjectId;
                    acVport2.NonRectClipOn = true;

                // Change the view direction
                acVport2.ViewDirection = new Vector3d(0, 0, 1);

                // Enable the viewports
                acVport1.On = true;
                acVport2.On = true;

        // Save the new objects to the database

    // Switch to the last named layout
    acDoc.Database.TileMode = false;

Assign a visual style or render preset to a viewport (AutoCAD 2015-based and earlier products)

This example creates two new viewports (rectangular and nonrectangular, and assigns a visual style to one and a render preset to another. A help function is used to create a render preset that can then be assigned to the viewport.

Note: The following example code is maintained for backwards compatibility. Starting with AutoCAD 2016-based products, rendering settings are represented by the RapidRTRenderSettings class and not the MentalRayRenderSettings class used in earlier releases.


' Standard .NET namespaces
Imports System.Runtime.InteropServices

' Main AutoCAD namespaces
Imports Autodesk.AutoCAD
Imports Autodesk.AutoCAD.Runtime
Imports Autodesk.AutoCAD.ApplicationServices
Imports Autodesk.AutoCAD.DatabaseServices
Imports Autodesk.AutoCAD.Geometry
Imports Autodesk.AutoCAD.PlottingServices
Imports Autodesk.AutoCAD.GraphicsInterface

' Used to create a rectangular and nonrectangular viewports - MentalRay example
<CommandMethod("MRCreatViewportsAndSetShadePlot")> _
Public Sub MRCreatViewportsAndSetShadePlot()
    ' Get the current document and database, and start a transaction
    Dim acDoc As Document = Application.DocumentManager.MdiActiveDocument
    Dim acCurDb As Database = acDoc.Database

    Using acTrans As Transaction = acCurDb.TransactionManager.StartTransaction()
        ' Open the Block table for read
        Dim acBlkTbl As BlockTable = acTrans.GetObject(acCurDb.BlockTableId,

        ' Open the Block table record Paper space for write
        Dim acBlkTblRec As BlockTableRecord =

        ' Create a Viewport
        Using acVport1 As Autodesk.AutoCAD.DatabaseServices.Viewport =
                   New Autodesk.AutoCAD.DatabaseServices.Viewport()
            ' Set the center point and size of the viewport
            acVport1.CenterPoint = New Point3d(3.75, 4, 0)
            acVport1.Width = 7.5
            acVport1.Height = 7.5

            ' Lock the viewport
            acVport1.Locked = True

            ' Set the scale to 1" = 4'
            acVport1.CustomScale = 48

            ' Set visual style
            Dim vStyles As DBDictionary =


            ' Add the new object to the block table record and the transaction
            acTrans.AddNewlyCreatedDBObject(acVport1, True)

            ' Change the view direction and enable the viewport
            acVport1.ViewDirection = New Vector3d(-1, -1, 1)
            acVport1.On = True

            ' Create a rectangular viewport to change to a non-rectangular viewport
            Using acVport2 As Autodesk.AutoCAD.DatabaseServices.Viewport =
                       New Autodesk.AutoCAD.DatabaseServices.Viewport()
                acVport2.CenterPoint = New Point3d(9, 6.5, 0)
                acVport2.Width = 2.5
                acVport2.Height = 2.5

                ' Set the scale to 1" = 8'
                acVport2.CustomScale = 96

                ' Set render preset
                Dim namedObjs As DBDictionary =

                ' Check to see if the Render Settings dictionary already exists
                Dim renderSettings As DBDictionary
                If namedObjs.Contains("ACAD_RENDER_PLOT_SETTINGS") = True Then
                    renderSettings = acTrans.GetObject(
                    ' If it does not exist, create it and add it to the drawing
                    acTrans.GetObject(acCurDb.NamedObjectsDictionaryId, OpenMode.ForWrite)
                    renderSettings = New DBDictionary()
                    namedObjs.SetAt("ACAD_RENDER_PLOT_SETTINGS", renderSettings)
                    acTrans.AddNewlyCreatedDBObject(renderSettings, True)
                End If

                ' Create the new render preset, based on the settings
                ' of the Medium render preset
                Dim renderSetting As MentalRayRenderSettings = New MentalRayRenderSettings

                GetDefaultRenderPreset(renderSetting, "Medium")

                renderSetting.Name = "Medium"
                renderSettings.SetAt("Medium", renderSetting)
                acTrans.AddNewlyCreatedDBObject(renderSetting, True)


                ' Create a circle
                Using acCirc As Circle = New Circle()
                    acCirc.Center = acVport2.CenterPoint
                    acCirc.Radius = 1.25

                    ' Add the new object to the block table record and the transaction
                    acTrans.AddNewlyCreatedDBObject(acCirc, True)

                    ' Add the new object to the block table record and the transaction
                    acTrans.AddNewlyCreatedDBObject(acVport2, True)

                    ' Clip the viewport using the circle  
                    acVport2.NonRectClipEntityId = acCirc.ObjectId
                    acVport2.NonRectClipOn = True
                End Using

                ' Change the view direction
                acVport2.ViewDirection = New Vector3d(0, 0, 1)

                ' Enable the viewport
                acVport2.On = True
            End Using
        End Using

        ' Save the new objects to the database
    End Using

    ' Switch to the previous Paper space layout
    acCurDb.TileMode = False
End Sub

' Method used to populate a MentalRayRenderSettings object with the
' same settings used by the standard render presets
Private Shared Sub GetDefaultRenderPreset( _
                   ByRef renderPreset As MentalRayRenderSettings, _
                   ByVal name As String)
    ' Set the values common to multiple default render presets
    renderPreset.BackFacesEnabled = False
    renderPreset.DiagnosticBackgroundEnabled = False
    renderPreset.DiagnosticBSPMode = _
    renderPreset.DiagnosticGridMode = _
        New MentalRayRenderSettingsTraitsDiagnosticGridModeParameter( _
            DiagnosticGridMode.Object, 10.0)

    renderPreset.DiagnosticMode = _
    renderPreset.DiagnosticPhotonMode = _
    renderPreset.DisplayIndex = 0
    renderPreset.EnergyMultiplier = 1.0
    renderPreset.ExportMIEnabled = False
    renderPreset.ExportMIFileName = ""
    renderPreset.FGRayCount = 100

    ' FGSampleRadius cannot be set, it returns invalid input
    renderPreset.FGSampleRadiusState = _
        New MentalRayRenderSettingsTraitsBoolParameter( _
            False, False, False)

    renderPreset.FinalGatheringEnabled = False
    renderPreset.FinalGatheringMode = _
    renderPreset.GIPhotonsPerLight = 1000
    renderPreset.GISampleCount = 500
    renderPreset.GISampleRadius = 1.0
    renderPreset.GISampleRadiusEnabled = False
    renderPreset.GlobalIlluminationEnabled = False
    renderPreset.LightLuminanceScale = 1500.0
    renderPreset.MaterialsEnabled = True
    renderPreset.MemoryLimit = 1048

    renderPreset.PhotonTraceDepth = _
        New MentalRayRenderSettingsTraitsTraceParameter( _
            5, 5, 5)
    renderPreset.PreviewImageFileName = ""
    renderPreset.RayTraceDepth = _
        New MentalRayRenderSettingsTraitsTraceParameter( _
            3, 3, 3)
    renderPreset.RayTracingEnabled = False
    renderPreset.Sampling = _
        New MentalRayRenderSettingsTraitsIntegerRangeParameter( _
            -2, -1)
    renderPreset.SamplingContrastColor = _
        New MentalRayRenderSettingsTraitsFloatParameter( _
            0.1, 0.1, 0.1, 0.1)
    renderPreset.SamplingFilter = _
        New MentalRayRenderSettingsTraitsSamplingParameter( _
            Filter.Box, 1.0, 1.0)

    renderPreset.ShadowMapsEnabled = False
    renderPreset.ShadowMode = ShadowMode.Simple
    renderPreset.ShadowSamplingMultiplier = _
    renderPreset.ShadowsEnabled = True
    renderPreset.TextureSampling = False
    renderPreset.TileOrder = TileOrder.Hilbert
    renderPreset.TileSize = 32

    Select Case name.ToUpper()
        ' Assigns the values to match the Draft render preset
        Case "DRAFT"
            renderPreset.Description = _
                "The lowest rendering quality which entails no raytracing, " & _
                "no texture filtering and force 2-sided is inactive."
            renderPreset.Name = "Draft"
        Case ("LOW")
            renderPreset.Description = _
                "Rendering quality is improved over Draft. " & _
                "Low anti-aliasing and a raytracing depth of 3 " & _
                "reflection/refraction are processed."
            renderPreset.Name = "Low"

            renderPreset.RayTracingEnabled = True

            renderPreset.Sampling = _
                New MentalRayRenderSettingsTraitsIntegerRangeParameter( _
                    -1, 0)
            renderPreset.SamplingContrastColor = _
                New MentalRayRenderSettingsTraitsFloatParameter( _
                    0.1, 0.1, 0.1, 0.1)
            renderPreset.SamplingFilter = _
                New MentalRayRenderSettingsTraitsSamplingParameter( _
                    Filter.Triangle, 2.0, 2.0)

            renderPreset.ShadowSamplingMultiplier = _
        Case "MEDIUM"
            renderPreset.BackFacesEnabled = True
            renderPreset.Description = _
                "Rendering quality is improved over Low to include " & _
                "texture filtering and force 2-sided is active. " & _
                "Moderate anti-aliasing and a raytracing depth of " & _
                "5 reflections/refractions are processed."

            renderPreset.FGRayCount = 200
            renderPreset.FinalGatheringMode = _
            renderPreset.GIPhotonsPerLight = 10000

            renderPreset.Name = "Medium"
            renderPreset.RayTraceDepth = _
                New MentalRayRenderSettingsTraitsTraceParameter( _
                    5, 5, 5)
            renderPreset.RayTracingEnabled = True
            renderPreset.Sampling = _
                New MentalRayRenderSettingsTraitsIntegerRangeParameter( _
                    0, 1)
            renderPreset.SamplingContrastColor = _
                New MentalRayRenderSettingsTraitsFloatParameter( _
                    0.05, 0.05, 0.05, 0.05)
            renderPreset.SamplingFilter = _
                New MentalRayRenderSettingsTraitsSamplingParameter( _
                    Filter.Gauss, 3.0, 3.0)

            renderPreset.ShadowSamplingMultiplier = _
            renderPreset.TextureSampling = True
        Case "HIGH"
            renderPreset.BackFacesEnabled = True
            renderPreset.Description = _
                "Rendering quality is improved over Medium. " & _
                "High anti-aliasing and a raytracing depth of 7 " & _
                "reflections/refractions are processed."

            renderPreset.FGRayCount = 500
            renderPreset.FinalGatheringMode = _
            renderPreset.GIPhotonsPerLight = 10000

            renderPreset.Name = "High"
            renderPreset.RayTraceDepth = _
                New MentalRayRenderSettingsTraitsTraceParameter( _
                    7, 7, 7)
            renderPreset.RayTracingEnabled = True
            renderPreset.Sampling = _
                New MentalRayRenderSettingsTraitsIntegerRangeParameter( _
                    0, 2)
            renderPreset.SamplingContrastColor = _
                New MentalRayRenderSettingsTraitsFloatParameter( _
                    0.05, 0.05, 0.05, 0.05)
            renderPreset.SamplingFilter = _
                New MentalRayRenderSettingsTraitsSamplingParameter( _
                    Filter.Mitchell, 4.0, 4.0)

            renderPreset.ShadowSamplingMultiplier = _
            renderPreset.TextureSampling = True
        Case "PRESENTATION"
            renderPreset.BackFacesEnabled = True
            renderPreset.Description = _
                "Rendering quality is improved over High. " & _
                "Very high anti-aliasing and a raytracing depth of 9 " & _
                "reflections/refractions are processed."

            renderPreset.FGRayCount = 1000
            renderPreset.FinalGatheringMode = _
            renderPreset.GIPhotonsPerLight = 10000

            renderPreset.Name = "Presentation"
            renderPreset.RayTraceDepth = _
                New MentalRayRenderSettingsTraitsTraceParameter( _
                    9, 9, 9)
            renderPreset.RayTracingEnabled = True
            renderPreset.Sampling = _
                New MentalRayRenderSettingsTraitsIntegerRangeParameter( _
                    1, 2)
            renderPreset.SamplingContrastColor = _
                New MentalRayRenderSettingsTraitsFloatParameter( _
                    0.05, 0.05, 0.05, 0.05)
            renderPreset.SamplingFilter = _
                New MentalRayRenderSettingsTraitsSamplingParameter( _
                    Filter.Lanczos, 4.0, 4.0)

            renderPreset.ShadowSamplingMultiplier = _
            renderPreset.TextureSampling = True
    End Select
End Sub


// Standard .NET namespaces
using System;
using System.Runtime.InteropServices;

// Main AutoCAD namespaces
using Autodesk.AutoCAD;
using Autodesk.AutoCAD.Runtime;
using Autodesk.AutoCAD.ApplicationServices;
using Autodesk.AutoCAD.DatabaseServices;
using Autodesk.AutoCAD.Geometry;
using Autodesk.AutoCAD.PlottingServices;
using Autodesk.AutoCAD.GraphicsInterface;
using Autodesk.AutoCAD.EditorInput;

// Used to create a rectangular and nonrectangular viewports - MentalRay example
public void MRCreatViewportsAndSetShadePlot()
    // Get the current document and database, and start a transaction
    Document acDoc = Application.DocumentManager.MdiActiveDocument;
    Database acCurDb = acDoc.Database;

    using (Transaction acTrans = acCurDb.TransactionManager.StartTransaction())
        // Open the Block table for read
        BlockTable acBlkTbl= acTrans.GetObject(acCurDb.BlockTableId,
                                               OpenMode.ForRead) as BlockTable;

        // Open the Block table record Paper space for write
        BlockTableRecord acBlkTblRec =
                              OpenMode.ForWrite) as BlockTableRecord;

        // Create a Viewport
        using (Autodesk.AutoCAD.DatabaseServices.Viewport acVport1 = 
                   new Autodesk.AutoCAD.DatabaseServices.Viewport())
            // Set the center point and size of the viewport
            acVport1.CenterPoint = new Point3d(3.75, 4, 0);
            acVport1.Width = 7.5;
            acVport1.Height = 7.5;

            // Lock the viewport
            acVport1.Locked = true;

            // Set the scale to 1" = 4'
            acVport1.CustomScale = 48;

            // Set visual style
            DBDictionary vStyles =
                                  OpenMode.ForRead) as DBDictionary;


            // Add the new object to the block table record and the transaction
            acTrans.AddNewlyCreatedDBObject(acVport1, true);

            // Change the view direction and enable the viewport
            acVport1.ViewDirection = new Vector3d(-1, -1, 1);
            acVport1.On = true;

            // Create a rectangular viewport to change to a non-rectangular viewport
            using (Autodesk.AutoCAD.DatabaseServices.Viewport acVport2 = 
                       new Autodesk.AutoCAD.DatabaseServices.Viewport())
                acVport2.CenterPoint = new Point3d(9, 6.5, 0);
                acVport2.Width = 2.5;
                acVport2.Height = 2.5;

                // Set the scale to 1" = 8'
                acVport2.CustomScale = 96;

                // Set render preset
                DBDictionary namedObjs =
                                      OpenMode.ForRead) as DBDictionary;

                // Check to see if the Render Settings dictionary already exists
                DBDictionary renderSettings; 
                if (namedObjs.Contains("ACAD_RENDER_PLOT_SETTINGS") == true)
                    renderSettings = acTrans.GetObject(
                        OpenMode.ForWrite) as DBDictionary;
                    // If it does not exist, create it and add it to the drawing
                    acTrans.GetObject(acCurDb.NamedObjectsDictionaryId, OpenMode.ForWrite);
                    renderSettings = new DBDictionary();
                    namedObjs.SetAt("ACAD_RENDER_PLOT_SETTINGS", renderSettings);
                    acTrans.AddNewlyCreatedDBObject(renderSettings, true);

                // Create the new render preset, based on the settings
                // of the Medium render preset
                MentalRayRenderSettings renderSetting = new MentalRayRenderSettings();

                GetDefaultRenderPreset(ref renderSetting, "Medium");

                renderSetting.Name = "Medium";
                renderSettings.SetAt("Medium", renderSetting);
                acTrans.AddNewlyCreatedDBObject(renderSetting, true);


                // Create a circle
                using (Circle acCirc = new Circle())
                    acCirc.Center = acVport2.CenterPoint;
                    acCirc.Radius = 1.25;

                    // Add the new object to the block table record and the transaction
                    acTrans.AddNewlyCreatedDBObject(acCirc, true);

                    // Add the new object to the block table record and the transaction
                    acTrans.AddNewlyCreatedDBObject(acVport2, true);

                    // Clip the viewport using the circle  
                    acVport2.NonRectClipEntityId = acCirc.ObjectId;
                    acVport2.NonRectClipOn = true;

                // Change the view direction
                acVport2.ViewDirection = new Vector3d(0, 0, 1);

                // Enable the viewport
                acVport2.On = true;

        // Save the new objects to the database

    // Switch to the previous Paper space layout
    acCurDb.TileMode = false;

// Method used to populate a MentalRayRenderSettings object with the
// same settings used by the standard render presets
private static void GetDefaultRenderPreset(
               ref MentalRayRenderSettings renderPreset,
               string name)
    // Set the values common to multiple default render presets
    renderPreset.BackFacesEnabled = false;
    renderPreset.DiagnosticBackgroundEnabled = false;
    renderPreset.DiagnosticBSPMode =
    renderPreset.DiagnosticGridMode =
        new MentalRayRenderSettingsTraitsDiagnosticGridModeParameter(
            DiagnosticGridMode.Object, (float)10.0);

    renderPreset.DiagnosticMode =
    renderPreset.DiagnosticPhotonMode =
    renderPreset.DisplayIndex = 0;
    renderPreset.EnergyMultiplier = (float)1.0;
    renderPreset.ExportMIEnabled = false;
    renderPreset.ExportMIFileName = "";
    renderPreset.FGRayCount = 100;

    // FGSampleRadius cannot be set, it returns invalid input
    renderPreset.FGSampleRadiusState =
        new MentalRayRenderSettingsTraitsBoolParameter(
            false, false, false);

    renderPreset.FinalGatheringEnabled = false;
    renderPreset.FinalGatheringMode =
    renderPreset.GIPhotonsPerLight = 1000;
    renderPreset.GISampleCount = 500;
    renderPreset.GISampleRadius = 1.0;
    renderPreset.GISampleRadiusEnabled = false;
    renderPreset.GlobalIlluminationEnabled = false;
    renderPreset.LightLuminanceScale = 1500.0;
    renderPreset.MaterialsEnabled = true;
    renderPreset.MemoryLimit = 1048;

    renderPreset.PhotonTraceDepth =
        new MentalRayRenderSettingsTraitsTraceParameter(
            5, 5, 5);
    renderPreset.PreviewImageFileName = "";
    renderPreset.RayTraceDepth =
        new MentalRayRenderSettingsTraitsTraceParameter(
            3, 3, 3);
    renderPreset.RayTracingEnabled = false;
    renderPreset.Sampling =
        new MentalRayRenderSettingsTraitsIntegerRangeParameter(
            -2, -1);
    renderPreset.SamplingContrastColor =
        new MentalRayRenderSettingsTraitsFloatParameter(
            (float)0.1, (float)0.1, (float)0.1, (float)0.1);
    renderPreset.SamplingFilter =
        new MentalRayRenderSettingsTraitsSamplingParameter(
            Filter.Box, 1.0, 1.0);

    renderPreset.ShadowMapsEnabled = false;
    renderPreset.ShadowMode = ShadowMode.Simple;
    renderPreset.ShadowSamplingMultiplier =
    renderPreset.ShadowsEnabled = true;
    renderPreset.TextureSampling = false;
    renderPreset.TileOrder = TileOrder.Hilbert;
    renderPreset.TileSize = 32;

    switch (name.ToUpper()) {
        // Assigns the values to match the Draft render preset
	case "DRAFT":
            renderPreset.Description =
                "The lowest rendering quality which entails no raytracing, " +
                "no texture filtering and force 2-sided is inactive.";
            renderPreset.Name = "Draft";
        case "LOW":
            renderPreset.Description =
                "Rendering quality is improved over Draft. " +
                "Low anti-aliasing and a raytracing depth of 3 " +
                "reflection/refraction are processed.";
            renderPreset.Name = "Low";

            renderPreset.RayTracingEnabled = true;

            renderPreset.Sampling =
                new MentalRayRenderSettingsTraitsIntegerRangeParameter(
                    -1, 0);
            renderPreset.SamplingContrastColor =
                new MentalRayRenderSettingsTraitsFloatParameter(
                    (float)0.1, (float)0.1, (float)0.1, (float)0.1);
            renderPreset.SamplingFilter =
                new MentalRayRenderSettingsTraitsSamplingParameter(
                    Filter.Triangle, 2.0, 2.0);

            renderPreset.ShadowSamplingMultiplier =
        case "MEDIUM":
            renderPreset.BackFacesEnabled = true;
            renderPreset.Description =
                "Rendering quality is improved over Low to include " +
                "texture filtering and force 2-sided is active. " +
                "Moderate anti-aliasing and a raytracing depth of " +
                "5 reflections/refractions are processed.";

            renderPreset.FGRayCount = 200;
            renderPreset.FinalGatheringMode =
            renderPreset.GIPhotonsPerLight = 10000;

            renderPreset.Name = "Medium";
            renderPreset.RayTraceDepth =
                new MentalRayRenderSettingsTraitsTraceParameter(
                    5, 5, 5);
            renderPreset.RayTracingEnabled = true;
            renderPreset.Sampling =
                new MentalRayRenderSettingsTraitsIntegerRangeParameter(
                    0, 1);
            renderPreset.SamplingContrastColor =
                new MentalRayRenderSettingsTraitsFloatParameter(
                    (float)0.05, (float)0.05, (float)0.05, (float)0.05);
            renderPreset.SamplingFilter =
                new MentalRayRenderSettingsTraitsSamplingParameter(
                    Filter.Gauss, 3.0, 3.0);

            renderPreset.ShadowSamplingMultiplier =
            renderPreset.TextureSampling = true;
        case "HIGH":
            renderPreset.BackFacesEnabled = true;
            renderPreset.Description =
                "Rendering quality is improved over Medium. " +
                "High anti-aliasing and a raytracing depth of 7 " +
                "reflections/refractions are processed.";

            renderPreset.FGRayCount = 500;
            renderPreset.FinalGatheringMode =
            renderPreset.GIPhotonsPerLight = 10000;

            renderPreset.Name = "High";
            renderPreset.RayTraceDepth =
                new MentalRayRenderSettingsTraitsTraceParameter(
                    7, 7, 7);
            renderPreset.RayTracingEnabled = true;
            renderPreset.Sampling =
                new MentalRayRenderSettingsTraitsIntegerRangeParameter(
                    0, 2);
            renderPreset.SamplingContrastColor =
                new MentalRayRenderSettingsTraitsFloatParameter(
                    (float)0.05, (float)0.05, (float)0.05, (float)0.05);
            renderPreset.SamplingFilter =
                new MentalRayRenderSettingsTraitsSamplingParameter(
                    Filter.Mitchell, 4.0, 4.0);

            renderPreset.ShadowSamplingMultiplier =
            renderPreset.TextureSampling = true;
        case "PRESENTATION":
            renderPreset.BackFacesEnabled = true;
            renderPreset.Description =
                "Rendering quality is improved over High. " +
                "Very high anti-aliasing and a raytracing depth of 9 " +
                "reflections/refractions are processed.";

            renderPreset.FGRayCount = 1000;
            renderPreset.FinalGatheringMode =
            renderPreset.GIPhotonsPerLight = 10000;

            renderPreset.Name = "Presentation";
            renderPreset.RayTraceDepth =
                new MentalRayRenderSettingsTraitsTraceParameter(
                    9, 9, 9);
            renderPreset.RayTracingEnabled = true;
            renderPreset.Sampling =
                new MentalRayRenderSettingsTraitsIntegerRangeParameter(
                    1, 2);
            renderPreset.SamplingContrastColor =
                new MentalRayRenderSettingsTraitsFloatParameter(
                    (float)0.05, (float)0.05, (float)0.05, (float)0.05);
            renderPreset.SamplingFilter =
                new MentalRayRenderSettingsTraitsSamplingParameter(
                    Filter.Lanczos, 4.0, 4.0);

            renderPreset.ShadowSamplingMultiplier =
            renderPreset.TextureSampling = true;







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